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     All bloopers on this page that are not of my own, will be listed by the authors. If you know of any new ones, please email me.

Current Blooper Count: 53

- In episode 5 they show EVA-0 go out of control. Thats ok, But in the Episode on tape seven when Shinji is Piloting EVA-0 its the same animation from Episode 5 With the exception that tey changed the EVA's color to blue. )from William Von Burgsdorff)

- In episode 24, how does the Eva-01 descend to the Terminal Dogma? With Unit-02 we have a reasonable explanation, due to Kaworu, but what about Shinji? Unit-01 doesn't have any descent boosters that I know of. Adam's clone or not, the laws of physics still apply... (from Rawikarn Pulam)

- In the first episode, when the N2 mine went off, it only knocked over Misato's car. I know it's not nuclear but it is as powerful as a nuke. It should have at LEAST scorched the car from the distance away they were, not to mention kill both of them.

- When the 12th angel attacks (that huge ball above the city) and the EVAs are about to attack it, Shinji goes off in his own. Asuka finally agrees that "unit two will back him up". Then Rei says "Unit two will back him up as well." Rei stuffed up, and should've said Unit 1!!! (from Beggers)

- In Episode 1, just after Shinji has asked Misato about the batteries in her back seat and her reply, you notice that Shinji is carrying the "Welcome to NERV" booklet on his lap. But Misato didn't give him the booklet until later when they were on the train into the Geofront. (from Jervstar)

- In Episode 11 where the power at NERV is down and the angel that looks like a spider is appears, the 3 generals at the defense force are observing the angel and one of the generals calls it angel "number 8", when it is in fact the 9th one. (from Jervstar)

- In episode 12, at the very start where Dr. Katsuragi is placing Misato in the safety plug, he drips blood on her face. But a minute later after the second impact and Misato opens the plug and looks back at the explosion, her father's blood has just disappeared (from Jervstar)

- In the end of Evangelion when Misato finds Shinji on the computer at the top it says "1st Children" Isn't he the 3rd? (from Gokuh354)

- In genesis 0:2 or 0:3 rei is having an activation test and when its over she seems to blow/let out bubbles into the lcl. She can't be breathing as she breathes liquid. Me think rei has some indegestion (Kaan)

- In Ep. 3, when touji and kensuke are in the entry plug, why don't Kensuke's glasses float around in the LCL and why do they act like breathing liquid is nothing unusual? (from Anthon)

- In Episode 3, why does rei have a pair of crutches when she is class, but when she is outside,talking to shinji after he got punched, she RUNS away after telling about the emergency BEFORE the alarm goes of- god rei must be special.(from Anthon)

- Isn't it a little unusual that when the pilots breathe the LCL, they don't make bubbles, yet when Rei is doing that activation test, she sighs and bubbles come out of her mouth? Same with Shinji's first attempt to pilot. You see bubbles. (from The English Ayanami-san)

- If Pen Pen is a "warm water" penguin why does he live in a fridge? (from Bob of Bairnsdale)

- Why, if the angels' blood type is blue, was Unit 01 covered in red blood after ripping apart the black hole 12th angel, leliel. Or is that just ketchup?

- Anyway, when they are activating Unit 3 (Suzahara's) for the first time, they say 'Link to Evangelion Unit 1 established'. Now they should have said Unit 3, right? (from Asuka Souyu)

- Ever notice how explosives go off strangely in EVA? In the first episode, the JDSF helicopters launched those big missiles at the 3rd angle, but the angle caught it with his hands and the missile sort of crunched up before exploding. I don't know if this is some sort of new and strange technology for missiles, but missiles are made to explode just before impact to achieve maximum damage. If it smashed into something, then it would probably get damaged. It might not even go off this way. It happened in Rebirth too. When Asuka woke up and threw that big ship at the JDSF on the ground, the ship sort of smashed into the ground, crumpled there and after a brief pause, exploded. The ship isn't a missile, but isn't that strange? And then later when those 2 missiles hit EVA-02. It smashed into her face, she caught another one and then they both exploded after a while. As far as i can tell, it's their "style." Maybe it just looks cool this way, but it doesn't make sense.

- We see a picture of the lance of longinus, planted in the moon. Wasn't it supposed to be in lunar orbit? Looks like they forgot, but it's unimportant at this point, isn't it? (from Deebop)

- Kaworu is sleeping on his bed, and Shinji is sleeping on the floor, yet they both look *straight across* at each other. (from Specal K)

- In the preview for Episode 9, (dub) Misato calls the episode "Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win." But the screen says "With One Accord in A Flash!" Looks like Misato read the wrong ep title. (from Specal K)

- Kensuke's freckles have a habit of disappearing. I think I noticed this in the scene where he's begging Misato to choose him as the Fourth Child. (from Specal K)

- After Ramiel is destroyed, it sort of slowly falls to the ground. Not only does it fall, but it drifts slightly to one side. Ummm, how did it manage to do this? I mean, there is a DRILL piercing twenty-some layers of armored plating attached to the Angel. So why didn't it fall straight down? (from Specal K)

- When Ramiel attacks... If you watch carefully, you shall notice that the angel is drilling up, so he can't possibly make a hole in the ground... look the drill and you'll see it rolling backwards... (from Hacker Squad)

- In episode 23 when Shinji comes up in to help Unit-00 he has a power cable attached to his eva. Now why would he need it if everyone knows that it has an S2 engine. (from the Ace)

- In episode 19 when Shinji is at the train station and the alarm goes off the train sign reads "EMARGENCY". While inside the H.Q. it reads "emergency" two totally different spellings. (from the Ace)

- In Ambivilence, the episode with the Angel that slices up unit 2 and survives an N2 mine to put Unit 0 out of commission, Shinji is in Tokyo 3 at the Train station when the alarms go off, but when he leaves the emergency shelter after Unit 2's head falls on it he's in the Geo-Front. How did that happen? (from The Buzz)

- Asuka brings up the fact that she has to sleep on the floor but you'll notice some times Shinji has a bed (second episode ect....) (from Linda Boxwell)

- In Genesis 0:12 when Rei dies, the Evangelion takes out most of Tokyo-3. Now when they found the entry plug it was in an unharmed part of Tokyo-3 where there were trees. Wouldn't the entry plug be near where the EVA exploded meaning how did those trees managed to go unscathed.

- I have heard that repition is the key to all education is repetition but every time they are in the classroom the only thing discussed is the second impact! (from NG PHOENIX)

- Ok I noticed when Asuka shows up Shinji's school her FIRST name is signed in English. Isn't that odd since no one would be able to read it and she obviosuly speaks Japanese she should be able to write her name in it.

- I recently watched Genesis 0:11 and saw Asuka talking to her step mother. Now I took German for a total of 5 years (2 of which in Junior High) and I speak better German than that. The accent was terrible and her use of vocabulary was laughable. Please don't tell me she lost her accent or forgot a little German. She was obviosuly living there for a LONG time.

- In the episode where they fight the angel thats a virus when Shinji and Rei switch Evas when hes talking with Asuku on the com it says Eva-01 when he is actually on Eva 00. (from LAU HIN HINGlL)

- In the episode where the eva 03 turns into a angel, when that angel with the paperish hands attacks. Misato comes in and her arm is out of her cast. (from LAU HIN HINGlL)

- In the first episode when Misato is going to pick up Shinji, she is driving on the right side of the car. When she gets out to pick up Shinji she was sitting on the left side and got out of it (From XO Lucifer)

- One of the times Rei visits Shinji in the hospital the door slides open one way but when Rei leaves it slides the other way (From Morio Murase)

- An EVA pilot can only pilot an EVA if their mother was test pilot (EVA-01 Yui, EVA-02 Asuka, EVA-03 Toji's mom, etc...) and the psyche was absorbed *not neccessarily the pilot* How was did Shinji break his original sync ratio in Asuka's EVA with Asuka if they have no relation.

- Isn't just disturbing to anyone else that Asuka is playing 2nd Impression! Any connection there!

- If this statement holds true then wouldn't NERV know immediately thats something is wrong here if Kaoru can pilot Asuka's EVA. I believe Gendo found out after Kaworu showed up but don't let him get near the EVA for jeese sakes! (from the Professor)

- How is it that man kind has developed all these unimaginable weapons and new technology in about 20 years but their best video game system is SEGA SATURN! Now I am not knocking SEGA but with all these miraculous advancements I think something better than N64, Playstation, or Saturn is gonna come out!

- Why is it that the children's hair is never wet after exiting the entry plug with the LCL. (from Karl Feuer)

- The whole series was based on the destruction of the angels. There were seventeen total angels and SOME PEOPLE CONSIDER mankind the eighteenth. Now the angel in episodes numbers 1 and 2 was named Satchiel (The Third Angel). I thought until at least episode 24 almost no one at NERV had no clue about Lillith and didn't even know if Adam was the first angel or the first human being. Shouldn't they have referred to the angel that first attacks Tokyo-3 as the second angel!

- Shinji sees Rei in episode one while he is outside waiting for Katsuragi *Yes I am aware its foreshadowing* That is somewhat impossible since A) Rei is in NERV bandaged up B) Though Rei is part Yui Ikari, if Shinji had a hallucination it would of been of his mother not Rei Ayanami.

- Isn't it just quite odd that the shadow/black hole angel sucked down all of Tokyo-3 but the next episode, it had miraculously reappeared!

- Another question about Tokyo-3. We know its a city/fortress. .. but every building has some sorta EVA accessory on it.... how is it possible for someone to live in that kinda thing. (from Karl Feuer)

- In "Asuka Strikes", episode 8, Asuka and Shinji are being dragged along the ocean floor by an angel and a powercable is attached to a UN battle cruiser which seems to be limitless yet in Tokyo-3 Asuka goes around one building and her power cable has already run out of slack so she has to unplug and open up another of Tokyo-3's power plugs. (from the Professor)

- If you notice, when Shini goes off to fight the fourteenth angel (my pesonal fav.) he enters the EVA with his school clothes on but when he is absorbed all that is left is the flight suit.

- Why the hell does EVA-00 try to kill Shinji. When test pilots it... yes it attempted to kill Rei too but there is no direct connection for Dr. Akagi to want Shinji dead. Gendo betrayed her, not Shinji. We don't even know which soul for certain is in Unit-00. (from Karl Feuer)

- The whole goal of the computer virus angel was to attack through the computer system. Why didn't they just sever the power connections ohysically so that at least one of the MAGI survived.

- Now we know there are nerve connections in the EVA's so the pilots feel pain. How is it that Shinji and Asuka, now remember one of the biggest angels in the series is chomping down EVA-02's torso with razor sharp teeth, are perfectly fine and neither one of them is hurt.

- This one is just a humorous observation, how is it that in "Asuka Strikes" that when Asuka is starting up the EVA she is reading alotta commands in Germany and then Shinji sorta screws it up by not thinking German. I speak German so I didn't need the translation, but it took her a minute to read off the stupid commands in German so all she did was switch to Japanese and said one word "Start!" Now I am not sure if the Japanese version is any different but thats sorta pointless if you have to say one Japanese word to start it. I would even find it quicker to say one Japanese command than five hundred English I don't speak it.

- In Magma Driver, Asuka has to wear a super suit not get melted from the heat of the volcano she was in, but when she was about to plummet to her death Shinji goes partially in the volcano and saves her. No melting of the armor! No pain felt by good 'ol Shinji. Yes he wasn't in it deep at all... Grant you that.. but a volcano will melt metal or whatever the EVA is made up of.

- In episode #19 the EVA went completely bonkers and was out of control. Miracuslously it was back in the cage in episode #20 powerless. How did Gendo pull that one off.

- Speaking of Gendo in "Ambivilence" didn't blood go all over his face when the angel blew off Shinji's arm. But somehow he was clean a few minutes later.

- Reminding me of one more thing, where did those ungodly arms go to.

-  I hate to keep knocking my favorite tape, but how did Shinji get the S2 engine? He sure could have used that in the other battles where he lost power not mention if it was there how come he ran out of power.