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Mi esposo Fede y yo, es mi cielo!

Karen y yo, muy borrachas!


Minha parceira Karen y yo!

Mis amigos Sebastian y Marta

Mi hermano Karaan y Fede, Gangstas!

Where do we go? Click here to go to my entertainment pages...

Where hedonists are welcome...

Bienvenidos a mi nueva pagina!!! Welcome to my new webpage!

I've created it in HTML, which I think is pretty bloody clever myself.
OK, I've decided I should really make this like an index, since it's called one and find some links below that'll take you to my other pages...

Kia Kaha, Kia Toa, Kia Manawanui

Zee's Entertainment Guide!

That's right folks, for your hedonistic pleasure I've compiled a selection of upcoming events, local groovehouses and radio stations (sorry kids, New Zealand only)


More about ME

Yup, not only am I a hedonist - I'm a narcissist! More stuff about me and mine here.

No a la guerra

'Any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up'
- Michael Moore

Michael Moore

Year of the?

Wanna know what your chinese horoscope is? Enter your four-digit birth year in the box above and click the button to find out!

Listen to my radio station!

Check out this awesome graphics 'V-Pal' site!

Next page

. Click on a thumbnail in the left column to view a large image.

For goodness sakes! Someone please sign my guestbook and give me some advice on fonts...I'm not smart enough yet to understand CSS, so good old-fashioned HTML would be just fine and dandy...or any other interesting geeky tips you think may be helpful...:)

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