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Mama Musings
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
The Good, The Bad & The Cranky
Hello Everyone,

Today is an OK day. Not nearly as aggitated as I was yesterday...Ha...I was pretty irritated yesterday....not good. The neurologist's nurse decided to argue with me. HA! I refuse to argue with someone who is "stupider" than I...."How, Smarty Pants", you ask, "do you know she is "stupider" than you?" HA...again! ANYONE with half a brain (I have a full brain, MRI proves it... brain function is sometimes in question, but I do have a full brain) but anyone with HALF a brain and very little brain function should know better than to argue with a sleep deprived mother of 3 epileptics and one of whom is 2 and has been seizing for 2 straight weeks and YOU are a source of her stress by not giving the doctor a message. THAT, my friends, takes a special kind of stupid. I really don't care if I piss her off, because as far as I'm concerned, # 1, Ha...I just don't care and # 2, if she is anything like any of the long line of other young 20-something snips before her, she won't be employed there for too much longer. that was aggitating and for some reason, bothered me most of the day...I have a very difficult time with people who don't do their jobs (usually only if it affects me and family/friends...I really don't care if the construction workers are picking their noses or taking their 15th coffee break of the morning...just if it affects those around me).

Another freaking sent my box (yay...all good) but why on earth would you package a paperback book NOT flat? DUH!

I do love 6 year olds (especially mine!) who get excited about construction paper crafts. LOL....We've done penguins, we're doing snowmen & snowflakes! LOL....Speaking of penguins...Happy Feet...the movie...another thing I LOVE is # 1, movies that are about someone (or thing) "different" SO BE IT if Mumble's "heartsong" was tapdancing! GO MUMBLE!!!! Right along the lines of Nemo's "lucky fin"....its the special needs mom coming out in me...but YAY for people who are different! Can you imagine how boring it would be if everyone were the same...worse...can you imagine how AWFUL it would be if everyone had lost their mind like me? If I think I'm aggitated now...HOLY CRAP, I can't imagine having to deal with myself in everyone I had to deal with...LOL...that would be so not cool. And, # 2, I LOVE the movies that have great soundtracks (Shrek, Shrek 2...there's been a lot of 'em in recent years...Happy Feet is another)

What else is good? Sam had his EEG this morning (which is a good thing), his "girlfriend" (who has done everyone of his EEGs and had the NERVE to get married last year...sheesh! LOL) is just so nice. I think she thinks I'm nuts. I guess that's OK, I might be...but that went well.

OH...94.3 (on the radio dial) and 93.9 are VERY close to each other. That is a good thing. I'm usually set to 94.3 (K-Love) but our "All Christmas Music All The Time" from Thanksgiving thru Christmas is two little clicks and I am back focused on the road. I am a good driver (really I am...always go the speed limit (how annoying is THAT?!?!), eyes on the road, not using the cellphone unneccessarily, etc) So, while I am a good driver, I acknowledge that there are a few things that I (and pedestrians & other cars in general) are better off with me not doing...concentrating on radio station changing is one...going in reverse is probably the other biggie... the more time I spend going forward...I just feel the better of everyone is.

OK...I think that's it...My head hurts. Sam is napping (another good thing) Oh...annoying...Sam had a seizure WHILE his girlfriend was hooking him up to the EEG, and none during...grrrr...hopefully we will still see if there is something else we need to see....OK...oh...another GRRRR...this stupid med he's on....I got me a screamer....Seizures are significantly decreased but the child doesn't stop screaming. Ugh! I'm twitching a lot and after a few hours of him being awake, I definitely start to get a histamine reaction to being his that's it.

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 1:38 PM CST
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