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These are the attacks you can learn. To learn a new attack, it will take up to a week to learn each move. Some attacks must be learned on a certain planet. Each attack has their own requirements so make sure you read the attack you want to learn before emailing me. Also I know that some attacks take more EP and cause less damage then other attacks. Don't email me about that. It is just that some attacks put more of a strain on your character then others.
Now about Saibamen and Henchmen. They can each learn 3 moves. The three moves are your choice. It can be any move that is not taught by a master or some person.

Abilities Everyone Knows:

Ki Blast:
AD=1,000 EP=50

Basic Punch: You can punch up to 100x in a single attack.
AD=20 EP=0

Basic Kick: You can Kick up to 100x in a single attack.
AD=20 EP=0

Abilities learned on Planet Earth:

Kamehameha: takes 6 days to learn. Must learn from Master Roshi.
AD=5,000 EP=500

Destructo Disc: takes 6 days to learn
AD=7,500 EP=550

Solar Flare: takes 5 days to learn (can only be dodged, also can only be used 2 times per battle)
AD=blinds for 3 turns EP=500

Abilities learned in the Next Dimension:

Spirit Bomb: Takes 1 week to learn
AD=30,000 EP=10,000

Kao Ken: Takes 1 week to learn (To learn Kao Ken x2-x10 it will take you an extra 2 weeks to learn them all)
AD=0 EP=500; add 500 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x2:
AD=0 EP=750; add 750 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x3:
AD=0 EP=1,000; add 1,000 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x4:
AD=0 EP=1,250; add 1,250 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x5:
AD=0 EP=1,500; add 1,500 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x6:
AD=0 EP=1,750; add 1,750 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x7:
AD=0 EP=2,000; add 2,000 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x8:
AD=0 EP=2,250; add 2,250 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x9:
AD=0 EP=2,500 add 2,500 to all AD for next five turns.

Kao Ken x10:
AD=0 EP=2,750; add 2,750 to all AD for next five turns.

2X Strength:
AD=0 EP=500; doubles all attacks for next 5 turns. Can only be done twice per battle. Learn from Blue Ogre.

2X Speed:
AD=0 EP=500; gives you 3 more blocks and 1 more dodge. Can only be done once per battle. Learn from Red Ogre.

Abilities learned on Planet Namek:

Namekian Language: takes 2 days to learn. The Namekian Language allows you to use the Namekian Dragon Balls. All Nameks start off with this move.

Regeneration: takes 1 week to learn. Only Nameks can learn this ability. It allows a Namek to regenerate any lost limb (Except for their heads) instantly. This saves the time of being in the hospitil.
AD=0 EP=1,000

Mystic Attack: takes 5 days to learn. Only nameks can learn this ability. It allows a Namek to extend their arms and legs a great distance.
AD=500 EP=250

Eternal Healing: takes 1 week to learn. This ability allows you to bring a person back to life right after they die. If they died in a chatroom battle, you have 10 min to bring them back before they are sent to the Next Dimension. Anyone can learn this, but they must have an alignment of "Pure Good" to learn this move. After learning it, you can change to evil, but the ability wont work as well. If you turn evil, then the person that is braught back, will only have half their stats revived, and it will take 5 min, instead of 10.
AD=0 EP=50,000

Abilities learned on Planet Vegeta:

Simulated Moon Blast: takes 1 week to learn
AD=0 EP=250 enables you to go Ozaruu

Abilities learned on Planet Kaoushin:

Fusion: takes 1 week to learn. Must be of same race and at least 10,000 away from fusion partner's PL
AD=0 EP=2,000 (1,000 EP from each character)

Ryu Ken "Dragon Fist": takes 1 week to learn. You must have an alignment of "Good" to learn this. After you learn this, you may turn evil and still be able to use it.
AD=100,000 EP=50,000

Abilities learned on Planet Freezer:

Time freeze: takes 6 days to learn (freezes opponent for 5 turns, can only be dodged)
AD=0 EP=2,000

Imprisonment Ball: takes 1 week to learn. Can only be used once per battle (traps opponent for 7 turns, can only be dodged. It takes all 3 of your dodges to dodge)
AD=0 EP=5,000

Abilities learned anywhere:

Ki Shot: already known
AD=500 EP=100

Big Bang Attack: takes 6 days to learn
AD=7,000 E=650

Special Beam Cannon: takes 6 days to learn
D=6,000 E=550

Eye Beam: takes 5 days to learn
AD=2,000 EP=700

Mouth Blast: takes 5 days to learn
AD=2,000 EP=700

Multi Ki Shot: takes 5 days to learn (fires out 8 ki shots)
AD=4,000 EP=800

Masenko: takes 1 week to learn
AD=20,000 EP=5,000

Final Flash: takes 1 week to learn
AD=25,000 EP=7,000

Jibaku: takes 6 days to learn (can only be dodged, takes up 2 dodges)
AD=kills both EP=Must have at least 50,000 EP left.

Ki Shield: takes 5 days to learn (Blocks all ki attacks that are 1,000 AD and less. If the attack is higher then 1,000, then it cuts the attack in half. Only lasts for 5 turns)
AD=0 EP=2,000

Death Ball: takes 1 week to learn
AD=19,000 EP=5,000

Galack-Ho: takes 5 days to learn
AD=8,000 EP=1,500

Double-Form Split: takes 3 days to learn. Allows you to attack twice in one turn (lasts for 3 turns. Can only be used twice per battle)
AD=** EP: 1,000 **=whatever moves you use in this form

Tri-Form Split: takes 5 days to learn. Allows you to attack three times in one turn (lasts for 2 turns. Can only be used twice per battle. Must know Double-Form Split before learning Tri-Form Split)
AD=** EP=1,500 **=whatever move you use in this form

Quarter-Form Split: Takes 1 week to learn. Allows you to attack four times in one turn (lasts for 1 turn. Can only be used twice per battle. Must know Double-Form and Tri-Form Split before learning Quarter-Form Split)
AD=** EP=2,000 **=whatever move you use in this form

Crasher Ball: takes 5 days to learn
AD=4,500 EP=900

Bakuhatsuha: takes 6 days to learn
AD=6,000 EP=1,250

Kikoho: takes 5 days to learn
AD=8,500 EP=1,800

Telekenisis: takes 4 days to learn
AD=5,000 E=1,000

Double Tsuihikidan: takes 6 days to learn (must use two blocks to keep from being hit with this)
AD=10,000 EP=1,000

Purple Spiral Flash Attack: takes 5 days to learn
AD=6,000 EP=2,000

Renzoku Energy Dan: takes 5 days to learn
AD=9,000 EP=2,000

Bargo: takes 6 days to learn
AD=4,000 EP=400

Demon Bomb: takes 1 week to learn
AD=29,000 EP=9,000

Shine Shine Missile: 5 days to learn
AD=8,000 EP=3,000

Dodonpa: 6 days to learn
AD=5,000 EP=2,000

Haikyuken: 5 days to learn
AD=6,000 EP=2,000