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On an unknown shore......

You wake up, lying face down on coarse sand, stand up, and look at your surroundings. Eyes, shining eyes, like those of an animal stare at you, through you. Voices in the darkness seem to whisper, "We know you are tired. We know you need rest. You don't know who we are. Our eyes, that seem to pierce the night frighten, yet intrigue you. We know you did not intend to land on our beach, Human, yet you have. You have invaded out territory."
You now see the eyes you had seen earlier come closer. "Why have you come?" a female voice asks, deadly cold. "Who are you?"
"J-Just a lost traveler..."you stammer, as a shadow appears in front of you. The moons shine on a bright dagger, ready to slash your throat. Despite all of this, you seem puzzled at how this figure seems to command so much that surrounds her, why she frightens you. 'She is the size of a mere child,' you tell yourself, 'How can you be scared of a child?'
"The fact that I am the size of a human child matters not, Human," she says in a tone that pierces your thoughts. Then you realize she knew what you were thinking; that chills you to the bones.
Another figure appears out of the shadows and places a four-fingered hand on the first one's shoulder. This one says something to the female in a language that you don't understand, but like. It's almost...bird-like. Their eyes flash suddenly, and you have double sight for a split second.
"Alright, Human, you have our permission to walk around out territory," the female says. And with that, they dissappear. "Welcome to WaveBreak Holt."


people have gotten lost on our beach......