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Eric's Homepage

Eric's Homepage

By Asian Eric

Well, this is my webpage. As you can see, I didn't spend very much time on it. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Eric.

Click the links below if you want to know more about me.

What happened on March 9th, 2002?

Hmmmm.... What did happen on March 9th? Well first off, a beautiful young lady walked into my life. Well, she was already part of my life. We were already best buds. But now, we're more then that. I asked her out and she said YES!!!! I asked her under the ping-pong table. That was the only place where no one was around. I didn't want to make asking her out a big thing because of some situation. But I got her some lovely orange flowers. (Her favorite color is orange) I shopped all around for those flowers. But, it was worth it. She liked them. If you want to know more about her click this link that follows.....

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