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NELLY Official i-Squad Banner ***We lost Another wun*** Shantel Nicole Bailey August 12, 1987~November 19, 2003 Love u telly {ThAt ByTcH yA`lL cAlL cOrY} Muthafuka u kno i`m talkin about u..n i hope u read thys iight? I can`t stand ya punk azz cuz u hatin cuz ya yunga brotha b gettin his n ya dick iz still dry..but seriously keep talkin ya shyt 2 rosana cuz even frances didn`t want that sayz sumthin iight? But it`z all good cuz regardless of wut chu say i got mad shyt on u..n u will get knocked jus keep runnin ya mouth..ya 2foot ugly azz bytch..... xXsHa InTrOIlLaXx WuS GoOd? holl@ thaU kno U want me sum luv..n i`ll do tha same..iight..wun luv I jus had 2 change mah page up a lil` u kno how that goez..but if ya`ll iz gonna hate please jus be out cuz i rly don`t even need that ya heard? but i hope ya`ll enjoy mah page n note me if u wanna shout a holl@ cha gurl..iight? *CAN`T STOP WON`T STOP SOPHMOREZ GONNA RUN IT CUZ WE GET DOWN BAYBEE, WE GET DOWN THEY ALL HATE US CUZ WE STAY FRESH 2 DETAH WE THA BEST, NUTHIN LESS! Don`t hate c/o 2006!!! Holl@ me!!!!* xXShA CuAtRo UnO UnO IlLaXx Me Llamo aNoS-15 SeX *SeXXii MaMii LoC- LiL` RhOdII/ EaSt TrEmOnT StAtUz SyN PrEf *tHuGGn PaPiiz OcCuP {OtHa StAtZ} HeIgHt- 5`6 PaNt- 0-3..Ya i`m skinny ShOe- 8w, 6y*Still in kid shoez!! holla!* EyE- Brown HaIr- Brown Thingy PiErCiNg- Not in anyhwhere interestin..yet BeSt BudDy- Besidez Spongebob...Chardonnay, Anita Huratchi, Jayden RIP, JaDii, n Petey ShOeZ *Not all mah shoez.... hAtZ cOnTaX AIM- xXsHa IlLaXx or ImBoyCrazy**Mad people use thys s/n E-Mail- LyKeZ -LLOYD BANKS -MARIO -NELLY -CHINGY -Sean Paul -Rap/R&B/Reggae/Merengue -Shopp*n -Jerseyz wit fitted hatz 2 match -Match*n ERR thang -Jordanz -AF1`s -Dr. Pepper -Fruit Punch Snapple -Manolos -Mac N Cheese -Skittlez -M&M`s -Starbursts -Burnin CD`z *Ghetto baybee* -Huratchi`s car -Burberry -Strawberry Poptartz -Them sandwhiches @ school -Chardonnay`s accent -SPONGEBOB!!!! -Watchin disney Channel..HELL CHYEA!!! -Winterfresh Gum -Candles -Pink Panther -Ren & Stimpy!! THAN NIQQAZ! -RAMEN NOODLEZ!!!! -Twix -DL`s laugh -Babyphat -Lip Glozz...keep it glossii -Michael Jackson!!! -Cheeseburgers! -Bear In Tha Big Blue House -Tigger -Aladdin -SHOEZ!!! -RED -Beltz DiSlYkEz -FRANCISCO`S BROTHA CORY!!!! -Winter -JEALOUSY -WANNA BEZ -Phonii People -Haterz -Waking up early -People who don`t match -HURACHiiZ*Tha shoez not mah niqqa*!!! them shytz r ugly! -People hatin on Ja jus cuz 50 does..we all kno ya`ll wuz yellin murda lyk last week -50 cent..sry but he`z wack n played out mAh KiNdA bOii -Gotta Know how 2 dress *i don`t want no scrubz -Gotta b @ least 5`7... jus be taller than me! -Can`t be a Playa -Can`t have baby mama drama -Gotta Smell good *No funky* -Gotta lyk me 4 me -Can`t be sweatin mah friendz -CAN`T BE OLDER THAN 19..I`M ONLY 15 SUNNY! cOnTaX xXShA pAgE InFoIlLaXx PaGe- v.Happy Holidays nOw PlAyN- Busta Rhymes feat. Jim Carrey- Grinch 2000 dEdIcAtEd 2- Tha grinch..mah niqqa!!!! CoLoRz- Red/Green/white PaSt LaYoUtZ v.Get Low v.Could u Be v. keep*n It REAL v.Gimmie wut chu got xXShA JaYdEn IlLaXx *Jayden don`t got ignore sum of tha stuf Kelly sayz in tha* U kno wut Jay, i ain`t even gonna try 2 get all sad on hea cuz i kno u liv*n in a betta place so there ain`t no reason 2 be sad about that..cuz already kno how much i miss u...So lemme jus rememba tha good timez..iight J*Scrizzle, JaiDeen, Pepe Jones, NV8er8*HA HA*, u r a very pretty man....n how do u feel about that.... tha numba..ummm no..u kno u want thys right cha...Nah jus b REAL wit it..tell me tha truth, u REALLY wanna kno tha truth?Ha i miss u...wun luv JAS~10*16*85-4*13*03 xXShA KiMIlLaXx I don`t even care if u read thys...cuz i ain`t scerred..not that i ever was...but u wanan kno tah real reason why i ain`t even tryna deal wit u? it`z cuz u wanna go n diss us fa brooke..not sayin i gotta problem wit brooke but i dp gotta problem wit that n wit u right now...cuz u wanna site there n talk shyt about me..i kno so don`t even try 2 act lyk u didn`t say nuthin....when i rly did do errthang 4 u..n u got mad cuz i wouldn`t give u my man`z numba..why tha fuk do u want it..but if it wuz anthony u would have thys big azz problem..but ya sittin there sayin that ur mah "friend" but u wanna talk about me n i could b that kinda person n lay all ya shyt out in tha open but that ain`t right...but ur tryna sit there n say that me n barron r doin wuteva..don`t talk unless u kno tha factz iight..n yes i wuz talkin about u @ Deanna`z party..cuz u wuz rly actin stank when Larry came..he ain`t that cute so don`t get souped..but wuteva cuz u can jus go n talk shit cuz it don`t bother me..i luv it, cuz it jsu showz that i`m THAT improtant that u would stop a conversation jus 2 talk about me..THANK U..I FEEL SPECIAL...but i ain`t even gonna let u occupy that much space in mah mind cuz all u do iz hate,.n that`z why no wun lykz u cuz u alwayz gotta talk shyt about sumwun n when they bust u in ya face don`t say nuthin....n u iz wun concieted little gurl..U AIN`T THAT CUTE..DEAD UP...i ain`t tryna say that i`m tah shyt..cuz i ain`t..but i ain`t conceited..n u jus talk about people lyk ain`t no wun got anything 2 say about u...but wuteva i had 2 let chu no so u don`t get that shyt twisted..N I WANT MY SHYT BACK NOW OR YA AZZ IZ GONNA PAY 4 IT....I`M SERIOUS...N if u gotta perblem wit that u can xXShA tOnY mOnTaNa IlLaXx His name iz Montana..Tony thys iz mah baby Tony b.k.a. Scareface..I got him last night..i dunno wut kind of pit he iz so don`t ask me mah friend gave him 2 me.. xXShA ThA hAt ThInGyIlLaXx ERRR NIQQA SHOULD DO THYS!!!! Thys iz bangn!!! i kno all tha ladiiz gotta kno wut i`m talk*n about when i say that hat thing..n if ya`ll don`t lemme explain~ *It`z when a boy wearz his hat all tha way down to his eyez so u can`t see em..i dunno why but`z it`z BANGN!!!! xXShA Mi AmOrIlLaXx U Kno i`m sry fa all that shyt i put u through..i don`t even kno y u stayed..u should`ve left when u wantd 2..but i`m happy ya still hea...THA DOMINICAN THING..HA u rly wanna kno how she knowz about him? I DUNNOOO!! xXShA MaH hOlLaZIlLaXx It`z easy fa sum wun 2 tell u they ur friend 2 ur face..but when u aint around all of sudden they don`t kno u..a REAL friend iz sumwun who stickz wit u through it all..sumwun who u can trust..u ain`t got 2 be wonder*n if they really ur friend or this goes out 2 those people who r that...n if ya wonderin if ur mah friend..ur not MaH rOaDdAwGz [JaDi KiiZZ!!] Just lyk them boricuaz..HA HA..BUT WHOA IT`Z ALBERTO!!! U want a ride? So wut chu lyk 2 do?! ALBERTO NIGGA!!!!!! Cartier PIMPson...but sabes estas enamorada de MANNA!! Don`t trip!! ARISON NIGGA!!! ha ha yo i wuz dyin fa lyk 20 minutez! *HE* CALLED ME..YO!!!!!! BE EAZY! But he wuz trippin on tha phone fa real! But Huratchi`z girl...HA HA HA HA...that`s y he didn`t want us 2 meet her.... [HuRaTcHi] HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY *NOV 3* *U WUZ SOUPED! YA GURL IZ UGLY!!!! lol... nah fa real tho..Tay Tay wuz WAY betta..n u kno errwun wuz sayin that...but i don`t rly care about her cuz she iz RUDE! u kno wut she said u us right? That`s fukked up! But If u lyk them UGZ..that`z on u...ha ha..i still luv ya! DomiRican...NO..U kno i got mad luv fa u right?! 2 bad we stole ya car!!!! U let that bytch touch ya head!! it`z all good tho...Jus roll ova..u`ll b iight..ha ha..ain`t that sum shyt! mAh GuRl CHARDONAYNAY!!! ha ha ALBERTO N HIS CAR!!! WHOA!!!!! That shyt wuz hilarious..but u kno i`m heated!!!! BTS CAMPUS VISIT!!!! BSPC Huratchi**CANEZ UP!!!!!!!!!***, Megga, Petey, PJ, Cardo, Martaiyliya, Nessa, Jay, LaLa, Carlos, VictA ::D-BLOCK!!!!!! HOLL@ 6TH PERIOD!!!!:: Haweezy**Mah Gurl,She wuz sweatin through her sweatshirt! damn!*** Tasha**Rice n beanz!**, TANya**Mah otha girl..SEXY!! HOW YA DOIN? LOL..where tah fuk have u been?!!***, Mott, Dawson mAh GuRl RHS HomiEz {tRaViZ} Travis thinks he cute cuz he went 2 ATL n came back lookin good!!! WHOA! lol..u kno u wuz lookin REAL happy when u cam up them stepz...jus cuz u got a LIL bit of musKelz! u still skinny jus lyk me..loo..u kno i love u! It`z lik a hubalubagiis..ha ha..ya i rememba..i don`t even kno wut i said fa lykak half an hour..FA REAL! Tiff, Samantha, Lina, Britt, NayNay, Ariel, Nita, Ash, King, Deanna, Sasha, DEB, Peter, Kendall, Jessi*Barry`s! gimmie wut cha got 4 a porkchop! ha ha...he wouldn`t stop dancin!**, Nelz, Walms, Monica, Tish, Liliana, Liz, LizMarie, Londa, Jaron, Riley, George, Smilez**DWAYNE! U kno u LUUUV me!*, JP, DL**Ms J Takin a shyt! HA HA**, RiRi, Hope, BrittNEA**I`m sry about wut happened but jus kno that she`z in a betta place....**, Lloyd, Bailon, Bubba, Jessie, Markus n e wun else who i 4got u kno i`m sry... P*TOWN Boo Boo*Mah body guard!**Derrick**Winter ball...IHOP!! ha ha****, Monica, Jilal, Harris**Nigga BE EAZY!!!!!***, Erik, SEXY Joe, JUICY!!!, Anthony*Don`t hate cuz ya ugly!*, BooLicious**HA Ha*, DonL*u kno!*, Yisela, SHANE!!! DMoney, BabyCoupe**Go up tha ladder!**, 4FingaBAWLLA***HOLLA!!!, Pete$, Aisha, Errwun else u kno who u r xXShA tHa PiX IlLaXx ::BooTTii::sHoT xXShA MeMbA oFIlLaXx MGZ_SEXXC_TEENSMGz_SeXii_DaMeS By XxLAYD_SHAExX
MaH QuIZzEZ u tHiNk u kNo mE?! MaH p*TOwN qUiZ! *KiiSSeZ!!! MuAhZ!!!*