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MoE TomAtoE WorLd

mOe ToMaTOe's WorLd...
"LiNk...he's here to save the day!"



Ashley And Scott

Awesome games..

Take a peek at some random pictures

My Xanga Page!

Spill your thoughts on a cool blog like here!

Kayshee's kool site..check 'em out..NOW!

My Spankin' Cool 'other' Website-I made 'em for ICS class..:)

..The Best Place On The Web To Be!

HoWdy Doo dAh

Let's see..this is my second (or is it third) attempt at trying to make a webpage. I think I'm finally getting all the html crap..guess ICS is good for something. Nah taught me a lot, just wish it weren't so dang hard.

Anywho..look look right..nah,just kidding..look left again. Ohhh LINKS! :D Click away. Lotsa fun places to visit, but make sure to come back here ...

Okay, now I'm just filling up space...any news anyone?

By the way..if you're wondering what that whole "Link, he's here to save the day!" thing is all about..I'll tell you. In about a minute..1..2..nah, just kidding. Anyway, it's from this song that John guys showed me. It sounds like it's System Of A Down, but I'm kinda skeptical about that because it's not the type of music they usually do. It's a very strange song, but, if you can, listen to it sometime!

HELLO OUT THERE! CAN ANYONE READ ME??! "Can you read me now? Can you read me now? What about now?"-Verizon w/ a twist..gotta love it. :)