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ok This is how you join you just e-mail me at, don't worry it been updated,email me with your selected character Must Haves To Able To Join First you have to have mathematical skill( For adding,subtracting stats and battle stats ) Staying in character ( Do not pick a character unless you feel comfortable with the character) Understand the rules compeletly but their are some rules that are tough so if you have questions about those just e-mail me but them chat room knowledge that includes fighting, training and going with the RPG Guys this is what you have to answer on your e-mails when you want to join: What character I want to be How long am I available on the RPG, you can't be gone for an extended time period unless going to vacation, talk to me about that, and also their will be stat boosts if you get other people to join who know how to play in a RPG like friends or other people. And Do I want to be a evil or a good character And last thing, e-mail me your stats after every training of each day, its okay to miss a day but after e-mail me how long you've trained tell me tour new stats ,you can find how much to increase your stats when you train in the powerlevels page.