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Rules For ATTACKS ( NEW )Ok , new rules for learning an attack, when teaching people new moves

ATTENTION:Each character is limited to 11 attacks!!! Also anything above 780 AD cant be used more then twice unless stated, For Charging Attacks ex Spirit Bomb u can dodge the attacks when charging up.

ATTENTION: From now on if you want to see a future move in the attacks page, the Saga guys will have it first, then after its over we will post it up on the attacks page

Kamehameha AD(800)KI(400)(used every 3 rounds)

Spirit Bomb AD(6,000)KI(600)(Only eternals can teach you this move) This move is so draining can be used every 20 rounds(This moves get stronger when people donate their full KI, for each person donating full KI the AD add Full KI (KI=AD), Uses the Ki as AD each,but for each person who donates their KI you lose a turn and the guy who donates it is defenseless for 2 rounds, regular charge of Spirit Bomb Take 1 Round. CANNOT BE DODGED unless stated, In Fusion BOTH must BE Pure Hearted,Meaning one CANT be good and the other Evil or Neutral.)

Mesenko AD(480)KI(180)

Galic Gun AD(800)KI(400)(used every 3 rounds)

Energy Blast AD(250)KI(100)

Destructo Disk AD(600)KI(500)

Dynammic Duul Disk AD(900)KI(600)(Used every 2 rounds)

Multiplicity Disk AD(1,200)KI(800)(Used every 8 rounds) This move starts out with 1 Destructo Disk and spilts itself into a 2 dozen destructo Disk

Proton Cannon AD(420)KI(200)

Liquid Death AD(880)KI(350)(used every 6 rounds) Only used by Buu's

Death Ball AD(920)KI(580)This move is so draining that you can only use it every 8 rounds

Breath Beam Return AD(none, it sends the attack back to the person (below base ad 650),used every 7 rounds)KI(650)(not able to use on Physical attack

Final Flash AD(780)KI(400)

Dragon Fist AD(1,900)KI(1,000) This move is so draining it can be only used every 18 rounds(This move can only be thought by eternal)

Techno Wave AD(500)KI(300) This move hit's every one in the room

Fininshing Buster AD(650)KI(200)

Sabre Slash AD(850)KI(390) This move can be only used with a sword and used every 5 rounds

Inferno Disk AD(420)KI(200)

Inferno Blast AD(500)KI(400)

Demon Blast AD(320)KI(120)

Geniocide Attack AD(400)KI(200)

Chou KamehamehaAD(600)KI(300)

Chou Spirit Bomb AD (900)KI(500)(Used every 10 rounds)

Nova Bomb AD(1,000)KI(600)Move is so draining used every 20 rounds. Used for only for Evil

Kao Ken x1-5 AD(400)KI(600)x5-9 AD(600)KI(700)x9-15 AD(800)KI(900)x15-20 AD(1,200)KI(1,000) you can also combine your attack with the Kao Ken attack(you can only use this once and fight and lasts up to 6 rounds)(This move can only be thaught by an eternal)

Huduken AD(400)KI(300)

Shiyoken AD(none,each multiple adds 200,000 to your pl, and add's 200 to your AD plus. Maximum of x20 or 4,000,000 and 2,000AD+. Can only start x1 at 100,000 natural power level. The rest of the multiples can be done every 100,000 to your natural power level. ex. at 1,000,000, kaoken x10, 1,100,000, kaokenx11, etc. This power-up only last for 1 turn and can be used once a fight, because of strain put on the body.)KI(50 for each multiple)(Only thaught by a eteranl)

Rezenko Big Bang Attack AD(580)KI(290)

Rezenko AD(320)KI(150)

Instant Transmission(I.T) AD(None) KI(450)( used once a fight since this move is so fast, the oppenemt loses a turn , this move can Dodge ATTACKS WHICH STATE CAN'T BE DODGED)

Time Freeze AD(none freezes oppenet for 3 rounds)Ki(1,000)used only by people with no transformation(Only thought by eternal,used once a fight)

Mind Freeze AD(none freezes oppenent for 5 rounds)Ki(1,000)only used by people with no transformation(Only thought by eternal,used once a fight)

Big Bang Kamehameha AD(780)Ki(450)

Wisdom Stromonic Bomb AD(500)KI(400)

Renzokou Destructo Disk=AD(650)KI(450)

Titanuim Disk AD(550)Ki(320)

SSJ Rage Bomb AD(2,000)Ki(1,000) only used by Sayjins but has to be an Super Sayjin form to do this attack(This attack can only be wished upon)(used once a fight)

Mega Nova Blast AD (800)KI(500)

Ultimate Nove Blast AD(1,000)KI(500)(used every 18 rounds)

Destructo Blast AD(800)KI(500)

Super Energy Wave AD(1,000)KI(800)hit everybody around or you acn power this whole attack on 1 oppenent

Solarflare AD(none,it blinds the opponent for 2 rounds, used every 7 rounds) KI(500)

Aura of Darkness AD(used as a defensive move,when your oppenent attacks you can use this causing your oppenent to lose sight and his attack will miss and can be directed to any other charater in the room,you choose who gets hit by the attack or you can just let go and hit no one, and the attack can't be dodged)KI(600)

Reformation AD(for buu and cell, no AD, regenerates 1/4 damage taken so far)KI(500)Used once a fight

Super Ki Orb AD(380)KI(250)

Pandamonium Attack AD(none, stuns for two rounds. Use once every 4 rounds , limit 2 a fight)KI(500)(Dodged by moves like Teleport or Ki Barrier)

Death Scythe AD(AD150, also stuns for one round. Can use only 3 times a fight, once every 10 rounds, or 1 turn)KI(400)

Magma Wave AD(395, note, it attacks everyone in the room)KI(400)

Assimilate AD(none, android absorbs living creatures life force, absorbing 1/5 of their hp and adding it to there own, and add's 1/5 of victims ad+ and pl to there own for 5 rounds(victim doesn't loose there ad+ and pl though. Can only do once a fight)KI(400)

Healing Beam AD(none, restores 3/4 of hp taken away, only do once a turn, 3 times a fight)KI(320)

Duel Form AD(none, makes duplicate of yourself, double attack damage for 4 rounds. Can do once a turn, limit 3 a fight.)KI(300)

Berserker Kamehameha AD(340)KI(320)

Disrupter Field AD(360)KI(220)

Turlus Topple AD(280)KI(235)

TripleK Attack (Kinetic Ki Killer)=AD(400)KI(400)(This attack is so draining, it can only be used once every 2 turns, or 20 rounds.)

Inferno Slash AD(300)KI(270)

Hell's Flash=AD(290)KI(220)

S.S. Dead Bomb=AD(350)(300)Android

Simulated Moon Blast=AD(none, changes saiyans into Oazaru form(The one who Threw it) until similated moon blast is destroyed(by taking 10,000 hit points worth of damage) or fades out. It fades out in 8 rounds. Can only be used once.)KI(50) (you cant be tought this move, only eternal can teach it)

Tri-form=AD(none, it makes two more copies of yourself. Your total powerlevel is divided up among forms. Instead of one attack, you have 3(so basically you just triple your total ad). Can only do once a battle and it last for 2 rounds)KI(200

Special Beam Cannon AD(700)KI(400)

Fusion = none ad can fuse with your same species only, Lasts for 5 rounds

Triple Tri Beam AD(800)KI(600)

Dark Heavens Rage Of Fire AD(1,000)KI(900) used for evil

Disintegration=AD(1/2 remaining hit points of target) MANA(1,000) Defended with: Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Death Wave=AD(700, hits room) MANA(650) Defended with: Dodge, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Ultra Missle Punch=AD(90)KI/ENERGY(55) Defended with: Dodge, Block, Parry, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Energy Gun=AD(175) ENERGY(125) Chargeable,

Kakuson Kikou Ha(Enormous Blast)=AD(360)KI(310) Chargeable, Defended with: Dodge, Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier Energy Shield, Barrier

Kakuson Yuudou Kikou Ha(Encircling blast)=AD(300)KI(280) Chargeable, Defended with: Dodge, Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier Energy Shield, Barrier

Heat Seeking Ki Blast=AD(150, maximum usage of twice a turn)KI(120)Chargeable, Defended with: Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier Energy Shield, Barrier

Finger Blast=AD(120)KI/ENERGY(80)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier Energy Shield, Barrier

Rapid Finger Blast=AD(220)KI/ENERGY(170)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Barrier, Energy Shield

Kikouhou(triangle blast)=AD(245)KI(200) Chargeable, Defended with: Dodge, Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier Energy Shield, Barrier

Honoo(mouth fire blast)=AD(320)KI(280) Defended with: Dodge, Block, Counter, Teleport, Ki Barrier Energy Shield, Barrier

Ki Bomb=AD(320)KI(270) Chargeable Defended with: Block, Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Energy Bomb=AD(360) ENERGY(290) Chargable Defended with: Block, Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Ki wave=AD(140)KI(80) Weak Attack Defended with: Block, Dodge, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Shooting Star Attack=AD(230)KI(190)Defended with: Block, Dodge, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Teleport, Barrier

Spirit Ball=AD(170, maximum usage of twice a turn)KI(145) Chargeable Defended with: Block, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Teleport, Barrier

Comet Blast=AD(250)KI(225)Weak Attack Defended with: Block, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Teleport, Barrier

Dodonpa=AD(240)KI(200) Weak Attack, Defended with: Block, Dodge, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Teleport, barrier

Electric Blast=AD(150)KI/ENERGY(80)Chargeable Defended with: Block, Dodge, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield,Barrier, Teleport

Purple Spiral Flash Attack=AD(175, must be done together by Burter and Jeice, you ad both their AD's in and total it for the damage)KI(100) Defended with: Block,Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Counter, Barrier

Purple Comet Attack=AD(180)KI(100)

Imprisonment Ball=AD(1,000)KI(560)(note: used only once a turn,by this attack you get an extra turn)

Dynamite Kick=AD(90)KI(30)

Namekian Shine(AD none, makes oppenent lose 2 turns,only for nameks)KI(600)

Daichiretsuzan(invisable cutting beam, maximum usage of once a turn)=AD(240)KI(190) Defended with: Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Counter, Barrier

Keep Your Eye On The Birdie=AD(195)KI(130)

Kukusandan(merging beam)=AD(280)KI(250)

Super Ghost Kamikazee=AD(640, hits everyone in the room that you target, can be used once a turn)KI(310) Defended with: Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Hasshuken=AD(none, move arms fast enough to form eight temporarily. You can do throw eight punchs or 8 ki blast in one attack round. Last 1 rounds and can only be done Once a turn NOTE: is not x8 ad+, only ad base of attacks(10 rounds)KI(60base, amount of other attacks)Defended with: As atack used

Sword Blast=AD(250, need sword to do.)KI(200) Defended with: Block, Dodge, Counter, Barrier, Energy Shield, Ki Barrier, Teleport

Super Combo=AD(170)KI/ENERGY(35)Defended with: Block,Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier, Parry

Neutron Beam=AD(310)ENERGY(295)Chargable Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Ultimate Destructor=AD(340)KI(330)

Merton Errupter=AD(480)KI(370)(This attack is so draining that it can only be used once every turn(30 rounds) Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Plasma Charger=AD(230)ENERGY(200)

Vulcan Ki Blast=AD(270)KI(230)

Vulcan Cannon=AD(300) ENERGY(240) Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Inferno Blazer=AD(300)KI(270)


Rolling Thunder Punch=AD(645) KI(600)

Super Split Orb=AD(375)KI(300)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Omega Beam=AD(300)KI(260)


Delta Devestator=AD(290)KI(260)

Nuclear Nova=AD(315)KI(280)

Alpha Annihilator=AD(290)KI(250)


Zen Blaster=AD(275)KI(235)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Splice Wave=AD(400, gotta have sword)KI(350)

Thunder Flash=AD(350)KI(300)

Maguru Kamehameha=AD(340)KI(310)

Berserker Kamehameha=AD(410)KI(350)

Edge Crusher=AD(265)KI(230)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Energy Ball=AD(190)KI/ENERGY(175)

Controlled Ki Orb=AD(430)KI(200)

Force Barrier=AD(220)KI(190)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Soul Reaver= AD(460)KI(480)(Can only be done once a turn)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Ion Cannon= AD(280)KI(250)

Burter Beam= AD(140)KI(100)

Blazing Star= AD(250)KI(220)

Akuramatoria= AD(300)KI(250)

Omni Slash= AD(gotta have sword, AD(410)KI(355)(used once a turn)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Parry, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Climhazzard=AD(gotta have sword,AD(300) KI(210)

Beat Rush=AD(100) KI(45) Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Parry, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Meteodrive=AD(200) KI(120)

Final Heaven=AD(750) KI(480)

Final Burst=AD(460, Dragoon Dart only) KI(400) Chargeable, Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Super Ki Orb= AD(180)KI(150)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Nebula Nuke= AD(340)KI(300)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Staff blast= AD(have to have a powerstaff,or powerpole)(AD(600)KI(240)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Flame Gyser=AD(350) KI(300) Chargeable Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, KI barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Gaia Galvanizer= AD(535)KI(300)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Ice Wraith= AD(200)KI(120)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Shadow Flare= AD(460)KI(200)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Holy Avenger= AD(730)KI(430)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Dragon Punch= AD(280)KI(275)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Parry, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Split Special Beam Cannon= AD(470)KI(445)Chargeable, Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Destructo Sphere= AD(685, hits room)KI(260)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Raging Demon= AD(580)KI(200)Defended with: Dodge, Block, Teleport, Counter, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Ki Shield=AD(none, blocks attacks of less than a base ad of 250. Once every 5 rounds, limit 5 a fight.)KI(200)

Dimishing Fader=AD(none, blocks any attack upon putting out enough ki for base AD. Ex, block a Kamehameha if you put out 375(attacks base AD)Can do once a turn, limit 3 a fight.)KI(amount of base AD of attack)

Phasing=AD(none, blocks any attack upon putting out enough energy for base AD. Ex.blocks a kamehameha if you put out 375 AD. Can do once a turn, limit 3 a fight.) ENERGY(amount of base AD of attack)

Shockwave=AD(1/2 added to attack fired. It sends back attack fired at user with extra punch. Can only be used once a turn,or every 15 rounds, and limit 3 a fight. Cannot affect attacks over 325 base damage.)KI/ENERGY(400)

Energy Shield= AD(none, forms shield of energy around user, similar to ki barrier. Use once a turn or 15 rounds, limit 3 a fight)ENERGY(275)

Godspeed= AD(none, speeds up user giving him 1 extra attack on next turn) KI(650)

Power Charge=AD(double ad of any attack after charge for 4 rounds. Use once a turn, limit 3 a fight, this used alot fo energy so for 2 rounds afterwards AD is at 1/2)KI(280)

Energy Focus=AD(double ad of any attack after charge for 4 rounds. Use once a turn, limit 3 a fight, this used alot fo energy so for 2 rounds afterwards AD is at 1/2)ENERGY(280)

Iron Fist=AD(adds 50 to your basic punches ad.)KI(170)(effects last for 5 rounds, works for punches and thats it.)

Cyclone Wave=AD(none, is surrounds victim in cyclone for 1 rounds, giving attacker a free hit,can be done once a turn)KI(200) Defended with: Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Dark Shroud= AD(none, blinds in darkness for 1 round. Can use 4 times a fight, once every 10 rounds or 1 turn)KI(350) Defended with: Dodge, Teleport, Counter(flaring of energy to dispell darkness, does no damage)

Finger Discharge=AD(None,It creases your speed so much that you can dodge 6 of your oppenents attack you only get this attack is when your on the planet Yardrat and a fellow Yardraty comes and if you serve him well he will teach you this technique(KI 4,000)

Energy Absorbtion=AD(none, only androids can do this. It absorbs a fired blast at them, resulting in no damage and a hit point boost of the attack damage of the attack(without attack damage plus) ex. oppenent fires a 500 ad kamehameha, you get 375 for your hitpoint bonus, counts as a def.move) It can only be done once every turn(10 rounds))KI(50)

Portal Attack=AD(Damage of the attack using, can only throw a punch, kick, ki blast, or ki attack under 150base ad throught it. You call the name of the attack after you do your portal. counts as an attack)KI(300) Defended with: Block, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Parry, Counter

Self-Repair-AD(none, you heal 1/2 the hp you lost so far in the battle. Can only be done twice a fight, counts as a def.move)KI(300)

Mystic Attack=AD(500)KI(0) Defended with: Block, Dodge, Parry, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Teleport

Gut Wrap=AD(none, Buu pulls a chunk of his stomach off and wraps others up in it, giving him 1 free attack, maximum of once a turn, counts as a misc.move) KI(350) Defended with: Dodge, Teleport, Ki Barrier, Energy Shield, Barrier

Corruption=AD(none, this is used by sorcerers to corrupt someone to their control and make them a Majinn, they must have evil in their hearts. It lasts until the person dies and increases all their stats by 5% for the duration. This is for storyline usage and they must agree to the change.) KI(5,000)

Lighting Bolt=AD(600)KI(350)

Disintegration=AD(1/2 remaining hit points of target) KI(1,000) Defended

Death Wave=AD(700, hits room) KI(650)

Ki Barrier= protects you from attack used once every 4 rounds (Ki=150)

Teleport=this is a defensive move its used every 5 rounds ( Ki 220 )

Genki Dama AD(700)KI(500)

Kienzan AD(400) KI(300)

Fusenko AD(400)KI(200)

Bakuhatsuha AD(500)KI (300)

Makankasappou AD(800)KI(500)

Akumaitokosen AD(15,000)KI(20,000)Once it hits the victim it causes their body to explode. Only used by evil Heart .(you can't block this attack unless stated,not even ki barrier or teleport because the cause of this blast is phenominally large,When given KI by characters, your characters that gave you the KI are defensless for 2 rounds,so that mean you can Kill them easily, (Takes 2 Rounds to Charge,in those 2 rounds if someone attacks you, you can dodge them.)The Person who fires the blast is then defenseless for 2 rounds for OTHER people. But the guy who is fightning him can't attack him, but the people that are fighning continue there match.

Kanza AD(600)KI(300)

Song of Petrification=AD(None)KI(300)immboloizes the oppenent for one turn(Only Tapion knows this move)

Miracle Beam=AD(520)KI(200)

Magical Light=AD(with this attack you dont have to lose a turn for going into transformation)KI(2,000)Also u can stay in transformed double the amount

Portal Barrier= AD(If Someone Attacks you, you can re-send the attack back to him, but the AD of the Attack must be below 600. Also you can use it to escape enemy, You run into the Portal and Leave witouth any concern)KI(600)


(These new attacks have high KI)

Body Change=AD(none)KI(20,000)Yeah, this move takes alot out of you but in this attack you switch stats with the oppenent your fighting, Now you have your oppenents attack uncluding moves to, but you dont have your old moves.(if that makes sense)

Force Of Fist=AD(750)KI(7,000)

Tempestry Of Death=AD(1,200)KI(25,000)This attack surrounds the oppenent with unbelivable gravity force, therefor inploding the victim,Dodged by:Teleport,I.T,Disentagration)

Nujanta=AD(990) KI(11,000)

Henkabeam=AD(none,only for Buus, transforms people to candy or other substances)Ki(900) This move can be dodged by, teleport,ki barrier,I.T,force Barrier. but cant be dodged by your 3 dodges)this move gives buu 2 free attacks

Tempest Seeking Ki Blast= AD(500, Can fire this blast from anywhere and can hit anyone u desire on any other planet ex, u can fire this from earth and it can hit someone on DarkCloud, good way for ambushing people)Used at least it hit 3x some person)(KI 1,000)

Ground Shaker=AD(none, whoever uses it, no one can run away from a fight or that area for 5 rounds(if some HP is lost then u have to fight). that is everyone in the room. Moves like Poral Barriar can Counter it,KI(5,000).

HitenMitsi-Rugi Style= AD(this is a sword samrai technique, can be though by Master Roshi, and eternals, It Maximizes ur bodies strenght and adds 5,000 to AD, gives u a extra dodge and also the attacks u do cant be dodged unless u have defensive moves, also adds 6,000 to HP, Lasts for 1 fight and used 1 a week.)KI(2,000)

Omega Ki Shield=AD(None,Blocks ALL attacks below 700 base AD for 5 rounds)KI(6,000)

Gokai-shin Slash=AD(Adds 6,000 to AD for 1 turn, and This Move cant be dodge because of the speed the Slash is coming, it turns ur sword flamish blue of aura and cuts everything in site, Also after you hit them with this attack, after the 4rth round, you lose 5,000 HP every turn not rounds. Because of the effect of the Slash, Takes 3 rounds to power up, Used once in 14 days) KI(10,000)

Mind Breaker= AD(none )KI(650) Blocks moves dealt with the mind such as Mind Freeze

Time Block=AD(non) KI(600) Blocks a attack made with time such as Time Freeze