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Mama Musings
Friday, 10 November 2006
Mood:  special
Hi Everyone!

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to write about, but Its definitely time for me to make an addition.

The twins have been doing a countdown to "The Best Day Ever" for a few days...Well, today, my friends, was the day. How, you ask, did they know that today was going to be the best day ever (maybe they have psycho abilities like their mama!) Well, see, there was a countdown...OK...The Best Day Ever is a SpongeBob marathon...All SpongeBob, all day. Fantastic! I could barely convince Jonah to get up to take his medication today, had to bribe to get him to come to the mall with me (like he had a choice! LOL) and bribed him againg with candy to go to Walmart with me. What a sweet kid. LOL...

Jon bought me some Bailey's Irish Cream yesterday, so, needless to say, (I LOVE Baileys!) I'm sipping on some right face is flushed & hot after a few sips...yum-o!!!

Uh...Election...over...YAY! I was going to skip voting, but I did go...seems like the rest of the conservatives in the country forgot...But that's OK...its all part of the game and whether a candidate wins or loses, the next day, God willing, they still wake up, still go to work, still go to goes on...Life is beautiful like that. It really doesn't matter much...they're either pumping their fists in the air & pounding their chests or they're licking their wounds...But life DOES go on...Things get to go back to "normal"... I have a very hard time with the politics game...Well, if you read my rant from the other day.. you get it...

Along the same lines as politics...Cloth diapering is going GREAT! I can't believe I was afraid to use cloth with the twins...It really is no extra work (OK, well you can imagine a senario or two when it might be a little more inconvenient, but in general...) Its only 2 or 3 extra loads of laundry a week, and I put the twins' undies in there with them...and heck, I've got three boys, I'm not afraid of laundry.

Alrighty...not much else happening. No major broken bones, head injuries, bumps & bruises...not too much to speak of...Oh, boring is SO good.
I made toasted raviolis for dinner/snack tonight. We had a late lunch, so we just decided to snack, that is a lot of work for a snack, but oh so yummy!

OK, I think that's about it. We are going to spend the night in a hotel tomorrow night. As we speak, Jon & his mom are with their long ago departed sister/birth daughter. We will be meeting them tomorrow...Jon will be with us, so I plan on letting him have the kiddos for a while & heading down to the hot tub with a good celebrity gossip magazine. (Celebrity gossip is my favorite sin) Not entirely sure why I like it, LOL, because I really don't believe any of it (or think that any of it is my business for that matter), but boy, it sure does make for some mindless reading...which I do like once in a while. OK...I think that's really it.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:50 PM CST
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Monday, 6 November 2006
Rant, Vent, Psycho Babble...I've HAD IT!
Mood:  loud
OK....Now, I realize that the election is happening tomorrow, I've done quite well, if I do say so myself...This level of aggitation, irritation and a general dislike for anyone outside of my family and a pretty close circle, usually sets in several weeks before an election, so the weekend before an election...well, I deserve some serious kudos for growth....

Mom (Jon's mom), if you're reading *might* not want to continue...I promise you there is nothing cute about any of the kids in this post...I've done my duty in telling you...I'm sure you're going to read anyhow...but buckle your seat belt...

OK...So, generally, my husband isn't much of a "talker" most guys. Things came to a head yesterday when I had to go pick the kids up after he told me he was going to take them for the day. My picking them up wasn't in the agreement...I didn't ASK him to take them...wouldn't have, didn't. PERIOD...So HE offered to take the kids with on Saturday night, so since I'd been up with Sam for a couple hours by the time sleeping beauty got his ass out of bed, I went and layed down to sleep for a bit. An hour later (granted, I was grateful of an hour of sleep because Sam had been poking me in the eyes all night and I didn't get to sleep at all), he comes in and makes a lot of noise and blames me that he has no socks... (my answer is consistent on this...if you put your dirty socks in a hamper, or SOME kind of dirty clothes pile, you will have clean socks because the *laundry fairy* gets it done...they're not in a pile or the hamper...sorry charlie...I just spent two weeks looking for one of the kids' new shoes...I'm not spending three seconds looking for a 38 year old's misplaced SOCKS!) and then announces that he's taking Jonah with him. Fantastic...well, since I'm still groggy from an hour of sleep and that's pretty much it, I was a little confused...I thought you were taking Sam...(again, I didn't ask, I wouldn't have asked...he offered) So he says something stupid like "Well, if you get up and get him dressed..." WHAT?!?!? Because everytime I have to leave the house with the kids, I call you home from work to get the baby dressed? Little bit confused...So apparently Jon's arms are broken because I have to dress Sam...(That was VERY irritating to me...When I take him out, I have to get him dressed...period...) then comes the phone call that I have to come pick the kids up because he "has a meeting"....what ever....You know...Now, this probably sounds like absolutely nothing to get irritated over...Granted, even though I get precisely ZERO breaks, EVER...I still didn't ask him to take the kids...but when combined with Jon's apparent lack (forgetfulness?) of driving skills (exactly how many red lights does a person have to run in, say, a 20 minute period of time before you are allowed to call him or her a bad driver? How many times turning into oncoming traffic? (Same time period for argument's sake) How about how many times stopping at green lights and then turning once it turns red?) So, between the driving thing (of course with the cell phone plastered to his ear the entire time) and his lack of ANY words...(Don't worry...I get plenty of communication all day long...Sam knows how to say "yeah" (even though he doesn't know the difference between yes and no) and he also can say "Elmo"....that should be plenty for me...sorry I expect anything of you)..., while being a big contributor to the problem, is not the whole problem...the problem boils down to a very few words....let's see: Politics, Egos, Insincerity, oh, I could go on...but those are a few. When I picked the kids up yesterday I had to say something to Jon about priorities...invariably it comes up before an election...I think ALL politicos' spouses have the same conversation a hundred times (just for the record, it does not good)...I had to leave however, when Jon said something to the effect of those who are working in politics are the saviors of the people. HHMMMPPHHH....I drove away...Egos in action.

So, that speaks for ego in and of itself...Not another story is even needed for that one! OK...what I want a politician to get...the next one who comes to my door begging for my vote...and they have the NERVE to insincerely ask me what concerns me....I'm going to have to lay it out on the line... What concerns me? Where do I start...I guarantee that NOTHING that concerns me is even REMOTELY on their radar screen. This is real life. It may not be a glamorous life, but assured, its real. And I feel sorry for these people because they don't get, here goes...for the sake of brevity, I will limit my main concerns to those that have occured in the past 11 months, JUST THIS YEAR....January through March included 2 hospitalizations for Sam, pneumonia and a medication reaction...oh yeah, and the fabulous news (which thankfully turned out to be another stupid doctor talking out his a$$) that my one year old has bone cancer. A couple more months for following up for that and holding him down several times a week for blood draws cleared up that "little misunderstanding". Let's see...February was also a hospitalization for Jonah...several days of inpatient EEG monitoring...June saw another hospitalization for Sam, pneumonia again. August...Jonah headaches & increased seizures and the ER for a CT scan...shows a cyst or he had an MRI the following week, had a looney toons reaction to the anesthesia & we had a "wonderful" (ego again) resident call him a monster and me a saint (yes, because he was having a reaction coming out of anesthesia)...good news and bad news...and I find this out only an hour after Jonah's reaction, on our way home from the hospital...Jonah doesn't have a brain tumor! (YAY!) But Jonah does have brain damage and, well...nothing we can do about that. Thanks and have a good life...Let's see...not to be outdone, September saw eye surgery for Sam, only a few seizures after anesthesia...all in all good...October, Jonah took a header from a game of stratego gone terribly awry...'nother CT scan....a few days ago...'nother header into a tree...I can't bear to take him to the what point is DCFS called into a many head injuries is a 6 year old epileptic kid with cognitive issues allowed before "bad mom" comes into play...THAT's a practical question that you can answer me! Now, those were just the hospitalizations, a couple of the ER visits, surguries everyday life consists of meds 4 times a day, every day, split over 3 kids...I did the math once...It really is an obscene amount of med passing that I do, conservatively lets just say 25 doses a day, I'm sure if I counted, its more than that...double that if they are sick because its tylenol/ibuprofen alternating every 3 hours around the clock and that adds another 24 doses of meds...not to mention seizure rescue meds...speaking of seizures...I'm on daily seizure watch and my children's seizures are considered well controlled for them...Jonah "only" has 10-15 a week and Sam is probably hovering around 5-10 a week...Oh...but this is "easy"! We lived for two years with Jonah having hundreds a day, every what am I doing complaining about "only 15-25 seizures a week?" Being on perpetual hold with insurance companies, doctors offices, therapists, pharmacies...having strangers in my home several days a week for therapies, waiting for these people to call me back, not knowing what the future holds for my "defective" children (not my word)....and through it all, I KNOW that our lives are blessed. I KNOW that it could be a hundred times more difficult. I have friends who are going through it and have the added difficulties of having children who can do nothing for themselves...I KNOW how blessed we are... But because I can't seem to squeak out time to volunteer for you, I'm not worth the time of day. Because my kids are the way they are the people whose salaries we are paying (teachers, principals, the school district superintendent) have made poor choices not in the best interest of my "slow, difficult to teach" in addition to all of the health stuff...I'm also their teacher. And they are doing better now than they did ALL LAST YEAR...So, to every last politician out there who REALLY DOESN'T give a crap about people...I'm a person. This is real life. YOU don't have a CLUE for one second about real life....I can see the headlines now...You'd jump off a bridge if you had to deal with the things I have to deal with...I don't have a scheduler and a driver to get me to where and remind me where I need to be...THAT is not real life...I do it all, scheduler, driver, nurse, teacher, chef, "campaign" manager, general consultant, banker...TRY THAT...THIS is real life... its not "charmed", its not glamorous, but it is kid may not be able to talk, another one may run himself head first into trees and drool a lot...I'M SO FREAKING SORRY if you don't want to see it or hear about it...THIS IS REAL.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:09 AM CST
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Friday, 3 November 2006
Ammendment to the BIG Announcement...
Mood:  caffeinated

Today is not the day I switched to decaf, but it should have been....Oh my...send prayers and good thoughts my way...I'm jittery and anxious and its not stomach feels jittery, and I think it might be my spleen as well....OK...gallbladder's gone...spleen, stomach & oh...yeah, intestines... we got some rumbly, grumbly unhappy tummy action going on...sorry if that was TMI...nothing gross, just weird tummy noises....OK...lay off the caffeine...I gotta remember that. The concert isn't going to be nearly as much fun if I can't sit still for more than 22 seconds... I oh...nevermind, I'm keeping politics out of my tummy troubles and I won't even compare any of my current tics & issues with anyone who might come to mind who may or may not have not taken his or her medication correctly for a commercial, or not....oh boy...this is so not good....

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 3:30 PM CST
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This Is What's Gotta Happen...
Mood:  rushed
Hi Again,

I will be adding more photos to the boys photo album, but many of you have been asking to see Sam's haircut, halloween photos, etc...So they are now up in a photo album & well...go take a look. The link is directly below this post.

I feel very rushed right now (GET YOUR BUTT OFF THE COMPUTER, Right?), Today is "diaper day"...not an entirely big deal...but my least favorite part of cloth diapering has quickly become opening the wet bag every other day....the aroma is overwhelming! Ha... OK, not only is it diaper day, but it is, in general, laundry day. I don't think I'm going to get out of the house until this evening... not that that is entirely a bad thing... its pretty darned cold out there! I do have a couple packages to send out, so maybe when it gets a little bit warmer... Waiting for a couple packages from people who are apparently avoiding me, but have already received their packages from me...I know people get busy ( I EVER know!) but c'mon...throw me an email, ladies? (PLEASE? You don't even have to tell me how insanely busy you are...I TOTALLY get it...I've got three kids with epilepsy & developmental delays that I homeschool in between therapy appointments and seizures and ear infections, a husband who has A.D.D. and works full time plus grad school...He's busy & doesn't have time to be home much...So, I get busy...YOU ARE NOT TOO BUSY TO TELL ME YOU HAVE BROKEN OUR CONTRACT...Just send me an email telling me when you will be sending out and I will not embarrass you on the trading group. Thank you from all of the people who have been screwed! Public service announcement over) Sometimes...I get more than a little peeved....LOL, Don't get me mad, darn it!

OK...laundry day...I should go start dipes... and then clothes...yep...that's the plan...maybe put something in the crockpot for dinner.

I am SO excited about the concert tonight...I can't wait to let y'all know how it was! OK, go look at the boys' photos...Later Gators!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:57 AM CST
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New Photos of The Boys
Mood:  a-ok
Link to Photo Album The Boys

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:34 AM CST
Updated: Friday, 3 November 2006 8:36 AM CST
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BIG Announcement!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
This just in:

Today is NOT the day I will be switching to decaf!!!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:17 AM CST
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Thursday, 2 November 2006
Good Times, Good Music and a BREAK for ME!
Mood:  caffeinated
Hello All!

OK...busy busy day...but in a nutshell, I was a nut all day, running around, lots to do. Sam, my Dad and I went to do aforementioned running around, I took Dad to get bloodwork done, get his prescription, run to the store, pick up cell phone chargers...just lots of stuff...OK, Dad bought lunch (chinese...yummy), got home, decided we were (Jon & I) going to go to the Broken & Beautiful Concert (LOL, TOMORROW night! Talk about procrastination!) I heard "Can You Hear Me" (Mark Schultz) on the radio today and, well...I have to go. We saw Casting Crowns & Nichole Nordeman earlier this year and it was such an uplifting experience, so we are going to see Mark Schultz & Big Daddy Weave tomorrow night...I'm excited!

I had to run to the bookstore to buy tickets (because e-tickets & phone orders were not being taken today...again, procrastination! LOL) So, I piled the boys in the van and we had a blast driving 45 minutes to pick up tickets because Mommy's an airhead! Ha...we had fun though. I picked up Casting Crowns Lifesong & Nichole Nordeman's CDs. I highly recommend the Lifesong CD... The song "Praise You in This Storm" is just amazing and it absolutely feeds my spirit and it reflects so much of my heart in my journey with the boys...all of the heartache but there is such joy... its just amazing.

I'm feeling very blessed and at peace right now. I have a calm feeling and in the journey that I'm on, I've not been capable of feeling calm in any way, shape or form for most of my life, so I am very content in things right now.

On a sadder note, God's Preferred Softball Team did not win the championship game...but they did have hot chocolate (and last night's game was a win by forfeit (the other team had the common sense not to show up when it was so cold that I wasn't the only "crunchy" thing at the field last night... the GRASS was crunchy from the frost...and it was "only" 9:30 at night...usually the frost sets in later than that...))

And in events that can be considered nothing short of miraculous...I've been drinking my coffee, catching up on email, freecycling stuff, packaging up things I have to mail, doing dishes and even got to eat the last 2 QUIET hours...ALL THREE boys have been sleeping since 8 O'clock! Can you stand it? OK, I admit, the twins got sent to bed early, but they actually fell asleep when I sent them to bed!!! They were tired & were a bit too crazy and had to be told too many times to settle apparently, they were just crazy AND tired, instead of just crazy. So, I have had 2 hours of "me" time! I think I might even go to sleep before midnight...insanity...I will probably wake up at 4 in the morning not knowing why I feel so rested...a whole 6 hours of sleep, straight through...HA! OK, I'm going to go before I get myself all giddy and worked up and not able to sleep.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 10:09 PM CST
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Wednesday, 1 November 2006
Do They Ever Stop Talking?
Mood:  caffeinated
Howdy All,

I've had a bit too much coffee today...Have you tried the limited edition coffeemate coconut creme creamer? OK...the stuff is yummy. Really REALLY yummy. But because of it, I feel like a chihuahua on speed...HOOOOOAAAHHHHHHH!

My children (well, the two older ones anyhow) have not stopped talking since like last Tuesday....I hear chatter in my sleep, I hear cartoons in my dreams, my "quiet place" is routinely interrupted by Jonah's growls, Sam's screaming "MOMEEEE" and Daniel's sometimes incessant whining....

And, when you feel like you can't get one more thing on your plate....guess who tells you he volunteered you to make hot chocolate for his softball game? GRRRRRR...but really, its OK... Its a complete honored to make hot cocoa for the preferred Softball team of God. I'm there...wouldn't miss it for the world...especially since its a playoff game and "God's Team" is #3 and the "good" team (although not God's preferred team) that they were supposed to play tonight (did I mention that God's team's playing at 9:30 at November...when the high temp of the day was 39*...worth mentioning) anyhow, the "good team" got beat last night, so now team in 3rd place (God's team) is playing the team ranked #11 (and therefore, clearly NOT God's team) and therefore the players on God's preferred team seem sure they will win...but if God's Team's Captain's wife doesn't make hot cocoa for the "boys" then for some reason, they may no longer be the preferred team of God and this is one wife who just can't bear to allow that to happen. I'm feeling the pressure....but Holy SMOKES....its gonna be like 2* on that artificially lit field (because, as I think I've mentioned...the game is at a very convenient time...9:30 PM) so, God's team or not...the guys need hot cocoa...and its on me. And I don't think I have enough thermos containers to get Hot cocoa for ten guys (and the cheering section)....this could be a problem....but is it really a problem if its for God's preferred team? Clearly, I need to have a better attitude about the whole softball "thing". He's been playing softball at least one night a week (during the summer it was 2) since like, clearly...I should just joyfully bring the cocoa.... And the kids still haven't stopped talking...I wonder who they get that from...

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 2:42 PM CST
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Friday, 27 October 2006
What we say....and the Translation...
Mood:  spacey
What we "weird" Christian, Attached, Homeschooling Moms say: "What a blessing today is! Sam was up bright and early and we've begun learning for the day! The Lord has Created another beautiful day for us to enjoy, the leaves are covered in a delicate layer of frost & everything's glistening in the early morning sun. The splendor of God's Kingdom is awesome. I can't wait to go outside to day and take a nice long walk with our nature bags & granola bars!"

And on some mornings...this is what we really mean: "Good Lord Child...God hasn't even turned on the lights yet! And its so darned early that the energy saver on the furnace hasn't even kicked in... I want to go back under the covers. OK... lets get this stupid cloth (who the heck's idea was this anyhow?) diaper changed...I love coming into contact with pee 6 or 8 times a day, WHY can't I see the snaps on this thing....OK, Diaper changed, wetbag nowhere to be found, pants back on, Your Elmo video is calling you like Elmo... right? 30 minutes later, I figure out the high chair, how to put the nipple on his bottle and that the reason I can't see is that my glasses are not on...And oh...JOY! Jonah's awake! Watching Spongebob...and Daniel is missing...There is no way I'm opening Auntie Boo's door until her boys are Daniel is MIA for half an hour...and good thing the sun has STARTED to come up....Daniel is not in there....hmmm, I've got a missing child and its not even 7 a.m. yet....OK...He's in my bed... not sure how I missed that, oh, no glasses & getting hit in the head with a sleeve of Ritz crackers might have had something to do with it... There is no way in heck we are going for our nature walk today...ITS COLD out there! In fact...we're not going anywhere today...Daddy has the van in the auto shop at is going to be a good day and I am so blessed to be awake to witness the sun rising....and the furnace kick out of energy saver mode...and I need to rewind Elmo.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 7:35 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 25 October 2006
There's a Bad Smell Coming From Somewhere....
Mood:  don't ask
I'm smelling a smell....its not a good smell. Its not a smell eminating from a child...but its a smell. Not a good smell. Nothing's burning. Animals are accounted for & uninjured & no uh-hem, messes are anywhere.... I'm downstairs so there's no food that should be down here...puppy crate has been searched & is clear, Jon's not cooking anything... I don't like this smell & must get to the bottom of it....ugh.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:55 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 October 2006
A Game Of Stratego Gone Terribly Awry....
Mood:  d'oh
Hi Everyone....

Let me just start out by saying that Jonah is fine. A busted up nose & head injury later... Who KNEW that Stratego was a contact sport?

Uh...The CT scan says that he's gonna be OK.... my heart really can't take too much more of stuff like this, though. Last year it was his broken foot from playing Superman (at least he doesn't feel any pain!) My heart skips a beat each time things like this happen. His newest thing (and he's not yet gotten injured...knock on wood) is climbing the tree in the back yard & playing Tarzan with the rope swing...he's narrowly missed running into the tree & the only reason he missed hitting the tree is because he just lets go of the rope (AAAAAAHHHHH!)

Sometimes I'm not quite sure what the Good Lord was thinking giving me boys...I am faithful that He has a plan for my wee ones....but I'm not sure yet of the lessons He has in mind for me....maybe patience? Maybe I need to toughen up a bit? I'm a pretty hands on type of mama, but Lord, forgive me for saying this, but my butt's not gonna be out there jumping out of trees with them! I just shake my head at some of their antics and everyone tells me "They are such boys!" I am not sure how to take that!!!! My response is universally "Yes. Yes they are." Have a great day!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:54 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 3 November 2006 8:38 AM CST
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Tuesday, 17 October 2006
Its been a while...
Mood:  hug me
Hi Everyone,

Its been a while since I've updated. I've found that I really feel like complaining today. I've had a pretty rotten cold for over a week and the antihistamine/cold med combo is throwing me for a loop. I've been groggy and cranky and in the spirit of that...I've come up with a partial list of things that have made me really cranky lately... So you get to be my sounding board...If I say these things out loud to anyone, they look at me like I've got green hair (I don't anymore) and they just don't get it. So, here goes...

1. Single ply toilet paper....why is the stuff even made? I bought it because it was on sale and didn't read the fine print...sorry, but my butt deserves better.

2. Male drivers. Please get off of your cell phone and drive. And use your turn signals. And ladies...put your damned make-up on before you leave the house...its not helping anyhow.

3. Waiting rooms. Doctor's waiting rooms. A room full of people who are staring at my kid...He's Epileptic...NOT contagious like your kid coughing all over the place and you are not reminding them to cover their nose & mouth.

4. People telling me that God doesn't give me more than I can handle. Bullhooey. The next person who says this to me gets to babysit Jonah and Sam for an hour.

5. Idiots who allow their kids to do stupid things like come over to Jonah and knock on his (seizure) helmet. I hate to break it to them, but Jonah has direct orders to hunt these people down and beat them until they are maimed for life. Maybe then they'll know what it feels like to be stared at. And then I'll stick my foot out and trip them... serves 'em right.

6. People who stare at Jonah when he's got his helmet on and then comment and gasp when he has a seizure...DUH...does the helmet give you ANY kind of a clue that something might be going on?

7. People who tell Jonah to take off his helmet because he's not riding his bike. (UGH...I so hate stupid people)

8. Two year olds. Sam gets me really cranky by about 9:30 in the morning. I feel like a mental midget by the end of the day. I find myself saying "WATER!" (with unbridled excitement) everytime I see a retention pont...(One of Sam's only words is "water") I actually told a waitress not all that long ago, when she brough out our plates, in a REALLY REALLY obnoxiously sweet voice "GOOD JOB!" Like I was talking to one of the kids for doing something really good. Still can't believe I did that.

9. Traffic. Cabs. Trains....they're loud, time wasting and generally can't drive (cab drivers). At least airplanes are high up in the air and I don't have to deal with them.

10. Seizures....Jonah's been sick for two days. I had to take him to the doctor today and endure the utter embarrassment of him turning lights on and off, having seizures (this part is not embarrassing) , spinning and jumping around and having a metldown when his name was called...but NO, he's not autistic. The PA was so nice with him. I do love it when providers are caring and thoughfult.

11. Politics. Nuff said?

OK...I could go on and on, but I think my ever present benedryl in my sytem is getting the better of me. Hopefully not too many more days of this. I'm feeling quite under the weather & am doing my very best to be a good mom right now.

Now the good things...

I love it that/when:

1. The boys give me a kiss or hug.

2. Sam calls for me to get him out of his room in the morning.

3. Jonah taking his medicine without fighting.

4. Having a fabulous family who is very supportive.

5. Having great doctors who are doing what they can for Joanh.

6. Having the energy, for the most part, to keep up with the children.

7. Having the opportunity to homeschool the boys and have them near me all the time.

8. Jonah making great strides at home.

9. A husband who works very hard to support us.

10. Having great boys who I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

I could go on and on with this list too, but I'm starting to get dopey (more so than usual) I want an eggroll. The boys wnat to play scrabble...hey, that's spelling, right? More later! Hugs & Blessings!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:05 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 October 2006 9:41 AM CDT
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Monday, 11 September 2006
A Day To Remember
September 11th, 2001 holds an important meaning to many people in most developed countries of the world. To me, it brings up many other feelings... feelings that the family members of almost 3,000 people wish they could feel... My feelings? I'm grateful that my son is alive. On September 10, 2001, Jonah had a bit of a cold, and I went into the twins' room to get them up for the day and Jonah was awake, sitting in his crib, but looked unusual...his lips were purple but looked like they were turning back to their pink, normal color. I really didn't think too much of it, but shortly, I would be. Maybe an hour or so later, Jonah had a series of very serious seizures that left him blue, unresponsive and not breathing. All of the medical training a person can all goes out the window when its your kid. I called 911 and Jonah did start breathing again. By the time the paramedics arrived, Jonah was OK and was sitting up and giggling. We got to the hospital, where he had another seizure and he was admitted. He stayed overnight, but we knew he'd be transferred to Chicago, where his neurologist is. Well, the following you can imagine, they were clearing out the city, not letting more people in! So this is where I watched the drama unfold. I remember very clearly that my sister called me in Jonah's hospital room and asked me if I was watching TV. I told her no and she said to turn on the television. I asked her what channel and she said that it didn't matter. You know its something big when you hear that. I was holding Jonah and on the phone so my hands were full and I asked her what had happened. She told me that a plane had hit the world trade center. OK...yeah, that qualifies as big. We said goodbye and I turned the television on just in time to see the second plane hit the second tower...thinking that it must have been a replay of what had happened earlier. But no, we all know now that that's not what the situation was. I continued to hold my baby and watch the developments of two more planes going down and was so saddened by what was happening...of course, by the time the second plane hit the second tower, we all knew what was going on. And it made me even more grateful to be holding my son. Jonah's pediatrician was grounded in Ireland and was not able to fly back for quite a time, but we did, after a couple days, get transferred to the other hospital...but to this day, five action packed years later, September 11th is a day that means thankfulness to me. It symbolizes childhood innocence not lost, which is painfully ironic when its considered how many children lost parents and how many people lost friends and partners & loved ones. The sadness of the day, at this date, five years later, is to me, overshadowed by a sense of "togetherness" and a people able to overcome... The cowards who did this to our country did not win. In accordance with Christianity, these monsters certainly did not go to be with Allah...they are somewhere else, a place of which they are most deserving. This is not to bash Islam or Muslims in the least, this country was founded because of religion and I do believe in freedom to choose your faith. The cowards who did this killed other Muslims...I doubt that this is called for in the Koran...I don't fault Muslims in the least for this. I fault the extremists...because it is they who carried this out and they who will ultimately pay the price for what they fact, the world was automatically a better place when these people died (the terrorists on the planes, not the innocent victims, of course.)

We will hear a lot of repition today, flashbacks of painful memories and will see all of the difficult-to-watch photos and video clips of that day 5 years ago...I know I'm not going to forget, and I don't need the photos to remind me, but as a nation, as a world, let's not forget. Don't forget to pray for the families who lost loved ones. Don't forget to smile at a stranger...the rescues that took place were because of strangers...people who needed to help. We are only human, but our strength is multiplied when others need help.

I am going to spend the day at home with my boys. All three of them.

Never Forget.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 7:07 AM CDT
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Sunday, 10 September 2006
Farms & Cats & Itching...OH MY!
Mood:  special
Benadryl Anyone?

We went "farm-huntin'" today...looked at three different houses. One was confusing...large and confusing...13 rooms, 6 bedrooms, pillars, stained glass windows, gorgeous chandaliers (although I was the only one who thought so) but I thought it was confusing...oh yeah, and I don't like old houses...bummer. And there were neighbors on both sides...hmmm, not really a farm! The second one was very nice, all newly renovated, but we'd have to put on an addition (and the house is already overpriced) for it to work for us. The third one was where I got exposed to cats or something else that I'm apparently allergic to...I don't particularly want or need to know what it was...but this is where the Benedryl comes in... I am beginning to feel a bit of a sleepy-buzzy-strange- quasi~sleepy buzzy feeling...How articulate I am!

Not really too much to say today. I'm feeling a lot of stress. Homeschooling with a two year old running around is pretty much just as hard as I thought it would be. Hurricaine Sam is a little sweetie...but my goodness! He is such a handful! I tell myself every moment he's awake that I need to be enjoying this stage now, because it will be gone before I know it! So, here's to enjoying the terrible twos!!!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 7:22 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 September 2006 7:23 PM CDT
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Thursday, 7 September 2006
A Sam Update & (I'm Sure) Other Random Thoughts
Mood:  spacey
Hello Everyone!

Sam's surgery (eye muscle surgery) went very well. He had a bit more bleeding than is normal, so his little eyes are very very red, and the doctor said that it would probably last a little longer than the usual two weeks...but I'm glad its over! Sam had a few seizures on Tuesday afternoon during his (VERY) short nap, but he came home Wednesday morning and is doing very well. He's playing & eating normally, and best news of all, the doctor said that at this point, surgery looks to have been a success! Sam does not seem to be in any pain, which many of you have asked...thank you for your concern...he is kind of like Jonah...we're not entirely sure how much pain he can feel or how he processes it...anyhow...he's doing very well and hasn't needed so much as a dose of Tyelenol since surgery. He does NOT like his eye drops (antibiotics) in the its a fight three times a day, but we want to keep him un-infected... so its a necessary part of being Sam's mama right now.

I always seem to get headaches when one of the boys is in the hospital...not sure if it is the stress (what stress? No stress here!) or what...this time, I think that I was VERY dehydrated, not drinking enough water because Sam didn't want me to leave his sight...Anyhow... killer migraine from HELL the past couple days. The headache is mostly better today, but the nausea & photosensitivity has been horrible today...was worse its getting better. I had an adjustment today and will go back to the chiropractor tomorrow morning for another...hope it helps. I don't usually have migraines that last this long...this was a bad one...but I think its passing, so hopefully I won't be able to keep complaining for too long!

Sam has learned how to open doors. I don't even have to begin to tell anyone how much stress that could I? Yes, I've heard of (and liberally use) childproof doorknob covers...but my sweet angel can get them off. ugh.... OK...that's all for now... I have to gorilla glue doorknob covers onto doorknobs tonight! Fun Fun!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:53 PM CDT
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Thursday, 31 August 2006
The Minivan Drivers...They've all gone MAD!
Mood:  mischievious was odd...The minivan drivers of Chicago's far west suburbs are least their driving is! I'm the proud driver/owner of a Dodge Grand Caravan (silver, no robin's egg blue for this "cool" mama!) I'd like to think that I've retained *some* of my coolness...but I don't think that's the case. No less than THREE minivans passed me in a no passing zone, tailgated me for way too long or was generally driving like an idiot while in the lane next to me. I'm a very cautious driver....on a "crazy" day, I might sneak up to two miles over the speed limit, but I do go the limit. No crazy willy-nilly danger seeking from me! I don't even like passing people on a four-lane highway! If I'm behind a farm vehicle (which happens a lot out here...) and I have to pass, I have to spit the piece of hay out of my mouth, do some deep breathing, roll up my sleeves and do about 6 "fakes" before I actually bring myself to "do it"!!! I'm even worse when the boys are in the car. I followed an old car with a trailer (carrying a demolition derby car...we see a lot of that too) for about 9 miles today...I'd just as soon hang out and wait for the road to open up or until I have to turn or they turn into the race track (or bar). OK...nuff of that...MINIVAN DRIVERS: Cut it out! Even the sports cars were more well behaved than you were today! Shame shame!

On a much happier note (I was pretty stressed about driving today...Sam's surgery is on my mind and I don't usually do well with traffic...but traffic plus mama stress is just no good!) So...happier note: Sam's second appointment of the day was with the pediatrician for his physical for his surgery. Our beloved pediatrician went "away" to be a goody-goody (no resentment...curing kids of cancer is a truly noble profession but it leaves me the choice of pediatricians who are known as the witch (although, I personally really like her! Odd, huh?), the one who has crossed me far too many times (plus I can't understand what he's saying!) or the old one who smells like coffee. Guess who we got today (since it wasn't "our" doc! GRRR) OK, well we got Coffee Doc. Coffee Doc is an older guy and scared the bejeehoohoo out of Daniel when he saw him for a sick visit. So, I wasn't looking forward to our visit today (at ALL!) but didn't feel like fighting and since I will never again see "our", in we go and Sam was Sir Cranks Alot because he didn't have his nap...And Coffee Doc came in, didn't smell like coffee and was exceptionally nice & more than competent. I was so pleasantly surprised. The lesson I took home today is that YES, first impressions count, but give folks a chance...even if they have coffee breath.

Sam's got a bit of a runny nose and had a slight fever today (of course!) but, we are on for Tuesday for surgery (bilateral medial rectus surgery) and his lungs are clear and as of right now...all systems are "go".

I am coming into contact with something daily that is making me itch. This is day # 3 of taking benedryl and its only 8:30 and I'm already ready (already) for bed! Crazy! I'm nervous as all get out about Sam's surgery...but can't wait to get it over with! More later...

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:28 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 August 2006
Doctors & Doctors & Doctors...OH MY!
Mood:  don't ask
Hi Everyone,

Doing my best to try to keep my cool. I'm getting pretty anxious about Sam's upcoming surgery. He seems like he has a cold coming on, just kind of quieter than normal & has a little bit of a runny nose. He had some icky poops last night and we shall see. They won't do surgery if he has so much as a sniffle, so I'm hoping that he clears up and all is well. He goes tomorrow for his pre-surgical physical and his last eye appointment for measurements before surgery... So, I'm hoping he stays healthy enough for surgery. I don't feel like going through this anxiety again. I'm an emotional wreck and am very sensitive to all of Jon's stupidity lately...not doing well in that arena.

I had a very minor reaction to a latex therapy band the other day...I had taken a benedryl before I went to work out and I didn't even THINK about it until my hand started itching. I took another antihistamine right away after washing my hands and was itchy and hive-y, but didn't have another scary throat closing reaction...boy oh boy...Its only been about a year since I developed the latex reaction and I still have a hard time remembering that I'm allergic sometimes! Its a dangerous one to forget! Sometimes the flakiness is painful! I've got to try harder to remember! Note to self!

OK...Not much else going on. Going to be out and about with Sam tomorrow from about 10 until about 4. That is going to be a long day. That is going to be one cranky baby! WAHHHHH!!! More later!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:09 PM CDT
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Friday, 25 August 2006
I drank an ENTIRE bladder buster!
Mood:  caffeinated
We started our Friday routine on a little different path this morning...We went to the local Casey's (The uh...shall I say "redneck" answer to everything...all small towns out this way have a Casey' stop shop...gas, doughnuts, pizza...) and I got a "Bladder Buster" (my sister's affectionate name for the 44 oz cup of whatever beverage you need at the moment). I got 44 oz of iced cofee...mmmmmmm....caffeine! So, we (my sister, my three boys and her two boys, along with me, the ever-patient driver) started out garage sale-ing! By the time we hit the habitat for humanity sale about 2 hours later I was getting pretty cranky! My bladder (after 3 kids and many years of abuse) couldn't handle things at that moment. I wasn't about to run into Walmart, even to use the bathroom! So, after a short pit stop at Wendy's (ahhh....beautiful fast food haven with a clean restroom!) I was no longer cranky and marvelled for an amazingly long time at the actual amount of liquid the human bladder can hold. It's phenomenal. Really. OK, I thought it was, but I think I was more relieved to be relieved!

OK...onto more serious stuff (since there were no amazing finds today...although I did get a brand new juicelady juicer a couple weeks ago for $10... that deserves a mention...don't ya think?!?!) Sam's eye surgery is scheduled for September 5th. This coming week is full of medical appointments in preparation for the surgery...blood work and EKG, chest x-ray, pre-surgery physical, pre-surgery visit with the eye doctor, pre-surgery visit with the pediatric anesthesiologist (hoping I can do this over the phone or the morning of surgery!)... There are not enough days in the week! I'm a little nervous about it. He will be in overnight, to make sure he has no problems with anesthesia. I almost broke out in tears today while recalling yesterday's eye doctor visit...she said his eyes will be bloody for a couple weeks...My baby's pretty blue eyes will be blue & red! I know that probably sounds silly...but what can I say?

OK...nothing else going on...I just took a benedryl for my sneezing & itchy I have a feeling this is going to be an early night for me! Sleep sounds good...Ciao!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:16 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 22 August 2006

Mood:  spacey

Hi Everyone,

I'm making a few changes with my site and my blog, so bear with me...Please take a moment to click on the little box above (below the alien) to vote for my blog. I'd like more visitors to my blog to get more visitors to our website to get out the word about the genetic disorder my boys have. THANK YOU!!! New on my site is, when you scroll down to the very bottom, my "radio station", turn it on and take a listen to the strange yet soothing variety of music I enjoy. I am adding my main site to the links on this page, and with any luck, that will work!

Things, as always, are busy around here. A good kind of crazy, right? Sam's got his eye doctor appointment on Thursday. We've decided to go ahead with the surgery, so, as emotional as that is for me, I think its best to do it and get it out of the way while he is so little and won't remember it. After Jonah's MRI & reaction to the sedation, I have to wonder about the anesthesia...but one thing, one day at a time.

Jonah has fallen asleep (out COLD!) on the floor in the family room...I am going to go nestle him in bed. Have a great night.

*Edited due to fuzzy brain*

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 10:32 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 10:42 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 16 August 2006
Mood:  mischievious
Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting here, on my butt, nibbling on my "dinner" of an organic mache, frisee & radicchio salad with homegrown tomatoes & a sprinkling of bleu cheese. Noticably absent is some nice salad dressing...but who needs salad dressing when a splash of lemon juice will do? CRAP! Just when I thought this weight loss thing wasn't working, someone I hadn't seen all summer commented that I am losing weight. THANKS FOR NOTHING! How sick is this? We had FREE frozen custard available to us tonight (more on that later) and I had one bite....what a cryin' shame that is. I have never met a frozen custard I didn't like... which, on the flip side of things may well be why I need a weight loss program to begin with. CRAP! All this self-inspection crap is for the birds... let's be honest with I feeding my deep seated resentment toward...crap again...I don't even know what I hate...I really suck at this. You know what sucks even more? Exercise. The freaks of the planet that actually enjoy it... muscles (which are actually becoming considerably more defined, LOL) have a few words for you. My Sciatica is SCREAMING at me, at my right anyone who will listen. I think I'm in week #4 now and well, lets just say that I'm desperately picking out the tiny chunks of bleu cheese for a tiny reminder of how good fattening food is! MMMMMMM....cheese! Seriously, I can do any food diet on the planet, actually, I didn't do well with my EXTREMELY brief stint with Atkins... I mean, yes, I enjoyed the amount of cheese I was able to eat, but my goodness...I actually like fruits and veggies very much and couldn't do it. I think it lasted 22 minutes. Anyhow...most of the time, Atkins aside, I can do just about any "diet", I'm not picky about food and I like lots of different stuff and I'm fine with cutting out some things...but it really is this exercise that is going to kill me. Ironic, huh? cheese is gone...back to the radicchio. Mmmmmm! In all seriousness, other than places hurting that have not hurt in a very long time, and other than being irritated that I now HAVE to exercise, both to undo what I've done to my body and to keep it that way. Man oh man...I guess its not so bad. It hurts like blazes in the middle of it, but as soon as I'm done and my sciatica stops screaming at me...Its all good

Lots going on around here. We are gearing up for homeschooling...getting very excited about that. I found a t-shirt today that proclaims "CAUTION: Unsocialized Homeschooler" and I just love it! So funny! I'm done with my salad and I feel like I want 12 more salads.

We got another diagnosis for Jonah last week. It was a tough one to take, but I spoke with the neurologist and feel OK about it. Jonah is doing awesome and no diagnosis changes that. Jonah has bilateral periventricular leukomalacia. He was a preemie and on the ventilator, but he was not that early and had no "brain bleed", so we just really can't put our finger on a hypoxic event which may have caused this, but I am not going to play that game with myself. Jonah is on an increased dose of one of his seizure meds (Keppra) and has been doing REALLY well on this higher dose.

Sam wore his glasses for a long time tonight...he is getting very resistant to wearing them. And he pulls the patch right off of his eye. WHY on EARTH does he scream like I stole his birthday when I take it off at night but he can rip it off himself and LAUGH?!?!?! What a kid!

Daniel is doing awesome. He is such a sweet boy and we (Daniel, Jonah and I) played a board game this afternoon...Monster's Inc was fun...we played two full games!

One last thing before I get ready for bed... tonight, we went with a friend and her kiddos (Hi KIM!) to a very nice place. (Nice places are nice, aren't they?) Its called Special Night for Special Kids. It is the first night of a festival of a nearby town. It is totally free and is open to all special needs kids and their families. It was so nice. The twins ate hot dogs and the aforemantioned frozen custard (I can't BELIEVE I didn't eat more...after my frisee, I'm really wishing I felt full!) and Sam had chicken nuggets & custard...It was so refreshing to see people volunteering to make it such a special time for the was really great (nice).

OK, I think mache is very high in oxacylic acid (the "too much spinach" icky feeling on your teeth), so I need to go brush and swish. On that note, I highly recommend citrus Scope...good stuff.

Thanks so much for all of the prayers and well wishes in the last couple of weeks...Jonah is doing very well and we appreciate your support very much. This journey has been a very long one, but we are joyful to be on this journey with our boys. Childhood, parenthood...these are journeys, not destinations and we are trying very hard to enjoy each step of the journey. Thank you all again, your unconditional love of us & the boys means everything to me and I'm humbled to accept your love joyously. My boys are who they are because of God's grace and the angels we meet here on earth to guide us down the path have a very (very) special place in my heart. Cute puppies, bunnies and kittens...I know...OK, OK, I'm going to stop babbling now. Love to all!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 11:02 PM CDT
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