to: Lindsey

Linds- hey so this year has flown and me and you have both grown alot... i wish you were staying this summer but i know ill see you in the fall... have fun my maine girl... and never forget all of our craziness this year... i would have lost my sanity if i could not escape to your room every once and a while.. fall term was rough and you were at your aunts way too much but im glad you hung out with me and listened to me soo much these past two terms.. and yes i loved our nights in the lounge when i was supposed to be studying but always ended up doing your design projects, haha or watching your first porn with the boys from the 6th floor, or just having burping contests with tony haha ... and dont forget how much fun we had at our ASA formal and just drinking around the dorms...well i will see you soon enough cuz i know this summer will fly by... love you lots!