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»People used« Skye Daniels,Val Rodriguez

»Mentioned« Read and see!

»Crushes« None..YET

...Scene One...
...A talk between family!

The scene opens with a black escalade pulling up to a white small house in the middle of no where.As the escalade pulls into the driveway and Skye Daniels steps out,she grabs her bag from the backseat .She walks up to the house and goes through the gate,hitting the sign that says "The Daniels" she walks inside to see her mother Crystal and her father Matt.She kisses them on the cheek and sits down at the table with them.

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Hello Mother,father.What are you two doing on this glorious morning?

°*¤»"Daddy Know's Best" Matthew Daniels«¤*°
Ohh nothing,just going to go run some arrands,and we maybe going to dinner later.What about you?

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Actully,I am going to go look at that school I was telling you about.You know,Manning High.I think it will be a good move for me.I need to get away from her,it's not that I don't love you guys.I just feel that a move away from home is best for me.I don't know Mom,what do you say?

°*¤»"Mommy Daniels" Crystal Daniels«¤*°
I don't know Skye,I mean your our only child.Our baby girl,I just don't want you to go away and be one of those kids who are close with thier families and then lose contact.Do you understand what I am saying Skye?

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Yeah.I see,but that's not going to happen.I know that you don't want me to leave,but I won't stay here forever.That's exactly why I am going to enroll myself into Manning.Please don't be angry

°*¤»"Daddy Know's Best" Mathew Daniels«¤*°
*Stuttering a bit* Honey.It's not that we are angry.It's just this isn't something to take lightly,I mean your not just leaving this house your leaving this state.California is a long way off,do you see why we are being so cautious?

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Yes,but it doesn't mean I am not going to go.Look,this isn't about you,I need to get away from here.As far as I can infact,all you guys do is hassle me.Everything I do has to be perfect,and you have made me some sorta of perfectionist little bitch,and I don't wanna be that anymore.

°*¤»"Mommy Daniels" Crystal Daniels«¤*°
*Shocked* Well,Skye we had no idea we felt this way.Why didn't you tell us?,we would have backed off if you needed space..

°*¤"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
But see, that's the problem here.I cannot talk to you guys about anything without you being on my back about it.I need to get away from that,even if it means getting away from you two.I'm sorry but that's how I feel..

°*¤»"Daddy Know's Best" Mathew Daniels«¤*°
Well I am quite shocked to hear you say this,this isn't like you Skye...

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Tell me something daddy,how would you know?I mean sure we spent time together,but that was when you were trying to buy me.Don't you think I remember all those times you'd blow me off?and then come and take me out and try to make me feel better.I remember and I will always remember.So don't sit here and tell me that this isn't like me when you don't even know me.Look I don't wanna argue about this anymore,I have an interview.Bye!

As she runs out Mathew yells "Skye" but she ignores him and slams the door on her way out,she gets in her escalade and drives off in a frenzy.

...Scene Two...
...An enemy,or friend?

As Skye arrives at Manning she rushes up the sidewalk and accidentally bumps into tall mexican girl,and makes her drop her books.She stands up shyly as the girl stares at her glaring.She smiles innocently and waits for her to speak

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Oh my god,I am so sorry.Here let me help you with that...

°*¤»"Down Ass Bitch" Valeria Rodriguez«¤*°
Can't you watch where your going?

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
*Handing her books to her* Look,I said I am sorry ok.I am not looking for trouble,I didn't see you.Leave it at that.

°*¤»"Down Ass Bitch" Valeria Rodriguez«¤*°
No,I'm sorry.I didn't mean to blow up at you like that,I just had a bad day.Anyway I am new here at Manning,what about you been here long?

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤*°
Not long,just now actually.That's why I was rushing,I wasn't paying attention.So you meet anyone yet?

°*¤»"Down Ass Bitch" Valeria Rodriguez«¤*°
No one except you,and what happen I bite your head off.I really am sorry about that.But hey I gotta run because I have something to do.See ya around?

°*¤»"Good Girl" Skye Daniels«¤°
Definately! Let's just hope that we don't piss eachother off *giggles*

Valeria smiles and nods her head in agreement,as she waves and walks away.As she leaves Skye walks inside and disappears.