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Welcome to the rules page. Here I have listed all the rules of the game. If there are some rules that confuse you then you can e-mail me and I will answer them for you. Enjoy!

After reviewing all the information here, on the fighting link and all other areas,You can just e=mail me your selected characters and i'll get back to you with your characters stats and moves as soon as possible

Login After you pick
After I confirm your character and give you moves I will give you the login and password for the pass protection, this helps people who haven't join away from the chat room. When you have access to the planets page click on one of the Planet links and then your on your way to train,fight, find Dballs and become friends with the other characters.

Learning moves
Everyone starts off with a set number of moves depending on your character. Everyone can learn 11 moves. You have to learn moves in the slots you don't have open, you can't just claim them. say if you start off with 5 moves, you have to have someone teach you the remaining 6. Basic Physical attacks and ki blast DO NOT count toward your total, everyone has these moves. Only King Kai,Kami,Poupo,Kourin,Dark Shole,Guru,Porunga,Shen Long,Torgon and Sharoth can teach moves without my permission. Otherwise, anybody can teach somebody a move, but must talk to me first.If you wish to delete moves eternals are able to do that

There are items in this rpg. These items help you train and add attributes to your stats when used. And some are just used for different things. All available items will be Listed on the items page, along with there price. Some items can be earned and given by King Kai, Kourin,Poupo, Porunga, Shen Long, Guru,Magento and if they deem you worthy.

Money(Look At Money Page)

Their are 9 eternals on this rpg. They are King Kai, Kourin, Guru, Kami, Dark Soul and the three dragons, ShenLong, Porunga . They all have total and complete control over many things(except me, lol) They are the move teachers. They can teach any move, but won't necessary grant it unless they deem you worthy. Also, they all can conduct training and the training will be conducted where they say. Also, they can give out money, items, and Stat boosters. Give them total and complete respect. Also, they can kill you if you do something against them, and they have the ability to give you stat reductions. Kami, Guru, Kourin, King Kai, Porunga,Magento and Shenlong are good Immortals.Dark Soul is the evil one,but there are more.

Ok, here's the rules for dying. If you die, you can only train at King Kai's if you are good or Dark Heavens if you are Evil. If your caught anywhere else, you will get a stat reduction. When training on Kai's and Dark Heavens, you get the same amount of stats for your current pl while training. The exception to this is if King Kai or bubbles trains you himself. Then it may be doubled, tripled, or maybe even quadrupled. That's about it and you can come back after a week or if your wished back. Things that will result in stat reductions

Things that will result in stat reductions
Ok, a few things that give me a hard time and that are against the rules will be listed here. One thing that is hard on me is the enormous amount of email I recieve. From now on, Email me one email for the whole day when you are done training. I don't want 10 emails from you over the period of a few hours, 1 email for your whole day of training, you have 2 email me after every training, or you can e-mail me after every 2 or 3 days but thats it, if you dont send me your stats for like 6 weeks a stat reduction will be required. Another thing is posting mulitple messages on the message board. Do not do this, it is very frustrating to go in and delete the threads. Also, about being dead. Do not whisper to people on other planets talking crap. Also, do not , under any circumstances be found at another planet even if it's an accident. Some of you like to open up mulitple screens and watch and accidently type something on another planet. Even this will result in stat reductions if you are dead. Also, as in fighting. From now on, you must have a referee that is oked by me before you fight, to the death or for money. This is so people don't go on killing spree's or money spree's. Also, when training, you have to say at last something once every 3 or 4 minutes. And you CANNOT leave your computer on all day when you are gone and call that training. You have to be at your computer, talking. That will result in a huge stat reduction. That is all I can think of for now.