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Nights Star Inn

This will be the price list for the Tavern

Food, water, and bedding will all be free to all who wishes to stay or eat at the tavern the other items as for the soda will be 2 gold. alcohol and wine it will be 9 gold for a bottle and 2 gold for as glass and each glass after the first will be one gold but each bottle after the first will be 8 gold. on occasion there will be a free for all night meaning drinks will be free for the first two hours of you being in the tavern.


The tavern rules are very simple in the basic number 1 RULE is THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO FIGHTING ON ANY circumstances this is not a self help inn you must ask one of the workers to serve you and you also must have respect for everyone in this tavern including the workers and I i will allow free sheltering for over night staying but i have decided if you cause trouble you will be thrown out you must clean up before leaving your room as for every thing else JUST HAVE FUN WITH RESPECTFULL WAYS


the tavern is a nice modern yet old style look to it there are many tabels and the bar is huge there is a couch with a fireplace and a swing on a tree outside in the shade the upper lever has many rooms and bathrooms feel welcome to stay here if you wish to get away from things for awhile there is a nice little bar upstairs that yuou may help your selves with and have a great time


Numbed Pains {Owner}

DarkAngelTye {Assistant}