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[[Pwiti]] .......WorLds GweaTesT.......[[Rakhz]]

hiiee=) SpaNxXx foR visitiNg oUR PaGe..hehe Ish stiLL uNDer suM coNStrUCtiOn so DoNt woRRie..haii bapUji..NewayS suM stUFf U needa Kno BOut US 2..PwiTi shes da aNGeL ..n whElZz rakHZ shes the pwiNCeSs ..n toGether we make the woRlds gweaTest.. .we are BOth da sweet 16.. goI da big 1 - 7 stiLL not leGaL to doO nethiN buT thaS oHkaie.. =) we justLIven OUR lIFe to the fULLest Up in a BIG cOMPlicaTed woRld..RepPEn Cali UNtiL the enD of tiMeS We lubish >LauGHiN 24/7 n' sMiLiN..DoiN eVeRYTHiN we WaNT< OH BapRe whElLZ SpaNxXx foR viSten our webBIe..hehe tAke Care be g0od n sAfe..lUbIsh ya..m0ti hUgGie n kiSsiE.sMiLe it mAkEs a diFfEreNce eSpEciAlliE t0 Us.. bUh bYeS=)*JaI sHRi KrIsHnA* żBelLe N ciNDereLLa? żaKa WiFeYs? i LUbiSh u SIS 21 n' 24. o3 d0wn ass biatches .. [[ thanks to all those haters...u jus made us STRONGER! ]]

DeDicaTIoN to PwiTi