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Ask Rinne!

Ever have a question about YST/Ronin Warriors and didn't know who to ask? Well, friend, here's your answer! Why not ask someone who probably knows and if not will give you a smart-assed response telling you how useless you are for asking? Ask Rinne! Just fill out this easy form and send away!
P.S. make sure you put your e-mail in the form of okay?

What is your name?
What is your email address?
What is your question?

Here's some of the questions:
1. "Why is Ryo the leader? Kento is handsomer" --Gretchen

Okay first off, "handsomer" isn't a word.
And second: I don't know. I personally
agree with you, Kento is cuter, but
as to his leadership skills? He has
none. Kento would rather rush into a fight
than think things out. Another possible reason?
Ryo's the only one who can sport
that nifty white armor.

2. "Does Shuu like Spam?" --Bob Weadababyeetsaboi

O.o; I'm sure he does. He'd eat
rocks if they were wrapped up nice
and smelled like pizza. But what's that
say for his intelligence, the liking of
Spam? =/ Not much, I say.

3. Did anyone call Cye Psyduck? --Jessie

O.o; Beyond you? No. Not quiet sure
why anyone would anyway. He says more
than his name, and doesn't freak out
with a headache.

4. Do you know of any shrines dedicated to Kento? --Chi

As far as web based shrines there
are several, and you can find an
easy listing here. Physical, real-world shrines?
Only in Mollie's closet. =/

5. How does the ancient's poem go? -- Seii

It goes as such:
"Torch of Spirit sought through five;
Drinking strength from Immortal fire;
Darkest Prison sheds the light;
Churns beaneath a swirl of salt;
Burning within a throne of rock;
Floating among the eyes of the ages;
Unmoored in the stream of the sky."
This is the english version.
There's also the Japanese version which I'll
slap up later.

Keep those questions comin' folks!
