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The Sexy Chix's Inside Joke Page

Our Inside Jokes

Just in case you forgot here are some explanations to the inside jokes above

1. Possums!!
On the website, there is a section called Strong Bad Emails. Well, one person wrote in, and asked for Strong Bag to make a comic about her and her friends. He did. It was called Teen Girl Squad. He ended up making 4 more issues of Teen Girl Squad, and in one of them, one of the charactars is attacked by possums... Strong Bad says "pooosssuuummsss!!!". It really is hilarious. (Check out Teen Girl Squad in the Toons/Features part of the site.)

2. Limes/Coconuts
We were singing the song "I've got a Lovely bunch of Coconuts". We then decided it sounded rather nasty, so we changed coconuts to limes. The End

3. Hydrolics
One of the C's has an appliance in her mouth, and B thought part of it looked like hydrolics.

4. Sexy in Red/Sexy Chicks
We had a soccer team at one point, and we had red pinneys. We were thinking of a team name, and we thought of The Red Sexys.

5. Man+word
We find using the word man+random word can be very amusing. Example man-sash, man-boobs, man-barbie shoe ect.

6. Hanya, hanya, hanya!!!
A C was hungry, and pretented to eat B. It led to some intresting sounds... Need we say more?

7. Jesus Macaroni/ Otay Buckweat
Quite simply B's random words.

8. Summo Wrestler/I'm having quintuplets!!
We were playing beach-volleyball, and a C held the ball to her stomach and we all thought it looked like either a sumo wrestler or a woman pregnant with quintuplets.

My Favorite Web Sites

Neopets- Fun games, cute pets
Cloudneo- Tips and tricks for Neoepts
Strongbad- hilarious cartoons
Google- great search engine