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Another voice pipes up, in a language you don't understand, but like nonetheless, because of the birdlike words that just seem to flow through the air. A form drops down, into the shadows - it seems like an animal of some kind.... It walk over to you, & you realize it's a large cat, unlike any you've ever seen before. The cat walks up to you, & sits down about 1-2 feet from you. It seems to be eyeing you, studying, really. All this time, you haven't dared move a muscle out of fear that this large beast might bite, or even kill you.
Another figure drops down from the dense branches above you, soundlessly. This one seems to be the same one that spoke with youon the beach earlier. She walks up to you, her eyes almost glowing in the shadows. You can tell she thrives at night, simply by how she holds herself, how she walks without sound. She stands beside the cat, & looks down, eyes flashing for just an instant. Surprisingly, the cat gets up, circles you, smelling for anything out of the ordinary, & walks off, leaving you two alone.
The eyes from before still seem to watch. "Welcome to WaveBreak Holt. Feel free to explore our domain," she says, still rather icy.