EVA: ARMAGEDDON Character Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: |Andrei Rossinski Age: |36 Height: |6'4" Weight: |170 Eyes: |brown Hair: |brown Birthdate: |???? Occupation: |biggest store owner in Japan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bio(public): Imigrated from a foreign country. Started quick and prograssive buisness. Owns most of the stores in Japan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bio(hidden): Old KGB agent. Imigrated from Russia when KGB fell apart. A fary good hand fighter and wrestler. Killed his own sister on a KGB mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personality: Never trusts anyone. Very rich but doesn't like to talk about nor admit it. Likes to work out everyday and train for no reason. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skills:running-13 fist fighting-17 diplomacy-20 computer usage-5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equipment: Suit case gun pen digital watch with GCM bullet proof west x-ray glasses