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Time for a new website... yes my infinite profile one was very cool indeed, but it changed on me! an now it won't let me use html, so I decided to move my site, then realized all my codes were gone, so here I am starting from scratch!Don't worry though... This one will be more original, I will try to use ONLY my own grapichs and layouts, but temperaroliy i am using a background from mad-html until I remember to save the page I started at school and load it on here. ;). Until then just bear with me until I get this going. I have a lot planned for it so far as far as a page for my freinds, my interests/hobbies, pictures, my work (graphics and etc), holidays cuz everyday is a holiday, a journal type thing, maybe horoscopes and hopefully some of the ideas you guys mail to me ;). The only problem May be concerning the space that the free site has given me.... but just cuz i love yall I'll find a loop hole or work around that and make this just as nice as i promised. Til then check in a lot because this is my personal project now so new things should be added almost daily until I've gotten it to pretty much where it needs to be. Email me if u want or talk to me on yes I know there's not much here now, but the little there is.....EnJoY!


Created by yours truely ;)