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Help! This is what I get...

Enter Pink Candy

Ladies and gentlemen, Chibi has a problem.
Unfortunately, during my long absence, Homestead decided to get smart on me and delete my inactive pages. During this time, I had a bit of a virus on my computer and lost all the graphics I had on my hard drive as well. So I have nothing at the moment.

I'll be working hard to get this place back up and running, and, rest assured, Homestead WILL be left out of the equation this time!

But I can't do it alone. If anyone out there already has any of my graphics, can you PLEASE email them to me so I can get the originals back up and running? I'll credit you on the gallery page for it, if that helps.

Entering the site, remember the Fast Load version, and that you can always Email Me or use my Message Board. And feel free to use The Poll to give me some ideas!