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Baked Fish


1pc. (about 1kg)lapulapu
2c. bread crumbs

2tsps. sour pickles, chopped

1/4 tsp. ground pepper
3/4 tsp. sage

1/3 c.margarine
1/4 c. dry white wine

1 pc. onion, chopped


1. Preheat the oven to 240 C (400 F).

2. Clean, wash, and dry the fish, make diagonal cuts on its sides.

3. Rub salt and pepper on the fish and inside its body.

4. Heat half of the margarine in a skillet, then add the onions and brown lightly.

5. Add the bread crumbs, chopped pickles, sage, and half of the wine.

6. Stuff the fish with the mixture.

7. Sew or skewer the fish.

8. Place it in a well- greased shallow pan lined with foil.

9. Brush the remaining margarine and pour the rest of the wine on the fish.

10. Bake uncovered for about 40 minutes or until the fish flakes easily when       

      tested with a fork.

11. Baste frequently with drippings of additional margarine and wine.

12. Serve with hollandaise sauce, mock hollandaise sauce, or other desired 


Hollandaise Sauce


3 egg yolks
1/4 tsp. salt (less if butter is salty)

1tbsp. cold water
1/2 of tsp. lemon juice

1/2 c. soft butter


1. Combine egg yolks and water in the top of a double boiler and beat with a 

     wire whisk over hot (not boiling) water until yolks are fluffy.

2. Add a few spoonfuls of butter to the mixture and beat continually until the 

    butter has melted and the sauce starts to thicken. Care should be taken that 

    the water in the bottom of the double boiler does not boil.

3. Continue to add the butter bit by bit, stirring continuously.

4. Add the salt and lemon juice. If a lighter sauce is preferred, a tablespoon of 

    hot water may added. Sauce should be served tepid, not hot

5. Pour over baked fish and garnish with boiled potatoes and parsley leaves.