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Hey! Thanks for visiting! So you finally got around to seeing what i did all this time while i was grounded, eh? well this is it.. I must admit, this site really isn't much but gimme a chance to fix it up a lil and it should be not so boring. Hold your horses. [lol kae]

John Mayer Concert on the 22nd!! =) =)

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Friends, friends, friends, friends!! You kids are my life! Don't think I'd be able to survive without you all! Love you soooo much, probable more than you know! From those of you I've known not too long, to those of you maybe I've known a little too long *kidding of course!* mean the world to me! ilu all! Yes that means you too! =)

until schools out for summer & im a sophmore :-D

You may know me as...

  • Samantha
  • Sam
  • Sammy
  • Piglet
  • Sambo

Me, Myself & I



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Winne the Pooh Crew Gals!! hehe ilu