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  Hello Teachers,
      The  information below will help you in aligning the QCC and End-of-course-test objectives. I have listed each domain and given the QCC that applies to that domain. Also, the chapters in our textbook are given, so that you know which chapters address the objectives. This could be a reference point when you are developing your lesson plans.
Domain 1: Fundamental Economic Concepts       QCC Quality Core Curriculum Textbook Chapters that apply / Title of the Chapters “Economic: Principals and Practices” Clayton
1./1         1 Chapter 1: What is Economics?
1/ 2 2 Chapter 1: What is Economics? Chapters 4.5.6: Demand. Supply and Prices
1/3 3 Chapter 1: What is Economics?
1/4 7 Chapter 1: What is Economics? Chapter 2: Economic systems
1/5 8 Chapter 2: Economic Systems
1/6 10 Chapter 1: What is Economics? Chapter 14: Gross Domestic Product Chapter 15: Population. Economic Growth
1/7 13  Chapter 1: What is Economics? Chapter 15: Population/ Economic Growth

Domain 2: Producers and Consumers QCC Textbook Chapters that apply/Title of the Chapters
2/1 4 Chapter 2: Economic Systems Chapter 15: Population and Economic Growth
2/2                   5 Chapter 13: Investments
2/3 6 Chapter 2: Economic Systems/Chapter 13: Investments
2/4 19 Chapter 2: Economic Systems /Chapter 8: Labor
2/5 21 Chapter 12: Federal Reserve Bank /Chapter 13: Investments
2/6 26 Chapter 8: Labor

Domain 3: Microeconomics-
Elements in the Marketplace
QCC Textbook Chapters that apply/ Title of the Chapters
3/1                                                11 Chapters 4.5. and 6 Demand. Supply. and Prices              
3/2 12 Chapter 11: Money and Banking
3/3 14 Chapter 3: Forms of Business Organizations
3/4 15 Chapter 3: Forms of Business Organizations
3/5 16 Chapter 7: Market Structures
3/6 17 Chapter 8: Labor
3/7 18 Chapter 8: Labor
3/8 22 Chapter 2: Economic Systems. Chapter 8: Labor

Domain 4:Macroeconomics-
The National Economy
QCC Textbook Chapters that apply/ Title of the Chapters
4/1                                                20 Chapter 11. 12. and 13 Money. Banking. FRB. and Investments
4/2 23 Chapter 14: Gross Domestic Product
4/3 24 Chapters 4.5. and 6 Demand. Supply. and Prices
4/4 25 Chapter 8: Labor
4/5 27 Chapter 11. 12 Money and banking/ FRB
4/5 27 Chapter 11. 12. and 13: Money. Banking and the FRB
4/6 28 Chapter 12: Federal Reserve Bank
4/7 29 Chapter 9: The Economics of Taxation / Chapter 12: Federal Reserve Bank

Domain 5: The International 
QCC Textbook Chapters that apply/Title of the Chapters
5/1        9 Chapter 2: Economic Systems/ Chapter 19: Comparative Political Systems
5/2                                                30 Chapter 18: International Trade
5/3 31 Chapter 18. 20. 21 International Trade. Developing Countries. and Global Economic Challenges