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This people or probably their pages sould be thanked very much for their help.

I would like to thank Lissa for her great page, Lissa Explains it all, because it helped me build this site with Html. I would like to thanks Elodie, his site too helped me a great deal and also because he's a really good friend. I would like to thank Mercedes and Sharon for letting me post their fanart on my page, thank you I really like your drawings (wish I could draw like that). I would like to thanks all the pages that helped me with my page, this means all the graphic and pictures page....their the best. You can visit their page in LINKS...THANK YOU ^_^.

I would like to thank My sister Indira...she asked me to put her name here, so there. My friends in the internet who gave me a lot of ideas. Rachel....I already had the idea about the drop down menu so don't go say I copied you ^_^. Muriel.....we always try to count you in. And many other people that I don't have the time to thank......Oh Well....if you really, really want to be thanked just e-mail me.


***Disclaimer*** I do not own any of the animes in this page and I do not own any of the Dolls either, all dolls found in this page were either made from a doll maker or found through out the internet. If you want you can check out this sites in my links page.