Why NOT the BIG tax cut?

This is a big step so let's think it through-forget the politics.THIS MADE ME MAD! FROM FRC:
The State Department's Wild West Tour The U.S. State Department is keeping up foreign relations all right, showcasing the finest America has to offer in the way of Nevada brothels. As University of Rhode Island Professor Donna M. Hughes reported today on the National Review website, part of the International Visitor's Program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs included a tour of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch, along with lectures on the "virtues" of legal prostitution. Representatives from the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia visited the country with the intent to discuss solutions to global sex trafficking--instead they were treated to some "progressive" Nevada hospitality. Is this the new face of American diplomacy? The agency charged with creating favorable relationships with world leaders is instead introducing them to the seamier side of American life. In February, another group of visitors was taken to meet with the California Prostitutes Education Project to learn how the U.S. is combating human trafficking--namely, it seems, by misrepresenting the Bush administration's policy and suggesting legalized prostitution as the answer. These recent incidents point to an increasing disdain by the State Department toward President Bush's policy positions. According to The Washington Times, lining the walls of the department's main offices in Washington, D.C., reporters have noticed a plethora of political cartoons which ridicule the president as a "simpleton" at foreign policy. More troubling, however, are the reports that the State Department has a history of withholding information from the administration to advance its own agenda. Unless Secretary Powell reins in his team, it looks like the State Department will continue to undermine the administration's global posture.
( obtained from FRC): "This morning's Washington Times reports on an egregious abuse of taxpayers' money at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH recently was criticized for giving a $150,000 grant to a sex researcher who paid heterosexual and lesbian women to watch pornographic videos while measuring their arousal. This "study" sparked outrage and a congressional investigation. Now, the Times reports NIH provided more than $137,000 to a study of the sexual behavior of aging men. It's hard to see how such a study falls under the agency's mission to help kids, unless the agency is attempting to find ways of protecting children from dirty old men. "The [agency] couldn't find the money to look into this relationship between kids with regressive autism and the mandatory MMR vaccine," said Rep. Dave Weldon of Florida, a physician, "but they can pay people $150,000 to watch pornography." We need to contact the President re this matter as well as our Congress. This is enough-and it may be just the tip of iceberg.As long as we permit them to get away with this kind of thing, they will. Worried about the deficit? It's things like this that is a waste of taxpayer's money. Is this what you want YOUR money spent on? More reason for the tax cut and more reason to hold them accountable when they do use your tax money.Remember this? "No taxation without representation." TAX CUT UPDATE:As of tonight it looks like the tax cut is going to pass. However,I want to make special mention of SEN.BEN NELSON[Democrat]who voted FOR the tax cut-he did so because he thought enough of the American people and wanted to do the right thing. As he put it himself,it's not a win for the President-it's a win for the American people. And for that he deserves a special thanks! Now about the battle over tax cuts; Truth and Fax: 1. ploy 1 is to blame all the economic woes on Bush. that's easy. He's in office. Truth is that the economy was starting to recover fairly well when Pres. Clinton took office. He was not in office long enough to have his policies actually affect the economy. I would give credit where credit is due to some of Pres. Clinton's policies(creating budget surplus) but by the time Bush took office the economy was starting to slide. Do the research. Don't take my word for it. The economy did not go to heck in a handbasket because of Bush. 2. The economy did start to pick up a bit after the first tax cut. Homes were selling well,consumer confidence was coming around-people were just starting to accept Bush( albiet reluctantly )and Bush for his part knew he had to heal the great divide. He was low key and quietly trying to heal wounds. The economy was coming around a bit. Then came 9/11.Not to overlook the tragic loss of life and the pain this caused our country it also was one heck of a blow to the economy.Then the airlines,who were having some problems anyway,were really hit hard. Truth:had it not been for the first tax cut I wonder how well the economy would have survived this attack? Next:WAR. The United States went to war in Afghanistan. Two blows to the economy:the terrorist attack and WAR. Followed within a little over 1 yr by another war:Iraq. Fax: all of these events take their toll on the economy. Pres Bush has been dealt one heck of a deck of cards during his presidency.He's got a lot on his plate and all of these events affect the economy. Now the issue:
What about the BIG tax cut? Why not a tax cut? If the first helped bouy the economy through one disaster after another what could another possibly do? Ok..the BOGEYMAN. The Budget Deficit. It always goes up in war(and rememeber we are still at war: the war on terrorism is a real war. It's not fought the same way as past wars,but a war nonetheless.Plus the other 2 military wars we've had,Iraq and Afghanistan. So its' not surprising that it has gone up. It's this bogeyman that has some in Congress using that as a reason NOT to give tax cuts. Legit or excuse? Ok then..what's the alternative? The issue with the economy now is jobs. This affects the American people directly. What's the alternative? Let Congress have the money to spend? Convinced they won't? Pork Barrel has long been a problem of Congress-of all the laws and regulations they impose on the American people they ought to pass a law on themselves and make it ILLEGAL to include Pork Barrel with any bill. Government doesn't create jobs. People create jobs. It's the private sector that creates jobs. So what do they say about the tax cuts? They will benefit "the upper 1%" They've changed the wording now to the upper class(meaning the same thing as "upper 1%"). Truth and Fax: the income range they're referring to is the range of people who own and run SMALL businesses...people who provide J-O-B-S. Guess what:this kind of talk works. It is based on the following stereotype: The Republicans are for the rich. Think about that: ALL Republicans are rich. ALL Democrats are not. So of course the Republicans are looking out for the "upper 1%" Repubicans are terrible terrible people who do not care about anyone but the rich. Now ask yourself:do you really believe that? The funny part is that the Democrats are really counting on your believing that-that no one can simply sort things out for themselves. They count on if they say it-you believe it. It's an insult to my intelligence and yours. Yes,there are people in the Rep party who probably are greedy. I'd be willing to bet there are people in the Dem party who are greedy too. On the other hand there are people in the Rep party who are compassionate and there are people in the Dem party who are compassionate and there are people in BOTH parties who are only worried about getting re-elected. If that's not enough here's the next tactic: the uncaring and greedy Republicans are going to take away your Social Security. They had my parents beleiving that during the election. They were scared to death and I don't blame them. At their age they would be. Did it happen? NO! Now they're getting mail because of the battle in Congress saying the same thing: The Republicans are going to take away your Social Security. They've got my parents scared to death again. It took a bit but I finally convinced my folks that if it didn't happen the irst time around then it wasn't going to happen this time. It makes me mad as heck that they do this to my parents though. I'm not going to let my folks get duped by these scare tactics. Ok...let's not get the tax cuts. What's the alternative? Taxes had been doing nothing but going up for years. You couldn't get a big enough tax cut to make up for the tax increases over the years. Now the states are complaining that they have deficits. If you spend like there's no tomorrow that's what happens. No matter how much revenue you take in from taxes. Taxes can be through the roof-but if you spend it like crazy it's gone no matter what. IMHO taxes have brought our country to its knees. My folks do nothing BUT pay taxes. Pres. Bush is right-it's your money and the alternative is to give it to Congress and let them decide what to do with it. Alan Greenspan spoke loud and clear:truth and fax on this one too folks. He actually said the tax cuts would help (what he said has been twisted around-I heard what he said with my own two ears)IF spending were kept down. Well,guess what? Pres Bush's budget keeps spending down to a 4% increase. That's right-just as Greenspan said. Tax cuts would help if spending were kept down. Meantime they're trying to whittle down the amount of the tax cut-the lower it goes the less good it will do. But then they can say: We gave you the tax cut and it didn't help. So they make out politically no matter what. Time to cut the politics. Time for truth and fax. It's time to be bold. We used to be bold. It's time to tell taxes to take a hike and tell Congress to keep the spending down. They worry too much about buying their way back in. Let's be honest-they don't have to. They stay there till their old and grey anyway and make tons of money(giving themselves raises too)in the process.Don't let them play the same old game. The 5o figure tax cut is about right. How bout letting them know? If not, plan on handing em more to spend.(And if you're up to it,Please sign my guestbook!)
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I can remember the slogan(before Roe V. Wade)that said legalizing abortion would make abortion "safe,affordable and *RARE*".
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