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Mama Musings
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Mood:  happy
OK, so its been a while...I've been busy! LOL... Several of you have asked me if I've fallen off the face of the earth and other similar I thought I should probably update...HA...a blog, update...go figure!

The good news is is that there is not a whole lot to update on! Things are good. We've found a WONDERFUL house!!! We've been "kind of looking" for close to a year, "kind of looking seriously" for several months and we kind of changed locations (we were looking a bit south and we switched to looking north and west a bit) and on our first trip out there we saw 3 houses and 2 of them were wonderful and although the 1st one we saw was about 1,500 sq. feet bigger (yeah, seriously large houses), there seemed to be a mildew/mold issue in the basement (walkout basement) that one was about $40,000 more expensive "tie" goes to the cheaper (and still 3,700 sq. foot "smaller") house!!! And its not a farm, but it is on 1.25 acres so there is plenty of room for a garden and SOOO much room for the boys to run! And space....I'm in heaven! So now we are trying to work out the "annoying little details" know, finding a job, waiting for Jon's commission, LOL...The fact that we saw two similar houses in one day is promising to me that even if this house sells (I swear to Mickey Mouse I'm gonna kill anyone else who makes an offer on "my" house!), there are other similar ones out there in that area. So, lots of space, complete with an office for Jon (no more PILES of paper on my kitchen table!!!!!!!!!) a homeschooling room and rooms I don't even have an idea what we're gonna do with yet... LOL...THAT tells you how much space there is... I have extra rooms! WOO HOO! So, no chickens allowed, and there are neighbors, but really nice big lot (and almost all of the land is in back, there is not much of a front yard). that is something that is up and coming.

What else?....Oh, Sam's scheduled for Surgery on May 8th. It was scheduled for the 1st...but making the neurotic mother wait another week is no problem, its not like she's stressing about it or anything...ugh! He is going in for an ENT overhaul. He is having tubes put in his ears. Joy... but the infection that he currently has in his left ear (for 8 weeks now) has lived through homeopathy, chiropractic, more garlic than you care to imagine, FOUR courses of THREE DIFFERENT antibiotics, allergy meds and going gluten free & casein free for a while...Sam's happy to have his milk back. LOL... SO, biggie, right? OK, how about Tubes, plus removal of throat nodules? The doctor (Who is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! A referral from our neurologist) suspected nodules immediately (we were there for those too, his speech therapist suspected them) as well as (but wait...there's MORE!) adenoids out for sure & possibly (probably) tonsils out. He will be in the hospital hopefully just overnight...So I guess that's a big deal (LOL, you KNOW when I say there's not much going on that there is still SOME stuff going on!)

I do think that's it though. Things are going well with the boys. They are starting to read and its so cool! YES, JONAH TOO!!!! Right now, Daniel is doing some "sounding out" and coupled with his sight/recognition words (not my thing...but he does know some) and is doing awesome... Jonah is mostly doing sight words right now, but its a start. Jonah is very resistant to homeschooling and when we move, and have the space (which has been my biggest hurdle!), I think he will enjoy it more. I think I've picked out a curriculum for next year... This year has been interesting, getting our feet wet, but its definitely been an adjustment for them as well as me. Its all good...I think with a little bit more of a rigid curriculum, Jonah will be right in line...he is doing awesome, but his motivation remains playing and getting to watch a favorite cartoon. And that's ok with me...he is who he is...I'm not about to change him.

OK, I hear Sam getting into something...At least he's out of his "I'm gonna open the milk and dump it in the garbage can." phase...that was fun. My garbage can has never been cleaner! I was washing it out every day! AHHHHHH! I love 2 year olds. I love two year olds. I love MY two year old...

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 8:32 AM CDT
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