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This is the created races transformations list. Here you will find all the created races with transformations. Not all created races have transformations. It is up to you if you want to create a transformation, or just use the transformations that I provide. The created transformations wont really differ from each other. By this I mean that all created transformations will most likely have the same requirements to change. They will just have different names.

Meta Human Transformations

The Meta Human transformations are only for the Meta Human race.
Lachdanan Transformations

The Lachdanan transformations are only for the Lachdanan race.
Kai Transformations

The Kai transformations are only for the Kai race.
Stellamor Transformations

The Stellamor transformations are only for the Stellamor race.
Mystic Transformations

The Mystic transformations are only for the Mystic race.
Killamen Transformations

The Killamen transformations are only for the Killamen race.
Durokian Transformations

The Durokian transformations are only for the Durokian race.