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The Page That Christal Made

I made this page. Please behave yourself and NO BITING. Not until after midnight, anyway. I started to build this page in August of 2003 (with a little help from zipperhedjoe), and it will constantly be a work in progress. Here, you will find interesting stories, helpful hints, neat places to visit in New Jersey and the Delaware Valley, and occasional racy humor or incoherent rants and raves. Your emails, comments and suggestions are always welcome unless they are negative or in ANY WAY DIFFERENT from my own opinion. Just Kiddin. As I said this site is a work in progress and many photos and assorted crap will be posted as soon as I figure out how to post it all. Angelfire is kind of a "learn as you go" deal. My Joe is a computer genius, but only willing to help when I ask.

Bored on the net? I personally reccommend these links:

Start your own free web site with angelfire
A local taste of the strange and unexplainable and some weird stuff, too. Cool Site!
Strangeland welcomes you into, well, ummm, a strange land. Easy to navigate.
Searching for a schoolyard bully? Or just curious as to how that slut in 9th grade English turned out? Even if I WAS the slut in your 9th grade English class, visit this site!
Get maps and driving directions to anywhere in the continental U.S. Foolproof site!
