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Digimon; Digital Monsters

The DigiDestined

Other things on my page:

Picture of some of the digi-destined
More digi-destined children
Last 2 digi-destined children
Info on Digi-card battle game

Hey, My name is Scott. I love Digimon. If I were you I would bookmark my site! This page is going to be amazing. I hope you will enjoy learning about the digi-destined and their digimon with me! ............................................................................................................................................................... Also You can e-mail your favorite digidestined at the e-mail address listed below and they will e-mail you back.Write the digi-destined you want to reply as the subject of your e-mail................................................................................................................................................................. Attention: Fox has announced that it will be releasing an hour long digimon movie this summer or fall. The movie is really two movies that are combined and were both already released in Japan. The first movie is twenty minutes long and it goes back into the past where the digidestined children see the digimon fighting in Highton View Terrace. The second movie is forty minutes long and takes place 6 months after the last episode in the first season of digimon. Tai and Izzy see an evil digimon in their computer, but I won't give away the end --> you will have to just go and see it for yourself ............................................................................................................................................................... Here is a list of the children's digimon: First of all I should tell you that each digimon has five forms and can digivolve into the next which make them bigger and stronger. The five forms are: in-training, rookie, champion, ultimate and mega. Tai's Digimon:........ In Training: Koromon..... Rookie: Agumon..... Champion: Greymon..... Ultimate: MetalGreymon..... Mega: WarGreymon...... Sora's Digimon: In Training: Yokomon..... Rookie: Biyomon..... Champion: Birdramon..... Ultimate: Garudamon..... Mega: phoenixmon (has not appeared on show)..... Matt's Digimon:..... In training: tsunomon..... Rookie: Gabumon..... Champion: Garurumon..... Ultimate: WereGarurumon..... Mega: MetalGarurumon..... Joe's Digimon: In training: Bukamon..... Rookie: Gomamon..... Champion: Ikkakumon..... Ultimate: Zudomon..... Mega: marineangemon (has not appeared on show)..... Mimi's Digimon:..... In training: Tanemon..... Rookie: Palmon..... Champion: Togemon..... Ultimate: Lilymon..... Mega: Rosemon (has not appeared on show)..... T.K.'s Digimon: In training: Tokomon..... Rookie: Patamon (adorable)..... Champion: Angemon..... Ultimate: MagnaAngemon (has not appeared on show)..... Mega: HolyAngemon: (has not appeared on show)..... Izzy's Digimon:..... In training: Motimon..... Rookie: Tentomon..... Champion: Kabuterimon..... Ultimate: MegaKabuterimon.... Mega: HerculesKabuterimon (has not appeared on show)..... Kari's Digimon:..... In training: Nyaromon..... Rookie: Salamon..... Champion: Gatomon..... Ultimate: Angewomon..... Mega: Neferatimon (has not appeared on show).....

Who is your favorite digi-destined child?


Current Results
