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May 31, 2006
So, for all of you who don't know yet....I have a blog now. So, if you want to go see it, go to I decided to go with a blog for various reasons. And that means I won't be updating this webpage least not regularly. So, if you want to stay in contact...come visit my blog!! If you come though you have to promise to sign the comments area..:) Well, I will see you all later!! ~Vanessa

May 22,2006
I made it. I had the MRI today and it was horrible. Very Uncomfortable. I have a cough and your not allowed to cough during the procedure. So...I would try to hold it until I thought it would be o.k. They actually had to redo the last section because I just had to get that tickle out of my throat. So, I got punished and had to stay in there for another five minutes. The whole thing lasted about an hour. I was in a very uncommon posistion to begin with and you are not allowed to move so towards the end I felt like I was going to die. Anyway, it's over! I know it's probably wimpy compared to what I am going to feel like after surgery but right now that is what I was going through and it was really bad. Then I had to go to the anathesialogist and get a bunch of lab work done. That part wasn't to bad and I even looked at the IV after they got it and and watched her suction out four tubes of my own blood. Usually I feel like I am going to pass out but I actually looked at it this time. Well, I can't wait to get this over with. I am kinda excited and then kinda nervous also. I think tomorrow I have to go and donate some of my own blood for a blood transfusion after the surgery. So, on a different note, school starts back on wednesday. I can't wait! When I don't have school to do I feel really lost so I am glad that I will be back in the swing of things soon. Well, life is going great and I just thought I should come by and give you all another update while I have the time. Leave me a signage if you want to. See ya!! ~Vanessa

May 21,2006
Let me give you guys a little hint. Don't lay out on the day of the special event. Yesterday I went out on the boat and I got toasted. I guess I would qualify as looking purple. Anyway, this is just the beginning of the summer so we will see what happens. Also, I don't want to lay in the hospital with a white face so I thought I should get a little sun to brighten up the room. In case anybody doesn't know, I am having surgery on June 20th or the 22nd. We are trying to see if we can change it so that it won't interfere as much with campmeeting. I am having a major back surgery at the hospital in Birmingham. Anyway, maybe that is not the only excuse for getting burnt because to tell the truth I love the sun. It feels really awesome. Tomorrow I have to go to Birmingham to have an MRI done. I get to bring my favorite CD so at least I can have something relaxing to listen to. I also have an appointment to meet the anathesialogist? and so they can do whatever they have to do. Well, I guess I should go because I have an early appointment in the morning and it takes some time to get down ther so pray for me and I will see you all later. Oh, by the way, We had our banquet and it proved to be interesting to see the least. ~Vanessa

May 18, 2006
I am graduated! I made it!!! Yay! Actually I didn't know that it would feel any different but it actually kind of does. I AM FREE!! But that is just from HS. Now if I can only make it through these next couple of semesters then I will really be FREE! I am so glad I decided to do college when I did. I almost have my degree half way done!! I actually like college but I am just trying to get it done so I can get a job and buy my dream Car!!JK. But yes..a car! A Honda Accord! Anyway, just letting you know that I am happy and excited about life! See ya later and Be Encouraged!! ~Vanessa

May 11, 2006
YEA!!! I just got my grades back so now I can two week summer has just begun. Well, I am so happy, I must have done well on the final because I don't now how I got what I got. I did pray about it and God definitely helped me. PTL!! I had fun last night hanging out with some of the young people over at the Slatens abode and then me and Leah came over to my house and spent the rest of the night hanging out talking. We stayed up until like 3:30 or 4:00. I think I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again. That it seems like you have way more fun in like the middle of the night. Maybe because your so tired that you don't really care about much of anything. Anyway, we did have a lot of fun. Earlier this week we had to go to Birmingham to take care of some stuff which turned out to be way more than we expected. But that's ight. Anyway, I have a feeling that this summer is going to be really busy. I am going to try to do four classes. And in only a month or so because I have something coming up the latter part of the summer. So, I am trying to take advantage of this free time. My graduation is in four days now. That is hard to believe in some ways that I am really to that point in life now. I am getting really excited but nervous because I have to say the closing remarks. I should have not done anything like that so that I could just enjoy that night but it's good for me...or so I've heard. Anyway, it better be after all this worrying:). OK well maybe I should go because I feel like I am rambling. So, I I'll see you all later! ~Vanessa

May 2,2006
So, I had a good weekend and now it is time for finals. Yeah!!! Right?.... So, I just did one and now I have three left. Two tomorrow and then my precalculus final on monday. OH...did I tell you..I got my lastest test back and I made a 99%!!! I think God really helped me!! It was like matrices and stuff which I have actually learned to like but they can be difficult. It seems like at the end of the semester you finally get into the groove of your classes. But I am ready to move on to some new stuff. I just registered for summer classes. I am signed up for four this summer. I may decide to drop one though, before it starts. So, I had my senior review meeting today! The last one. I have also managed to get my senoir portraits made and then I also got my cap and gown portraits back today. So, that's cool!! On a different note, my brother bought a song called "Brotherly Love" by Keith Whitley and he wanted me to hear it..AWWWW.. It is pretty sweet. Anyway, I guess I am going to go study for some finals. I'' see you around. ~Vanessa

April 27, 2006
Wow! I can't believe it has been so long since I last updated. Not that anybody cares but anyway... So, we are having revival here with Bro. Sanford. It is going really well and I have allready gotten much good from it. So, I have now taken 4 out of 5 precalculus tests. Oh.. I so cannot wait until the last one now... THE FINAL EXAM for math for the rest of my life!!!! Actually, I used to like math but after this teacher... I think I am burnt out. Oh Well.. Most of my teachers have been pretty good so I really cannot complain. Anyway, life was/is still awesome!!! So, I think I am about to go and make some tacos for supper...Yea I know I shouldn't eat but I am really hungry and have a heaadache so maybe I'll eat one or just two. :) I think I have learned that if you eat until you're not hungry and then stop instead of getting like a full feeling then you can keep off a few extra pounds. Oh, and only eat twice a day. No snacks. Yea it is pretty rough sometimes, but it works. One more tip here from the expert.. only drink water. You can lose up to 5 pounds from your normal weight just by only drinking water. OK...I am beginning to sound like John Tesh so maybe I should stop here. Sign my guestbook if you want to!! ~Vanessa

April 9,2006
Well, my brain is at a loss of topics. I have to give a speech in the morning but I can't think of anything to give it on. Anyway, I thought I would update my webpage since I haven't in a while. So, Yeah, life is pretty much the same right now as I am still chopping away at all those homework assignments. But, we only have like a month left for this semester. YEA!! I am so ready to graduate from HS. I am about to go get my cap and gown pictures made and then I have to do some more "last month" preparations. So, life is pretty fun right now. So for those who read this webpage, I hope you will be able to come to my graduation. It is May 15th(Monday) at 4:00p.m. So, hopefully I will see you there. Well, I guess I should wrap it up now and see if I can think of a topic to speak about. See ya later ~Vanessa

March 30, 2006
So, almost another month has all ready gone by! It seems that life is really flying by. It looks like another semester of school is all ready almost over as well. WOW!! I have promptly and Lord willing three more semesters of school left. So, other than that I have been enjoying odessey a lot lately!! I forgot they were so interesting. Anyway, whether I should admit it or not, I have learned some good stuff from listening to them. :) I am looking forward to going camping in a few weeks!! Maybe you can come too! (Depending on who and where you are.) But, anyway, it will hopefully be a lot of fun!! Last year we rode paddle boats and got roasted while we were on the water for only a couple of hours. Hopefully it will be bright and sunny since it wasn't for spring break. :( Oh well... On another subject, I am enjoying an arobics class that I have started to partake in. I never knew I had some of those muscles...Anyway, it is really fun!! Well, I guess I should wrap up and go now so I can get some more homework done before I drift off too sleep.. See ya! ~Bene`.
P.S. Oh, the Bene` thing I simply wanted a new name. A more exhilarating but concise gloss of the name Vanessa! Anyway, that's all. Do you like it?

March 24,2006
Hey! So, guess what I misread the syllabus and now I am caught up with my CIS until like April 10th. Cool! Anyway, life is still bopping along nicely. I had fun last night hanging out with some cool people which was great!! I ended up spending the night with Leah which was also a lot of fun! Then today me and a couple friends went to the mall, Space and Rocket Center, and then went to Applebee's for a late lunch! We had a great time! A good way to wrap up "spring break"! But, we do still have one more day left so we'll see what else happens!! Well, I guess I should go now and get some more stuff done besides homework!:) See ya later! ~Vanessa

March 19, 2006
Hey!! So, I had another nice weekend. And now its back to school. Yeah, I know it's spring break but my teacher on my web course still gave us a ton of homework to do and turn in by Friday so, that's what I be doin'. Oh well, its actually not a big deal at all because it's raining so I have to do something inside. And on top of that I am really enjoying school!! I am learning some programming and learning how to make some pretty smooth database systems. It's pretty cool!!Some of us were really wanting to go to Gulf Shores but it didn't work out. It's probably raining down there too as it looks that way on the weather site. Anyway, why have "Spring Break" this week. I am thinking about having it in April and go to Florida!! Well, Life is awesome and I am pumped about it all!! For real!! So, leave me a note in the guestbook if you want to!! Be Encouraged and I will see ya later!! ~Vanessa

March 11,2006
Hey!! Oh my!! We had such a blast tonight!! I have laughed so much that I probably lost 3 pounds. JK But for real I did have a great time hanging out with some great people!! I am so thankful for you guys and gals! I am really getting tired of the way people outside of church talk and act and it is just so refreshing to hang around good young people that want to actually be modest in all areas of life. So, you guys really don't know how big of a blessing you all are just by being yourselves!! So, Thank you!! In other words I have just had an awesome time this weekend so far just hanging out with you all!! So, we had this hilarious guy to be our waiter at Applebee's and we again laughed like the whole time. Anyway, it was great!! So, I guess I should think about going to bed soon since it's saturday night. Oh by the way- The weather outside is totally awesome!(if you didn't notice):) Anyway, See ya later!! ~Vanessa

March 8,2006
What up? So, I had a good time hanging out with some yp tonight. We actually played blitz. It had been a while since we had played that game. But, anyhow, it was great! So, I haven't been up to much besides school lately it seems. It's all good though. The other day we had another senior meeting and we took some pictures and stuff. It was really cool because it makes graduation seem so near. (it really is though) Anyway, I can't wait to be gradudated.:) So, my hat turned out to be too big and they had to send it back for a smaller one. I guess I'll have to wait on that to come back before I can get my cap and gown pictures done. But, life is really awesome and I am pumped about it all. So, sign my guestbook and go Be Encouraged!! ~Vanessa (Benae`)

March 6,2006
What up gee? So, this semester of school is really soaring by! SPRING BREAK is almost here. I really cannot believe how time flies. I had 3 tests today! PreCalculus (Don't know the score yet, I think I got them all right though.), Office Management(97%), and CIS(96%). Therefore, I am really tired tonight. But, I thought I should run by and update really quick!! By the way, I believe God really helped me today to remember all the stuff for the tests. I had a lot of stuff to remember and I seemed to do fine. Only by God's help though! I am so glad I have someone to turn to right in the middle of tests. Praying really seems to relieve the pressure. Maybe it just helps to put things into perspective so, it helps it not seem so scary. Therefore, you receive comfort..and your mind is relieved/relaxed. Anyway, something like that. Tomorrow is my Senior meeting and we are going to take graduation pictures. Yea!! I am so excited about graduating! Ouch, wow, that hurts. I am cutting one of my wisdom teeth and it really hurts. It makes me have sympathy for Elliott as he is cutting his first tooth. I guess I noticed that my tooth was popping through this afternoon at lunch with Leah. I bit down on my food and realized that it didn't feel to good there. Anyway, maybe it will hurry and come through. Well, Be encouraged, go sign the guestbook, and I will talk to you all later!! ~Vanessa (Benae`)

March 4,2006
Hey guys!! So, I had a blast tonight at Sarah’s birthday party. It was a lot of fun. I put up some pictures in my Photo Album, see the link above, if you want to go see them. I also had fun last night at the rodeo. It was too bad that so many people fell off and got trampled over. They shouldn’t have been out there in the first place. I am kind of kidding but not really. So, anyway, life has been grand of late. Well, I really need to get to bed but I am just waiting for these pictures to upload. So, everybody stay encouraged and I will see you all later. ~Vanessa (Benae`)

February 25, 2006
Hey guys!! So, it's pretty late but I was on the internet so I firgured I should update. I have been staying up later lately seemingly. So in a few hours I have to go work at Parisians with Tesia to raise some money for our graduation. I guess that will be fun. So, tonight I had a blast hanging out with some young people doing various fun things. Why do guys say that they will never understand woman? JK. It's totally comprehensible. LOL. Actually after we finished hanging out at "the place" some of the guys and girl() came over and we did weights with Ben. Actually, Leah and I did some too. No.. for Real. Okey anyhow, life is awesome as of late but I do not like being confused and I am, so, maybe I will go try to figure this out. So, until I return just remember that I LOVE YOU!!! Really.:) Ok, I am really tired. See you later. ~Vanessa

February 22, 2006
Hey~ Just thought I would pop in really quick and tell you guys that I am still alive and still pumped about life. So, you be doin' good? So, I am working on a PowerPoint for Kevin and Denna about Coutrney and Brooke. It is really a lot of fun. I started working on it last night so we'll see how long it takes. I did one on Elliott and I have probably spent 30 to 40 hours. Instead of doing scrapbooks I am doing PowerPoints with the cool stuff in life;) It takes a lot less space to store it and actually more people will probably see it. There are computers everywhere and and all you have to carry is a little flashdrive. You can also have have them playing as like a screensaver however, that seems like it would be a major distraction to a conversation. So, maybe you all will be able to see the PowerPoint Presentation/Scrapbooks someday:). Well, maybe I should think about going now. I have to give a speech in a little bit. I am really scared..JK..actually now that I am thinking about it, maybe I am not really kidding..!!! So, maybe you all can go sign my guestbook.. Be encouraged and I'll see you later.

February 11,2006
Well, I just got back from taking the ACT. I hated to miss out on going to witness but I couldn't help it. Hope you guys had fun though. Wow, life is so busy. I can't believe how much stuff your brain can try to remember. Actually that doesn't make sense but anyway, I keep thinking maybe life will slow down one day...?.... At least the things that are keeping me busy are things that are productive to my life and well-being. So, I am supposed to teach class on monday and give my first ice-breaker speech. Sweet huh... JK Well, I don't know much of anything else to tell you guys besides school stuff so, I hope you don't mind.. I am really looking forward to having one major issue out of my life and that being high school. It's not a bad issue but just a lot of busy work that you have to do that I will soon be done with!! Then it's just college for one more year:).. I can do it!! The other day I was thinking about why am I going to college when I am just about graduated from high school and I could just go out and get a job and a car and have a blast? Then I had to reassure myself that going to school for one year extra is not that bad when you consider all the benefits of having a nicer job. Nice car..some extra spending money in the BANK for future use..Yeah.. and all that stuff. So, it's simply a decision that I am making. Well, that's my story and I am going to go now..See ya later! Be encouraged and have an awesome day!! Sign the guestbook if you want to!! ~Vanessa

February 8,2006
Hey!! So, like today we had no speech class.:( So we went to the CIS lab. I was showing Leah the "funny"Car video from someone else's site and realized I had the volume up too loud accidentally whenever the "monster" popped up. Like, all the people started laughing and Leah and I couldn't hardly stop. Everybody thought it was funny because most of the people in the lab had allready seen it. I think it actually scared them at first. Anyway, it was pretty funny. So,other than school and all the other many things that life brings along I am doing great. Actually I am kidding. All of life is going great and I am still encouraged and everything else. I am getting excited about Graduating from High Schoool now that we are making final plans about what we are doing. I think this will be the best graduation ever!! JK Anyway, we are getting to do some pretty cool stuff. The other night Sis. Katie, Tesia, and I played darts with some of the guys. It was a lot of fun. I got one on the outside edge of the bullseye hole. It was just twenty-five points but still it was that close...Cool!! Well, Hope you all are having a great day and I'll talk to ya later!! ~Vanessa

February 6,2006
What's up? So yea, I too have many tests and other assignments due this week.. Oh well. It's all good. So that's really sad that the Seattle Seahawks didn't win. Now on a more positive note..Church was awesome yesterday. I had a blast afterward also... Well, I have already typed an update but I accidentally pushed the wrong button and it all vanished. So, this is really short but I can't help it cause I gots to go, but who knows maybe I'll come back a little later. Anyway, I have a PreCal test in a little while so see ya later.. ~Vanessa

January 31, 2006
Well, I had a great time yesterday doing many interesting things. First of all I went to school like a good little girl. Then because some of the young people went to the Princess Theater last night we just stayed in Decatur and did CIS homework in the lab and then went out to O'Charleys for supper. Then we got to go hear Dr. Randy Cross give a speech and we got extra credit for our speech class!! Anyway, Dr. Cross is an awesome speaker. If you ever get the chance to hear him I would say that it would be well worth your time. He is a humorist so he told stories about different people in his life. It was absolutely hilarious. sp? Anyway, we were laughing like the whole time. So then, after that we went and hung out with a bunch more young people. So, not that you wanted to hear my life's story... for yesterday:}... but, oh well. Actually I am not using we as just me, it's just that Derek,Leah, and I go to school together so it was us. So maybe you can like go sign the guestbook... Well, I will see ya later!!! ~Vanessa

January 29, 2006
Hey!! Wow, it has been a while since I last updated. Oh well, life is going great. School is getting pretty busy since we are moving into the semester. I am having fun though!! I have to teach class soon in Office Management so I was working some on that and then we are about to give our icebreaker speech so maybe I should think about that also. Anyway, I had a blast this weekend doing various things!! Friday night a bunch of us young people went to the monster truck show.. is was scary but fun!! Then we went out to eat and had an interesting time... Then saturday night, we had a fish fry and then some of us played music!! We all had a blast!! So, now that I have updated maybe some of you can go update the guestbook!! See ya later!! ~Vanessa

January 21, 2006
So, I got home pretty late tonight after having a blast over at Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Nicky's house! By the way...they are a big blessing. Anyway, I played Super Mario for a while. :) And then also hung out with various cool people. At some point, we were talking about how easy it is to fall asleep during class. It's amazing how tired you can get. Anyway, thankfully, I don't have the time or place to fall asleep in any of my classes this semester unlike one of my classes a couple of semesters ago. Well, I guess I should go finish my chemistry test and then go on to bed since it's early morning now. :) See ya'll later!! Be encouraged and please take time to go sign the guestbook!! ~Vanessa

January 13, 2006
Okay, I put the guestbook back up where you can view it again! I had it down for a reason but maybe it will be better now. Thanks for signing it! ~Vanessa

January 10,2006
So life is going great. I had a good time hanging out with the young people sunday night. Then Monday(yesterday) morning I got up at 6:00a.m. and left for school at 6:58a.m. That is really early. At least for me. Anyway, it wasn't that bad. I hope this semester will go as good as my previous semesters. They switched my preCalculus teacher which was dissapointing because I really wanted the one that I thought I would have.Oh well.The rest of my classes went pretty good. Congratulations to Kim, Brandon, and Josh who have started their last semesters of college!!! Well, 6:00 comes early so maybe I should get on to bed!! Talk to ya later! ~Vanessa

January 7,2006
Wow, School is about to start back! Monday morning I will be back at my regular routine. (kind of) different hours and more classes but "school". I am getting excited! This semester I am going with Leah and our first class which is speech, is going to be together plus Derek is taking it with us. I guess that will be interesting! Then I get to come home in the "midday" that an old word.. instead of staying until later in the evening. Sometimes, in previous semesters, it was hard to be at school in the evening when I knew the young people were at home having a party. So, it will be a blessing that school will be such a better schedule. I have been blessed to even be able to get this degree so my intentions are to keep being an A student. So, my life will definitely be busy for the next couple months. I'll have Office Management, Pre Calculus, Public Speaking and Computer Information Systems. We'll I guess that's about all I feel like typing because I got shot today in my arm and it's kind of bruised feeling. Well, I guess it was just "A" shot. But anyhow I will write later. Be Encouraged and go sign the guestbook!:)~Vanessa

January 2,2006
Happy New Year!! Well, we had a great Fellowship meeting and I did meet some more young saints which was really cool. I had a nice time! I graduate THIS YEAR!!! YES!! I will graduate from college next year!! AWESOME!! If you want to take it a step farther.. I will be 20 years old next year. That is really weird. By the way, I am very content with my age right now and I am not rushing life by any means. I just thought it was interesting that it was such a true statement! I feel like life is really flying by:( Anyway, different topic... um ... I guess there is nothing else to say. Oh yea.. I did have a nice trip to Virginia last week. There was lots of snow but you could easily go outside without a coat. It was really weird. When we got home it felt colder down here than up there. Anyway, I did have a nice time but I missed all my friends very much. You all are such a blessing to me. {Tesia... Thanks so much for being such a great friend.} I am blessed to have such a good life and I don't want anything to get in the way of me realizing and holding on to that. Well, I am really encouraged and I hope everyone else is too!! Please sign the guestbook and I will talk to ya later!! ~ Vanessa

December 15,2005
I guess most people are starting to count down the days until christmas. Personally, I am more excited about and am counting down the days to Fellowship meeting!! It's so awesome to know that we have made it through yet another year of living Free from all sin!! That is so awesome! I can't wait to see everyone and have that good old family reunion! I guess this is the best kind of family reunion you can have because every member of the family is saved! That is pretty smooth! Well, if you can't tell.."I am really excited"! On a different subject, Tonight is my last final and I will be totally finished with this semester of school!!! AWESOME!!! Taking things one day at a time truly works best for multiple situations! Maybe I'll try to get some more pictures up soon of Elliott. He is growing so fast! Our family(including Bran. Rebecca, and Elly)is going up to my Grandparents in Virginia for Christmas so I am also really looking forward to that. Well, I guess that is all for now. I will see you all later! Stay Encouraged and Please Go Sign The Guestbook!~Vanessa~

December 8,2005
Hey! Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I have tried but didn't have much to say and thought I was rambling so I just deleted it! Anyway, I am in the middle of my finals, but I am actually not that busy. I have already completed my CIS class so that is one down and just two more to go. I am definitely excited about the Fellowship Meeting coming up in just a few weeks. "I can't wait to see you all!!" You might want to go check out Sis. Deena's website. They have sent pictures and updates!! Brooke is really cute!!! Well, I guess I should go now and maybe work on a few more math problems before my test tonight. See you all later!!Stay Encouraged and please go sign the guestbook!! ~Vanessa

November 21, 2005
Hey!! Well I had another awesome weekend!! Bro. Jeremy and Sis. Nicky had a beautiful wedding!! It was very nice! Brandon and Rebecca's anniversary is tomorrow (the 22nd) They will be married for two years now! Wow! Also, Happy Birthday to Brandon! His birthday was yesterday. So, this week I am off from college. I do have to work on a PowerPoint project for my CIS class. But that is fun and I don't really consider that as being the same as math homework or writing my research paper. Well, it looks like fellowship meeting is coming up soon! This year is really flying by! Anyway, I guess I will go now. ~Vanessa~

November 17,2005
So, life is still hopping along nicely! On a different note, my 'little' nephew is growing up so fast. I thought I wanted him to stay little but I am actually enjoying watching his personality develop. His infantile mannerisms are starting to fade.aww.. Anyway, I am really enjoying him!! Oh, maybe you noticed the different backgrounds! I just wanted a change of scenery so this is what I am at least starting with.Well, I guess I should go on to class so I will see ya later! ~Vanessa

November 12,2005
Hey!! Well, I am having another awesome weekend!! Happy Bithday to Megan Parsons who turned 14 today!! This week has flown by really fast and I am nearing the end of this semester!! Yeah!! Actually I love school(college)!! I wish I would have started sooner and incorporated it in more for my high school:)!! Anywayz, I guess I will go now cause I don't have much else to say. See ya later!! Sign the guestbook if you want to!!:)~Vanessa~

November 7,2005
Hey !!! I had an awesome weekend doing various awesome things!! On friday night I had a blast hanging out with the young people playing blitz and doing other cool things! and then later on with just us girls doing various other things.I ended up doing push-ups while doing a hand-stand. It's pretty cool you should try it sometime!!:) I guess it's one of those things you think about at the late hours of the night or early morning hours. Anyway, I also had a blast on saturday!! I had one of my best birthdays ever!! It was great!! Thank you to everybody who made it so special!! I love and appreaciate you all so much!! You all are a huge blessing to me!!! You all made my birthDAY last for about three DAYS! So, I had a totally awesome weekend!! Well, I guess I should wrap up and go to bed because I have two tests tomorrow!! Please go sign the guestbook, Stay Encouraged and I will talk to ya later!!! ~Vanessa~

November 3,2005
Hey!! Thanks to those who have added comments in the photo album!! So, my birthday is in 2 days, the 5th, I am pretty excited about that!!! I have always looked forward to the time when I would be 18 and now it is really about to happen. Now,I kind of feel like I am getting old but, I do want to just enjoy this time of life! By the way, it's not a bad thing to get older!:) Anyway, I am so glad that I am saved and that I can enjoy this time of life and I am not even scarring my life in the process or making bad decisions;)!! It is just such a blessing to be sooo BLESSED!!:) Well, I am looking forward to this weekend for many reasons so maybe I'll come back and update soon!! Stay encouraged and Don't forget to sign the guestbook!! ~Vanessa

October 29,2005
Hey !!! Well, Life is going great. I am about to get signed up for my next semester of college. It seems like the semesters are flying by!! We did have our high school senior review meeting and got to pick out our colors for the graduation. It is getting exciting!! Anyway, my life is not totally about school believe it or not. I also have other things going on in life!! I am so encouraged and just so glad to be a part of God's awesome plan. (That incudes a lot of things.) Anyway.... I went shopping this morning and I think I am about to go again(tonight).:) My birthday is exactly one week from today!! I'll be eighteen!! Yeah!!! oh..I put some more pictures on my photo album. I put the pictures of my new cousins up also. My Aunt just had a baby, and my cousin also just had a baby. Elliott Brandon, Evan Stanford, Andrea Ruth, and Savannah Desiree are all in the photo Album now!! Well, I guess I'll see ya later!! ~Vanessa~

October 24,2005
Hey!! Wow, I had a long weekend. It has been good during the evenings because I am really enjoying the revival but the days have seemed to be longer. Anyway, time is flying by again. I did have fun last night hanging out at "Daytona's".:) Tomorrow is our senior review meeting!! Yeah! I am so excited about graduating!! I really can hardly wait. After that I get to go write my last essay in English class. It is a cause and effect paper. After that, we have a couple weeks to do our research paper and then we will be done!!! Okey, I am tired and feel like I am rambling so maybe I will just See ya later! ~VaNeSsA

October 20,2005
Hey everybody! I am at school right now but I thought I could update and shock everyone! I am having a blast in life right now!! Rebecca and Brandon did have their baby on October 5! His name is Elliott Brandon Smith. He was 8 pounds and 6 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He has a lot of dark hair! (Rebecca's wish.) He is so adorable! I am deffinitely enjoying being an Auntie!! It's hard not to spoil him! I will try to get some pictures on here soon! Ryan and Mandy also had their baby! Evan Stanford Smith. Elliott and Evan are exactly one week apart. I am sure they will have fun growing up together!! Anyway, I am also having a blast doing various other things in life! God has blessed me so much and I am still really encouraged to serve God with my whole heart!! Well I guess I sould get on to class but, please sign the guestbook!! See-ya! ~Vanessa

September 2,2005
The weather is awesome today!! It's pretty breezy, so that makes it feel so much cooler. It feels like fall is around the corner. I started fiddle/violin lessons on wednesday so, I am excited about that! I like the style of fiddle but I also think that the violin sounds pretty cool on some songs. Anyway, I am trying to learn both ways. It shouldn't be too bad because I know the notes, from a previous year of lessons, so now I just have to learn the style and stuff. anyhow, enough on that subject. Umm.. school is going good and Life is going great!! I guess I'll go now, please go sign the guestbook and stay encouraged!! ~Vanessa

August 27,2005
I decided in my free time that I should come and update! Life is going great and I could hardly ask for anything better. I love this life and I am so priviledged to be raised with such a golden opportunity to start my life out right. I am also enjoying school so far. It seems like it is going to be pretty smooth. I think the learning intake/ability may have to do a lot with the teachers and I have ended up with some good ones!! That is a blessing!! Anyway, I could probably start rambling pretty bad ( I have already cut out a few sentences.) so maybe I should just stop right here. Oh, wait! This brings back to mind my English class. We were talking about reading something and it being nothing. hmmm... Whoops I think I just stuck my foot in my mouth. and it's going deeper. Anyway, go sign the guestbook, Stay Encouraged and see ya later!! ~Vanessa

August 25, 2005
Wow! actually yes! (In response to the question in the guestbook.) How did you figure that? Actually a lot of people say that we look alike and even ask us if were twins. I guess I can see the resemblance a little bit. Speaking of my sister, I am getting really excited about the baby coming so soon. Hopefully within four to six weeks!! On a different subject, we got a computer yesterday! Yeah! Maybe I can get some more pictures up soon since we got a scanner also. Anyway, Stay encouraged and Please go sign the guestbook!!

August 23, 2005
Hey everybody!! I am actually updating!! Sorry it has been so long but about a week ago our power supply burnt up on our computer! So, I do have a good excuse for not updating the past week. Anyway, today I started back to college. It's going great so far! My English teacher seems to be really cool. I guess I will see about the others in a little while. I am taking English, Math and CIS. Well, please sign my guestbook and as always, Stay Encouraged!! ~Vanessa

August 9,2005
Hey everybody!! Wow! Life has been going great lately!! I have had so much fun doing various exciting things!! I am pumped about life and just want to stay in his will in every thing I do and say. I have been thinking lately about how I am so blessed to to be raised in the true Church of God and then to have spiritual young people to look up to and admire and follow. I have also been enjoying my break from school and college. It is going to start back way to soon though. Oh well. Anyway, I would suggest signing the guest book but I kinda feel bad because of how long it has been since my last update. So, if you are just wanting to then I would be glad for you to!! Ok, I will see ya later! ~VaNeSsA

July 26,2005
Just thought I would stop in and give a quick update! Life has been going great lately. I have had fun hanging out with some of the young people at various times. I just want to let you all know yhat you are a huge blessing to me!! On a different note, My dad and I ate lunch together at Copelands and then went to the mall for a little while today which was cool. I guess it was a daddy/duaghter thing. awww. Anyway, I am at school right now getting my homework done before class starts!! I have really enjoyed my accounting class this summer. It has been fun however, I am getting excited about wrapping this semester up!! Well I need to go study some more so I should probably go. See ya'll later and please go sign the guestbook!! ~Vanessa

July 17,2005
Well, I have had an awesome week!! It has been very busy but all fun!! To top it all off, Friday and saturday night I hung out with the young people which was great fun!! I have added some more shout outs so you can go see if they are about you!! I should probably go to bed as it is getting pretty late!! See ya later!! ~Vanessa

July 12,2005
Hey!!!! Well, I am back and thought I should update since it has been over two weeks since my last post!! Life has been going great and I am so excited to just keep pressing the battle on!! I was able to go to the youth jubilee this past weekend and I really enjoyed it. It was such a blessing!! Well, I guess I will go for now, PLEASE GO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!! gOoD dAy!!! ~ Vanessa

June 27,2005
Hey everybody! We just got back from a wonderful campmeeting!! I had a great time and already miss everyone!:( Today is Leah's birthday so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH!! Hope you had a wonderful day!! Well, I can't think of anything else to say except be encouraged and keep the victory!! ~Vanessa

June 11, 2005
Hey everybody! Well, Bible school is over:( And forever as me being a student. While we were singing the closing program I thought about how this was my last year. It seems that my life is really passing by fast. It has made me realize that we have no time to waste. Our time to work and labor is right here and right now! By God's grace, I mean to do the work that he wants me to do!!!! So, Campmeeting is already almost here! I am definitely excited about that and can't wait to see all my friends from the other congregations!! I am planning on going on tuesday so Lord willing I will see everyone soon!! Well, I guess I will go for now!! Please go sign the guest book!! ~Vanessa

May 23,2005
Hello everyone! I am back for my bi-annual update. JK. maybe. Anyway, life is great here. We had our banquet on saturday night. It was really nice and the graduates did really good on thier song and their speeches. CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! I'll try to get some pictures of the banquet on here sometime. Tomorrow night I'll start classes at Calhoun. I am very excited about that. I am taking accounting and economics so hopefully it will not be to bad. Also, hopefully you noticed the new picture at the top. I figued I wanted this web page to be for all of my friends so hey, who knows maybe you will be displayed on the front page one day! Well, please go sign my guest book and I'll see ya later!

May 6,2005
Nitwit! WOW! I can't believe that is really a word. It sounds so made up. Anyhow good job to the one who thought of it! Well. I had a blast hanging out with the young peoople tonight playing scrabble! It was quite interesting to say the least. Also, If you noticed the picture change, yea. I am going to change them out every couple weeks. So, anyhow it's getting rather late and I am getting up rather early so I should probably go to bed. See ya later. ~Vanessa

April 26,2005
Greetings and salutations! Wow! I can't believe it has been so long since my last update. I guess it tells you that I have been busy or just not pumped about updating! I really have been busy though. Tomorrow I have to take my final exam for my calhoun class and take the placement test for college. I am hoping to start in the summer and get a two year CIS degree! I am really excited about this! Also my end of the year papers are due by the end of this week so I am trying to get those done. So anyway maybe I'll do better with updating after this. But until next time, see ya!!

April 11,2005
So, how is everyone? It is so awesome outside. Hopefully the summer has come to stay!!! I am looking forward to going camping this weekend!! Rebecca and Brandon may go which will probably be really good for her to get outside not to mention a change of scenery for her. She is doing so much better and we are very thankful! However, I don't want them to go home because I have really enjoyed having them live and be with us!! Anyway, I have had fun hanging out with various young people at various times! Well, go sign the guest book if you so desire and until next time, SO LONG.

April 2,2005
Well, I really have updated since the last one posted however I must have forgot to push save. Anyhow, I'm still encouraged and pumped about life! I have had a very exciting week with so much happening! Rebecca is doing a lot better and hopefully will just continue to get better! See ya later however, please go sigh the guestbook!!

March24, 2005
Sorry peoples, I know it has been a long time since I've updated but I did at least make one other attempt before this but because of my unsanctified computer I was unable to finish my attempt. Anyway, we had an awesome revival. It was a great encouragement to anyone who needed encouraged. I have also added a few more shoutouts! Also, to those of you who by chance didn't know yet, my sister is expecting. We are all very excited. She is almost three months along. She has been having a rough time but hopefully that will be behind her soon. Brandon and Rebecca are living with us right now so that we can be her 24/7 nurses. She may have to be on an iv for a couple more weeks but, God does still answer prayer. Anyway, hopefully she will be well soon. Gotta go but, please go sign the guest book!!!

March 14,2005
Last nights service was like a really big blessing to me. Anyway I am totally pumped about life! After church I had an awesome time hanging out with the young people over at Bro. Danny's house. By the way Leah, your site looks really good. Well, Revival starts tonight so I guess I'll see some of you there. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

March 7,2005
Welcome back! So, I really don't have much to say but I thought I should update just to let everyone know I'm still alive and still excited about the things of God. I have enjoyed looking at some of the other sites. Keep up the good work. Well, I've gotta go. Please go sign the guestbook!

March 1,2005 Wow! I can't believe it's March already. The year is quickly passing by. It's sorta sad becuase I realize my life is going by so fast. However, being saved is the best thing you can have so I therefore, am encouraged about life. I am wanting to do some more stuff on here but I am really busy right now. I am writing a Term paper and between that and everything else I am pretty busy. Anyway, I should probably go now. So, until next time, Bye!

Februrary 26,2005 I'm am excited about the things of God! It justs seems that when the devil tries to bring you down a little bit, God can just lift you even higher than you were before. This deffinitely proves to be the better way. Like the song says, Yes I've found the better way, better paths for my feet.. Anyway I can't wait until church tomorrow! Also, please sign the guest book! And until next time, tata!

Februrary 24,2005 Hola! Sorry it's been a couple of days since my last update but I've been really busy. Thankfully we had a good trip home yesterday. We made it home about eight last night and went straight to church. I am so glad to be home but now I'm missing my friends in Florida. Anyway I'll try to write back soon.

Februrary 21, 2005(12:10a.m.) We had an awesome service tonight here in New Symrna. We went to Russel and Katies afterward and played blitz. They have a beautiful house! Tomorrow we are going to the beach, some of the saints houses and who knows what else. This is our last day here and it's like really sad leaving all my Florida friends but I will also be glad to be back home. I am hoping to get some more pictures on here sometime in the near future so come back soon. Anyway, be cool and please go sign the guestbook!:)

Februrary 19, 2005 I am still in Florida and plan to be until Monday or Tuesday. I am having a wonderful time. Hopefully we will go to the beach and/or shopping today.:) We went to the boardwalk near the Atlantic Ocean yesterday and took about 150 or more pictures. It was so windy and cold though on the beach that we could barely talk. Anyhow it was a lot of fun. I have added a few shout-outs and hope to add more pictures soon so keeping checking back. Also, Thanks to all the guest book signers!! However, to the rest of you please go sign the guest book!!:)

Februrary 18,2005 So, I'm so excited about having a website! Thanks to Shellie:). I am actually in Florida right now and the weather is awesome! I went to work today with Shellie. We painted half a house... and ourselves! :p Anyways, I will try to update pretty often. Keep checking back and don't forget to sign the guestbook!!