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(Don'T worry all the transformation pics will be done by next week,This procees is part of rebuilding)

All transformations last for 10 rounds, 5 turns, if u go SSJ 4 or above u get 5 rounds extra. For those characters with multiple (U can dodge while they get the free attacks,from transformaing)transformations each transformation must be can only be made after a single round has been played. For example: while fighting Goku, Vegeta powers up to ssj1, after the first round, he powers up to ssj2, You CANT go SSJ 1,2,3,4,5 All in 1 turn it takes 1 turn to Transform in each state. then after the 2nd round he powers up to ssj2 then after the 3rd round he powers up to ssj3. Now at the end of 7th round he must revert to his normal form if the fight lasts that long. This is because although the character may have multiple forms he has the option to divide the 7 rounds among the total number of transformations accessible,Ex.THE PLAYER GETS 1 ATTACK FREE BY CHARGING INTO SSJ 1, SSJ 2 u get 2 free attacks and etc. Fusion with someone takes 1 round also(ONE MORE THING , When you are beaten up pretty badly you can't go and transform again, Because it takes KI to transform and I dont want to put up that you need to use a certain amount of KI to transform, because i trust my members.


The saiyan-jins were a primitive warrior race, which lived as bandits on the Planet Plant with their hated rivals, the Tsufuru-jin. When the planet had its first full moon after many years, the saiyan-jins were transformed to Oozaru forms and took over the planet. They renamed Planet Plant, Vegeta, and adopted the Tsufuru-jins� technology as their own. All saiyan-jins (even those not of pure blood) possess the ability to go Oozaru and Super Saiyan-Jin.

Oozaru Form

This transformation is only done by Saiyan-jins (every saiyan-jin has a tail unless removed by a character with either the Tapion Sword or the Zed Sword). This form can only be reached via performing the Simulated Moon Blast move or the moonlight in a jar and does not require the character to be at a particular power level. This form is extremely slow therefore the opponent has 4 dodges.Oozaura Form adds half of each of your stats. Can go once every 2 weeks..unless u have Moonlight in a jar.Also when you go back to regular form you dont cant go turn SSJ,SSJ2,USSJ, etc.

SSJ Level 1

This is done at 5,000,000 Pl and it adds 1 mill to PL and 1,000 to all stats.


This is done at 8,000,000 pl and it adds 1.5 mill to PL and 1,500 all stats(For Brolly this transformation is done at 5,000,000 PL)

SSJ Level 2

This is done at 12,000,000 and it 3 mill to PL and 2,500 to all stats.

SSJ Level 3

This is done at 19,000,000 and it adds 4 mill to PL and 4,000 all stats.

SSJ Level 4

This is done at 30,000,000 and it adds 3 mil to PL and 7,000 to all stats. (FOR THIS FORM ANY REMOVED TAIL GROWS BACK)

Perfect SSJ Level 4

This is done at 40,000,000 and it times stats by .33 of all stats.(Ex. 22,123 x .33 =7,300. You Take 7,300 and add it to 22,123 = 29,423)Ignore Decimals.

SSJ Level 5

This is done at the PL of 70,000,000 and it times .7 to all stats

Golden Oozaru (pic) This can be done anytime after ssjl4 is reached and it 1/2 all stats. (THIS FORM ONLY LASTS FOR 2 ROUNDS BECAUSE IT IS VERY ENERGY DRAINING AS IT USES 1/8 OF TOTAL KI)


The changelings are a race of beings with the ability to drastically alter or mutate their own forms so that they can conserve energy. Changelings generally opt to remain in their weakest mutated state rather than their true forms, except when in battle. Those changelings best known are Freiza and his brother Coola.


2nd form

this is done at 1,000,000pl and it adds 2,000,000 to PL and 2,000 to all stats.

3rd form

this is done at 15,000,000pl and it adds 1,200,000 to PL and 1,200 to all stats.

>Final form

this is done at 20,000,000pl and it 2,500,000 to PL and 3,000 to all stats.


2nd Form

this is done at 8,000,000pl and adds 3 mill to PL and 3,000 to stats.

Final Form

This is done at the PL of 15,000,000 by this you add 4 mill to PL and 4,000 to stats


Jr. monster form

this is done at 5,000,000pl and it adds 600,000 to PL and 1,000 to all stats.

Monster form

this is done at 13,000,000pl and it 1,000,000 to PL and 2,000 to all stats.


The nameks are a race of beings best known as the creator of the Dragonballs

Super Namek

this form is done at 7,000,000pl and it 2,000,000 to PL and 2,000 to all stats.


Janemba belongs to a demon race and despite his seemingly innocent appearance of his original form; he is a very sinister being

Final Form

This is done at the PL of 15,000,000 by this you add 5 mill to PL and 4,000 to all stats


Zarbon is a being of unknown origins however what is known about him is that he is a loyal subject of Freiza. Zarbon has the ability to transform into a monstrous, more powerful version of him, but he only does this when faced with a formidable opponent, as he is a very skilled fighter in his natural form.

Monster form

this is done at 5,000,000pl and 800,000 to PL and 2,000 to all stats.


Dr. Gero created these guys programmed with the main objective of eradicating Goku. In Mirai Trunks time, Androids 17 and 18 wiped out the entire Z-gang, except for Gohan (who became his teacher), and most of earth�s population. Cell then kills Mirai Trunks in the future and enters the past to eliminate Goku and fulfil the programme that Dr.Gero/ Android 20 gave him. Dr.Gero also created #13, #14 and #15 but they were major failures.


A very strong android created by Dr.Gero to assassinate Goku. Absorbs #14 and #15, when they were destroyed by the Z-gang, to form Super 13.

Super 13

this is done at 13,000,000pl and it 3 mill to PL and 3,000 to all stats.


Originally #17 was a normal human being, but when Dr.Gero minions abducted his sister and him, he was converted to a cyborg and all memories of previous life were removed from both him and his sister. Somehow, during his programming his systems came online and, filled with hate of Dr.Gero for what was done to him, he killed Dr.Gero. Although his programming was not fully completed, he received the one instruction that drives him and his sister, the assassination of Goku. #17 was originally intended to be even more powerful than Cell but all that the components that would allow this were not installed in him due to his incomplete programming so, with the help of Dr.Muu in Hell, he created Hell 17 who when fused with #17 would form Super 17, the most powerful of all the Androids.

Super 17

this is done at 28,000,000pl and it adds 11 mill to PL and 9,000 to all stats.


Cell is the only Changeling android that was created by Dr.Gero. It was given that name because the cells of Freiza, Goku and other warriors that possessed great strength. Cell has the ability to absorb a being, through the tubular appendage attached to his back, and assimilated that being�s cells into his own DNA. As a result when he absorbs someone he receives their powers, moves and their strength is added to his own. He needs to absorb #17 and #18 to achieve his perfect form.

Imperfect Cell

this is done at 4,000,000pl and it 4,500,000 to PL and 3,500 to all stats.

Perfect Cell

this is done at 9,000,000pl and it 3.5 mill to PL and 3,000 to all stats.


Buu is a demon that was created 300 years ago by the dark mage Babi-di to do his dirty work for him. Buu is a very powerful, psychotic and an almost indestructible villain, who kills without reason. Buu is capable of absorbing his enemies and their powers as well. He absorbs his enemies in two ways. The first way is transforming the target into a palatable item (such as chocolate - Buu's favourite) by his "antenna." The second method is by wrapping the target using a part of him as a blanket and pulling the victim into his body. Every time he absorbs an enemy, his appearance will also mutate, resembling the look of that enemy. Buu first showed himself as fat and goofy-looking. The reason why Buu looks fat and goofy is because he had previously engulfed a kaioshin with such figure.

Super Buu

this is done at 3,000,000pl and it 2 mill to PL and 5,000 to all stats.

Go Buu

this is done at 9,000,000pl and it 5 mill to PL and 6,000 to all stats.

Ultra Buu

this is done at 15,000,000pl and it 2 mill to PL and 7,000 to all stats.

True Buu

this is done at 25,000,000pl and it 7 mill to PL and 9,000 to all stats.

Bebi Vegeta

2nd form (Super Bebi)

this is done at 15,000,000pl and it adds 1,000,000 to PL and 4,500 to all stats.

Finalform (Perfect Bebi)

this is done at 25,000,000pl and it 7 mil to PL and 8,000 to all stats.

Golden Oozaru form (Oozaru Bebi)

this is done at 35,000,000pl and it times .5 of all stats.


this is an unknown race, their a bandit race, Space pirates.

Finalform (Ultra Bojack)

this is done at 10,000,000pl and it 5 mil to PL and 6,000 to all stats.


Gokua belongs to same unknown race as Bojack does.

Super(Super Gokua)

this is done at 7,000,000pl and it 5 mil to PL and 6,000 to all stats.


a baisc creature

Ultra Humans

this is done at 2,000,000pl and it 3 mil to PL and 4,000 to all stats.

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