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It didn’t take Zorro long to get to the pueblo. He had to warn Sergeant Garcia about the strangers. It was late and he knew the sergeant would be in his quarters. So, he quietly came up along the wall under the sergeant’s window. Stopping Tornado directly underneath it, he climbed up and stood on the horse’s back, then climbed into the window. The sergeant was sitting on his bed humming, as he always did while removing his boots. Zorro pulled his sword and poked the sergeant in the back.

“Do not move Sergeant. This is Zorro.”

“Zorro! What is it you want?”

“Five strange men rode into town today, did they not?”

“Sí, Señor Zorro. They did. They took rooms at the Inn.”

“Beware of them Sergeant. They are dangerous men.”

“Do you know these men, Señor Zorro?”

“They are some of the bandidos you have been expecting, Sergeant. Watch them closely. There is going to be trouble.”

“Sí, I will watch them. They will not get away with anything while Sergeant Demetrio Lopez Garcia, acting Comandante of the Pueblo de Los Angeles, is on duty.”

“Very good, Sergeant. Adiós amigo.” Zorro turned, jumped out the window and onto Tornado’s back and was gone.

He flew to the cave as fast as his trusty friend could carry him. Then leaping off the horse, he slid the saddle off, put it on the stand, and quickly wiped Tornado down before he ran up the stairs to the secret room. Once there, he changed clothes quickly and went into his room.

Just then, Bernardo came in. At first, he jumped to see Diego standing there. Then he sighed, greatly relieved that his master was safely home at last.

“You are surprised to see me, are you?” Diego said. Bernardo nodded.

“And you are wondering where I have been, no?” Bernardo nodded again.

“It is a long story my friend. I ran into some bandidos last night. They have taken rooms in Los Angeles, and plan to cause some trouble, I’m afraid.”

Diego looked very tired. Bernardo also noticed the marks on his wrists and a gash on his cheek. He took one of Diego’s arms, and lifted it so he could get a better look.

“Zorro was captured by the bandidos last night,” Diego explained. The ropes were very tight. I guess they did not want me to escape,” he said smiling.

Bernardo shrugged. How DID you escape?

“A señorita who was with the bandidos released me,” he smiled.

Bernardo raised a suspicious brow and traced two wavy vertical lines in the air.

“Yes,” Diego said. “She was attractive.”

Bernardo took his arm and motioned him to lie down. He did as Bernardo urged. Then Bernardo got some fresh water and some clean cloths and began washing Diego’s wounds. When he was finished, he noticed that Diego had fallen asleep.

Bernardo smiled down at his young friend and master. He covered Diego with the quilt that was lying at the foot of the bed, and. blowing out the candles in the room he left Diego to get a much-needed rest. He would find out more in the morning. He would also have to remember to ask Diego about the señorita. He couldn’t help but wonder exactly what her part was in all of this and why she would release Zorro if she were part of the gang.


Alejandro and Constancia were seated at the table on the patio having breakfast when Diego came down from his room. Neither of them knew he had returned last night.

“Diego!” shouted Constancia.

Alejandro looked up to see his son coming toward the table. “Diego, where have you been?” asked Alejandro. Diego looked very tired, and Alejandro wondered what he had been doing since two nights ago. “We have been worried sick about you. Why did you disappear like that?”

“I am sorry Father. I had some business to attend to.” Diego knew his father was angry.

“Diego, what happened to your face?” Alejandro asked, noticing the deep cut on his son’s cheek.

“Oh, I uh, stumbled into some wild rose bushes. I cut myself on one of the thorns. It is nothing.”

Constancia sat stunned. Where had he been and when did he get back? She wanted to know, but she didn’t know how to ask without Alejandro getting suspicious of them. Diego had not yet acknowledged her, and she thought this was because he was still angry with her for the other night. She wanted to talk to him, but she had to wait for the right time, when they could be alone.

Then he looked at her. “Buenos días, Constancia. Do you have some time? I would like to talk to you about something,” he said.

“Just a minute,” Alejandro barked. “You and I need to have a talk, Diego.”

“Sí, Father, but there are some things I need to discuss with Constancia.”

“That can wait. Constancia, would you excuse us please?” said Alejandro. And taking Diego by the arm, he led him into the sala.

“Sit down, Diego.”

Diego did as his father ordered. “I am sorry if I worried you, Father. I should have left word of my plans.”

“It’s not just that, my son.” Alejandro did not know how to proceed, or even if he wanted to. “Two nights ago I heard noises coming from Constancia’s room. And it sounded an awful lot like there was a man in there.” Alejandro paused and took a deep breath. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to his next question. “Were you in her room, Diego?”

Diego looked down. He could not lie about it. With luck, he could assure his father that nothing happened, and that nothing would happen. “Sí, I was, Father. But I can explain.”

Alejandro cut him off. “There is no excuse that could justify your presence in the bedroom of a señorita, Diego. A gentleman does not behave in that manner. Not to mention what it would do to both of your reputations. You were raised better than that.”

“You are right, Father. I never should have gone in there.” Diego knew there was no point in arguing. Alejandro was too angry to listen to explanations. Besides, he knew his father was right. “I promise you, father, it will never happen again.”

“I know it won’t. I am afraid I am going to have to ask Constancia to spend the rest of her time here with Don Nacho Torres and his family. I spoke with him yesterday about accommodating her. He said it would be no problem at all. I have not spoken to Constancia about it yet. I wanted to speak to you first.”

“Father, that really is not necessary.” Diego said. But he knew there was nothing that would change his father’s mind now.

“Yes, my son, it is. I am sorry, but that is the way it must be. You may still court the señorita. But you will do it properly.

“Very well, Father. As you wish.”

“Now, as to your whereabouts the past couple of nights. I was worried. You just disappeared, and without Bernardo. I had no idea what happened to you.” Alejandro showed deep concern now. “Please do not do that again, my son. I can’t bear it. If anything were to happen to you….” his voice trailed off. Then squaring his shoulders he asked, “Just where were you Diego?”

“I had gone to see Father Felipe and lost track of time. He invited me to spend the night as it was very late when we finished our discussions.” Seeing how upset his father was at his disappearance, Diego stood and walked over to Alejandro. Then placing his hand on his shoulder he said, “I truly am sorry, Father.” he said softly.

“Very well Diego. But please, my son, I am an old man and cannot take these disappearing acts of yours.”

“I am sorry, Father. It will not happen again.”

“Alright,” Alejandro said smiling. “You may go speak to Constancia now. Do you wish for me to tell her of my plans?”

“No, that is alright, Father. I will tell her. Con permiso?” said Diego. Alejandro nodded, and Diego went back out to the patio.


Constancia was still at the table. She looked rather confused. Diego could not tell what she was thinking. As she arose from the table and walked over to him, he could see a tear on her cheek. “What is it Constancia?” her asked.

“I am fine! I was just so worried about you. Why did you leave like that? I kept thinking it was because of our disagreement.”

“I am sorry. I needed to get away and try to clear my head. I had a decision to make, and I needed time to think.” He took her hands and led her back to the table. Holding her chair, he motioned for her to sit. He took a seat next to her. Taking both of her hands in his, he looked into her eyes.

“What was the decision you had to make, Diego? It obviously had to do with me, with us. I am sorry about the other night. You were right. I was just so upset.”

“It is alright, querida mia.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of hers. He wanted to kiss her, but knew that since there was no chaperone present, he better not chance his father seeing. Finally, he said to her, “Constancia, will you marry me?”

She was shocked. These were the words she wanted to hear since they were together in Spain. She thought maybe she would never hear them. And now that she did, she was almost too stunned to talk.

“Oh, Diego!”

“Well?” he laughed. He could see the look of surprise on her face. Her eyes suddenly sparkled with happiness and her brilliant smile almost took his breath away. “Will you be my wife?”

“Oh, sí, sí, sí!!!” She threw her arms around his neck, and throwing caution to the wind, kissed him soundly. At this moment, she was so very happy, and she wanted to shout it to the world.

“Does your father know of your decision yet, Diego?”

“No, I wanted to talk to you first. We should go tell him.”

They got up and went into the sala.

Alejandro was at the desk going over some of his papers.

“Father, there is something Constancia and I would like to discuss with you.”

Alejandro looked up from his work and could see by the look on his son’s face that there was going to be some good news.

“Sí, my son, what is it?”

Diego smiled at his father, and then looked down at the beautiful woman at his side. “Father, I have asked Constancia to marry me, and she has agreed. We would like your blessing.”

Alejandro could not believe what he was hearing. He hoped he wasn’t imagining this. What a perfect union this would be. He jumped up and quickly went to the young couple. Taking his son is his arms, he gave him a big hug. He turned to Constancia and took her hand. “My dear, I would be honored to call you ‘daughter’. We should send word to your father right away, asking his permission.”

Alejandro went back to his desk and began writing a letter to the Viceroy. He thought it best if they got it off to him immediately.

He smiled at them. “I am so happy for you both. I am going to have grandchildren!” he exclaimed.

“Father, please,” chuckled Diego. “We do not even have His Excellency’s permission yet. For all we know, he could say no,” he said teasingly.

“Ack!” Alejandro said, throwing his hands up and going back to writing his letter.

“Now, if you will excuse us, por favor, we will be on the patio,” Diego said. He and Constancia left and went back to the patio to enjoy the rest of the morning.


Chapter Seven
Chapter Five