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Vanessa's email address!
    Hi My name is Vanessa Bahena. I go to Booker t. Washington. I am in the music cluster, and I'm in the 11th grade. I live in Dallas Texas. I love the school that I go to. Its one of the best schools in Dallas. It is a blue ribbon school. Some of the famouse people that we have now, graduated from our school.. Like Erika Badu, I don't  know it it's spelled right. Norah Jones ,  and  a couple more. i'm really gald that i go to this school because it's one of the best.
     I play the violin. I have been playing it for 9 years, I started playing when I was in the second grade. I like playing it, it makes forget about my problems. I have an outside orchestra that I go to on Saturdays. It's called the NEW CONSERVATORY. I'm also thinking about being a private teacher. They make really good money! And just for the record I won this competition that I never thought I would win. I'm so happy, the only thing is, that I have to play in front of a lot of people in September. It's really scary. But I hope I will manage.
  Now I will tell u a little bit of my family. My moms name is Senorina, and my dads name is Castulo. I have a brother named Oscar, that is in Pre-Kinder, and I have a sister named Mayra in the seventh grade. My dad works at SMU in a small Restaurant, and he also works at I'l Sorrento he cooks italian food, mmmmm my favorite. His awesome when it comes to cooking. Anyways, my mom cleans houses, and takes care of us, She is a busy mom she takes us everywhere we need to go. For example, all our rehearsals and school stuff. As we get to my sister she is just a lazy butt, she won't do anything even if u tell her to do it. Lazy BUM. By the way my sister also plays the violin. On the other hand, I have the cutest little brother in the world. He might get on my nerves sometimes but I love him to death. Both my sister and my brother go to the same school. 

 I go to church every Sunday ,and I like to hang out with my family. My favorite food is Italian. Every once in a while my family and I fo to eat on the weekends, right after church of course.
 This is my Junior year at Booker T. I'm very exited, I'm finally going to graduate, but I still have one more year to go. I'm ready to go out into the world and experience the ups and downs. I'm planning to go to UT in Austin to get my college education. I'm going to miss all my friends but we will still keep in touch. I am in the oraganization called LULAC at school. It's a really nice organization. We do a lot of different things. We had a mixer and that went pretty well. We also had a LULAC Dinner where we got to meet the The President of the Lulac commitee. This organization can also get you into really good colleges.
     Guess what, Im a Senior now! Yeah Baby! Class of 2004!

This was a little something about me!

Dallas Public Schools

Kid pic, me and my causin
Kid pic, me and my friend
My friend and me

Picture of my 15th B-Day
Pic of me and my brother.
Pic of my friends and me.
Friends in 8th grade
Pic of my daddy and me
Dad and me

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