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Make a million Np

Phase 1: Play The best games u kno That makes alot of np That will make about 10k np
Phase 2: Restocks, Restock at battle magic, Magic, Chocolate, And toy shop Magic for Beginners, Toy 4 pros, Chocolate 4 amatuer, Battle Magic If ur the best At restocks U should Make about 50k By doing this
10000+50000= 60000x7=420000 a week! U will make 1 mil Np In 2 weeks! I Hope this Guide Helps!
Bd Tourney

Match 1 The winner Is:
Match 2 The winner Is:
Match 3 The winner Is:
Match 4 The winner Is:
Match 5 The winner Is:
Match 6 The winner Is:
Championship The winner Is:
More daily Stuff
Fruit Machine
Wheel Of excitement
Scratchcard Kiosk
Wheel Or mediocrity
Buried Treasure
Giant Jelly
Coltzan Shrine

Game Soulotions

Buried treasure Answers= Regular stuff
Win nothing
Win Booby Prize
Win 500 neopoints
Win 2,000 neopoints
Good Stuff
Win one dubloon coin
Win 1,000 neopoints
Win 5,000 neopoints
Win 10,000 neopoints
Win 20,000 neopoints

Haunted House Solution
1) Continue down the road
2) Stay in the car
3) Run from the car in terror
4) Continue along the path, avoiding the old houses
5) Keep asking questions
6) Head up to the house to look for the woman's baby
7) Investigate the noise in the bushes
8) Descend the steps into the dark cellar
9) Try to break down the boards
10) Read the book on history
11) Run back up the stairs
12) Continue along the corridor
13) Continue
14) Shine your torch in his face
15) Run down the right corridor
16) You have successfully passed
Cool Stuff
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user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 105,454

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29 / 90
Power 30%
 Spider Grundo
0 / 335
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Spider Grundo
You toss some of your Honey Potion at Spider Grundo

You hurl a Water Muffin at Spider Grundo

You attack Spider Grundo like berserk!

0 hp
87 hp

Quoth Spider Grundo:
You froze me! I can't believe this! You will regret messing with me!

You have beaten Spider Grundo!
You have won this fight!

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user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 741

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

43 / 81
Power 20%
Spider Grundo
0 / 230
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Spider Grundo
You attack Spider Grundo by releasing your Hand Painted Scarab!

You burn Spider Grundo scaring them horribly with your Draik Gaze of Evil!

Spider Grundo grows twenty times their original size using the Supersize Mega Ultra Plus!
Spider Grundo jumps and attacks you!

You deflect Spider Grundo's attack with the Haunted Shield

You defend yourself valiantly with your Hand Painted Scarab!
0 hp
31 hp

Quoth Spider Grundo:
Lonely? No, I get visitors for dinner all of the time!

You have beaten Spider Grundo!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

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invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" ID=potatocounter width=120 height=60>

user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 741

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0" width="100%" height="100%">
81 / 81
Power 60%
Highland Chia
0 / 86
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Highland Chia
You blast Highland Chia with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You toss some of your Honey Potion at Highland Chia

You attack Highland Chia like berserk!

0 hp
77 hp

Quoth Highland Chia:
Argh yer frosted me claes!! OCH, TAKE THAT!!!

You have beaten Highland Chia!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

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user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : unknown

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

81 / 81
Power 60%
Spider Grundo
0 / 245
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Spider Grundo
You toss some of your Honey Potion at Spider Grundo

You blast Spider Grundo with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You attack Spider Grundo like berserk!

0 hp
76 hp

Quoth Spider Grundo:
You froze me! I can't believe this! MMMMM, YUMMMY!

You have beaten Spider Grundo!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" ID=scratchcard_kiosk width=120 height=60>

user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 646

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0" width="100%" height="100%">
20 / 84
Power 20%
Spider Grundo
0 / 320
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Spider Grundo
You attack Spider Grundo by releasing your Hand Painted Scarab!

You blast Spider Grundo with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

Spider Grundo has fired a sticky web at you with the Web Claw!
Spider Grundo uses the Spider Grundo Web Net to pin you down!
Spider Grundo jumps and attacks you!
You defend yourself valiantly with your Hand Painted Scarab!
You defend yourself against Spider Grundo!
10 hp
32 hp

Quoth Spider Grundo:

You have beaten Spider Grundo!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 18,283

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

84 / 84
Power 60%
Tekkitu the Witch Doctor
0 / 186
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Tekkitu the Witch Doctor
You blast Tekkitu the Witch Doctor with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

Tekkitu the Witch Doctor waves their Evil Snowball Wand and creates a Evil Snowball
Tekkitu the Witch Doctor jumps and attacks you!
You gain fourty hit points from the Green Scorchstone!!!
You defend yourself against Tekkitu the Witch Doctor!
(40 hp)Master_Techo_9 heals!
0 hp
21 hp

Quoth Tekkitu the Witch Doctor:
HEH hehehe...

You have beaten Tekkitu the Witch Doctor!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" ID=tugowar width=120 height=60>

user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 119,612

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0" width="100%" height="100%">
74 / 86
Power 20%
Snow Faerie
0 / 156
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Snow Faerie
You toss some of your Honey Potion at Snow Faerie

You throw a Ummagine Battle Muffin at Snow Faerie with all of your strength!

You attack Snow Faerie like berserk!

0 hp
78 hp

Quoth Snow Faerie:
You will pay for this! I can't believe I can't move! *BRRRRRRRRR*

You have beaten Snow Faerie!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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invalid tag www163 //-->
invalid tag> NEOPETS BATTLEDOME!!! invalid tag var c1=new Image() c1.src="" var c2=new Image() c2.src="" var e=new Array(0,67,114,139,173,208,242,274,307,344,377,408,437); function sh(i){"rect("+e[i-1]+" 130 "+e[i]+" 0)";'visible'; } function loadit(){} //-->
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invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="120" height="60">

user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 226,445

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0" width="100%" height="100%">
44 / 86
Power 20%
0 / 236
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Grarrg
You blast Grarrg with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You blast Grarrg with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You burn Grarrg scaring them horribly with your Draik Gaze of Evil!

OH NO, Grarrg has attacked you with the Feather Tickler, hehe!

Grarrg shoots fire balls out of the center of their Rings of Fire and they are headed right for you!
Grarrg attacks you like berserk!
Grarrg stays safe from your fire attack with the Rings of Fire.

41 hp
69 hp

Quoth Grarrg:
You don't belong here!

You have beaten Grarrg!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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invalid tag> NEOPETS BATTLEDOME!!! invalid tag var c1=new Image() c1.src="" var c2=new Image() c2.src="" var e=new Array(0,67,114,139,173,208,242,274,307,344,377,408,437); function sh(i){"rect("+e[i-1]+" 130 "+e[i]+" 0)";'visible'; } function loadit(){} //-->
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invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" ID=spacestation width=120 height=60>

user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 125,182

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invalid tag var subcount = 0; function one_submit () { if ( subcount == 0 ) { subcount++; return true; } else return false; } //--> function firstselect( obj ) { if ( document.first_select.clicked.value == 0 ) { document.first_select.clicked.value = 1;; document.fightform.newchallenge.value="true"; } } function SubmitFightForm() { if (window.document.fightform.selectmove.value=="null") { alert("Please select a move for your pet first"); return; } else { if(one_submit() ) {window.document.fightform.submit(); } } } function AbilityStrengthControl(bool_control) { if (bool_control) { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].value=3; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].text="Strong"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].value=2; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[1].text="Medium"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].value=1; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[2].text="Weak"; document.fightform.abilitystrength.options[0].selected=true; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=false; } else { document.fightform.abilitystrength.options.length=0; document.fightform.abilitystrength.disabled=true; } } function AbilitySelectorChanged() { var tempstr=new String(document.fightform.selectmove.options[document.fightform.selectmove.selectedIndex].value); var abil_id=tempstr.substring(5,tempstr.length); // if(document.fightform.selectmove.value.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (tempstr.substring(0,4)=="abil") { if (abil_id>10000) { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } else { AbilityStrengthControl(true); } } else { AbilityStrengthControl(false); } }

invalid tag classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0" width="100%" height="100%">
70 / 89
Power 80%
0 / 80
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Pingping_T2
You hurl a Water Muffin at Pingping_T2

You toss some of your Honey Potion at Pingping_T2

You attack Pingping_T2 like berserk!

0 hp
83 hp

You have beaten Pingping_T2!
You have won this fight!

invalid tagfooter-->

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user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 118,273

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46 / 91
Power 40%
 Spider Grundo
0 / 350
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Spider Grundo
You blast Spider Grundo with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You inhale and drain the life out of your opponent using the black arts of Life Drain!

Spider Grundo shoots a large rock at you with their Forest Sling! AHHHHHH!

Spider Grundo strikes you with their Spider Grundo Sword!
Spider Grundo uses their Frost against you!

You defend yourself from pet2->name's physical attack by Downsizing!
(0.55555555555556 hp)Master_Techo_9 heals!
24 hp
20 hp

Quoth Spider Grundo:

You have beaten Spider Grundo!
You have won this fight!

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 111,353

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31 / 91
Power 20%
0 / 83
Power 0%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Gelert_53071

Gelert_53071 spritzes you with their Meerca Squirt Bottle!

Gelert_53071 attacks you by releasing a Hand Painted Scarab!
You blast Gelert_53071 with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You blast Gelert_53071 with a stream of water from your Dark Battle Duck!!!

You jump on Gelert_53071 with your disgusting Lupe Breath!

Gelert_53071 deflects your water attack with their Hand Painted Scarab!

Gelert_53071 glows yellow and looks stronger.
Gelert_53071 heals!(5 hp)
33 hp
49 hp

You have beaten Gelert_53071!
You have won this fight!

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

Pet Central Create a Pet Neomail World Explore Chat Games Shops News Help Login Logout

user : user_99
pet : Master_Techo_9
NP : 139,188

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76 / 91
Power 80%
0 / 77
Power 100%

Master_Techo_9On the last move...Yamanekomon
You hurl a Water Muffin at Yamanekomon

You toss some of your Honey Potion at Yamanekomon

You attack Yamanekomon like berserk!

0 hp
91 hp

You have beaten Yamanekomon!
You have won this fight!

NEOPETS, characters, logos, names and all related indicia
are trademarks of Neopets, Inc., © 1999-2003. All rights reserved.
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