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Leah's Bubble

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Some of the yp

Some peopla at Pizza Hut on Thursday

Nathen being...himself

Cassia and Natalie

Vanessa and Tesia

Me n' Abby

Brittany and Millie arm wrestling at Pizza Hut...LOL

Nathen -the calm one. And Randy

Ben and Randy...

Jason was telling an 'animated' story

Friday night and we where trying to help all the hotel occupants get an EARLY start at life on Sat. am.

The Cornwells

Vollyball at the Park on Saturday

More vollyball

A really cute picture of Mandie and Gage

A UNO game played at Russ and Katie's Saturday PM.

Russ told them to not demolish the coffee table b'cause it came to america on Columbus' ship...

So I decided that we should be even MORE carefull with the kitchen table b'cause Adam probably made it in the Garden of Eden and put a special preservative on it...LOL!!!

Laura turned 16 on the 25th...So Happy 16th Laura!!

This van had a AIR CONDITIONER in the back window....When I saw that I decided that Lakeland, Fl. is more 'RED' than ANYWHERE in AL.!!!! LOL!!

Wanna reward me for using my poor brain energy and wasting my sleep-time on this? SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! LOL!!!!

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