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~Cele's Home Page~

Hey there! Well you've found my web page. If you'd like some info.. read on.. if not.. MOVE on!

Some Facts: First of all, my name is Celeste and I lay my humble head in Milpitas, California where I've lived for all of my 28 years. I am currently finishing up my Speech Language Pathology Assisting degree and will be graduating in June of 2003! FiNaLLy!!! Right now I am working as a Speech Aide for a clinic that I was interning at. It's so much fun working with kids!!

Before you ask, here's a few things that I like to do when I have free time!

~ I love watching movies

~ Going out with my girls! Woo Hoo!!!

~ Been bitten by the Karaoke bug too.. lol Don't get me started on my rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! LoL

~ Hanging out with friends.. doing anything that seems fun at the moment.

~ Bonfires, bbq's, camping.. that sort of thing is FuN FuN FuN!!

~ Oh!.. and VeGaS!!!! LoTs Of FuN!!!

Well thats just a lil bit about me... I'm trying to get some pics up here but I havent mastered that part yet! Have mercy on me!!! If you'd like to leave a lil something of yourself.. do so in my guestbook!!! ADiOS for now!

As you can plainly see it is under major construction. I will be getting back to finishing this soon! Check back for more info!

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