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Amber's Space

Well I spent the most amazing summer on a mission's project with Campus for Christ it was a truly wonderfull experience. If you'd like to read more about it you can continue to my page about Calgary -·´¯`·._.·´¯`·-> My Calgary Adventure
Still pretty primative I know but I'm working on it To see my current blog click HERE

My Testimony

The following is a short summary of my life and how i came to know about God, Jesus and accepted Jesus as Lord of my life.

I grew up in a small town in a non-Christian family. I was never part of the small group of “cool” people as a result I felt like an outsider and had few friends. A lot of my happiness and security were placed in my family. I knew that my family loved me and would care for me so I did get a level of happiness and security from them, how ever it always felt like there was a crucial part of these were still missing from my life. I also placed a lot of my self worth in what people thought of me. When I was being included in a group of my peers I felt happy and good about myself, but when I wasn’t being included I felt isolated and lonely.

In the summer after grade 5 I had the opportunity to go to a Christian summer camp. At camp I heard the message that God loved me, had a plan for my life and wanted to have a relationship with me. It was then that I prayed for God to be a part of my life. I didn’t fully grasp what this meant. My understanding was based on thinking I had to do good things to be seen as good by God, Basically God ended up being just another person I had to impress.

Through the rest of Elementary school and high school I pushed God to the back of my mind because I felt I was unable to be good enough for him and it was easier not to think about it then to see all the ways I thought I was failing. I felt like I was leading a fake life because people viewed me has a good person but inside I was frustrated and angry. I felt like I didn’t fit in because people didn’t really accept the me that I displayed, I was convinced that they would accept the real me and I thought I wasn’t good enough for God.

Most of these feelings continued until my third year of university when I got involved in a bible study on my campus. In this bible study I heard some things that I already knew like God loves me, has a plan for me, and wants to have a relationship with me. I also began to hear and understand some thing that I had missed at camp and that was that we are all sinners and when Jesus died on the cross it was so my sin could be forgiven and God loves me unconditionally. Lastly I learned that to be able to experience God’s love and plan for my life I had to accept God’s forgiveness and what Jesus did when he died on the cross. This knowledge started to change my motivations, I started to do good deeds because God loved me and not to earn his love. I also started to seek friendships with people because I was genuinely interested in them and not just because I needed to feel accepted. The thing that I really feel God’s been working on in my life is that because he is perfect and loves me unconditionally he is trust worthy and I can trust in him for not only my daily needs but also that he has the perfect plan for me even when it seems like my life is moving in the opposite direction of my “plans”. And a verse that’s been a constant reminder of this in my life is Jeremiah 29:11 “ for I know that plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future.

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