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Computer Jokes

  1. What do you call a computer's SuperHero?
  2. What's a computer's favorite food?
  3. Where do cool mice live?
  4. Where do computers go to dance?
  5. What did the spider do inside the computer?
  6. Where do computers go on vacation?
  7. What did the tree do when it got a computer?
  8. Why did the witch buy a computer?
  9. Why should ou always use a spellcheck?
  10. What kind of computers are made in Hawaii?
  11. Where does Spider-Man find a date?
  12. Why can't computers play tennis?
  13. What is an astronaut's favorite place on a computer?
  14. What is a bird's favorite computer sofware?
  15. Why did the computer cross the road?
  16. Why was the computer kicked out of school?
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