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Welcome to my World of Poetry Stuff

This is a little ditty site full of my writings, jottings, and musings I like to call poetry. All of my work is original, and it is protected. If you wish to *borrow* any of these, please e-mail me and I will be glad to send you whatever copies you desire through e-mail. Some of my friends have works they submitted, and I would have to ask them first, but I am sure they would share as well. Thank you for visiting!

Sweet Dreams ~ I Am Here ~ Lost ~ Truth ~ Memories ~ State of Mind ~ September 11, 2001 ~ These Are What Dreams Are Made Of ~ Dawn ~ True Self ~ My Creation ~ Silence ~ Candle ~ Phantom Hearts ~ Stirrings ~ The Plea ~ Tide ~ Love ~ I Dreamt ~ typo ~ First Kiss ~ Remember Me ~ Shades of Gray ~ Obvious ~ I Do ~ Growing Up ~ Afraid ~ Autumn ~ Stars ~ Change ~ More ~ True Happiness ~ Sixty Years ~ Anticipation of the Fall ~ Other Authors

Sweet Dreams
Sweet dreams, my little one,
And do not dismay
For when you rise at morning's light,
You can once more go play
But for now, my little one,
Just close your sleepy eyes
have visions of sunny fields,
Full of birds and butterflies
That's right, my little one,
Dream of clouds and skies blue
Of Dandelions, daffodils,
A world just for you
Sweet dreams, my little one,
I'll be here when you wake
But for now just drift away,
For all your dreams' sake.

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I Am Here
I am here as a shoulder to cry on
As a cruth for when you are weak
A source of strength when yours runs dry
I can say words when you cannot speak.
I am here as standing ovation
As an audience waiting to cheer
A pat on the back for a job well-done
I can applaud you year after year.
I am here as your guardian angel
As a protector, avenger, and friend
A super hero fighting all wrong
I can stand by you until the end
I am here for you.

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The darkness swirled around him,
Closing off his needed air
Struggling to take a breath,
He saw a light so fair
It was shining through the darkness,
Falling on his face
He cried aloud his thankfulness,
And ran to that blessed place
Before he reached his haven, though,
The unexpected happened-
A voice cut through the gloom and murk,
Always deep and laughin'
"Please help me!" called the stranger,
Laughing harder still
Then the mocking cut off sharply,
As though he'd had his fill
"Who are you?" cried the man,
Searching in the dark
"Do you really want to know?"
Came the answer in a bark
"I am in your nightmares,
I am on your mind,
From my constant torment,
Rest you'll never find!"
The man crumpled in a heap,
Shuddering in fear
This was a voice he knew so well,
Saying Death was very near
Crying now, "I need more time!"
The man begged upon his knees
This made Death roar all the louder,
"I love last moment pleas!"
With a wave of the demon's hand,
The light slowly went away
And now a daughter, weeping softly,
Left her father where he lay
Turning back, she softly spoke,
"God why did he have to die?"
Without an answer, she closed the door,
Having said her last goodbye.
"No please don't leave!" the man called out,
Deep within his self
Death had him trapped, he was alone,
Another soul upon Hell's shelf
He looked across the clearing land,
He saw the leaping orange flames
Saw the endless rows of souls,
Saw the cursed book of names
This was it, his final stop,
His name was on Death's list
"If only I had learned to love..."
He disappeared into the mist.
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I stare at the picture of my life,
And I slowly tear it in two
It's an image of deceit, one of lies,
A photo of innocent youth.
I look upon the puzzle of my soul,
And I scatter the pieces around
It will always refelct me as a fool,
Where ever a mirror is found.
I study the canvas of our world,
And I see what it has become
In anger, I splash red paint on in a swirl...
A blood cleansing for everyone.
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A box of photographs, tucked under my bed, is a constant reminder of my past. It holds the key to friendships gained and lost, relationships favorable and forgettable. I'll pull the treasure chest of pictures out every eon or so, stare with longing or disgust at each face or place, and then shove the pile back into its exile along with the mismatched sock and musty teddybear. My memories are not stored in my head, where they should be, but on fading glossy paper in a cardboard prison. When the color wears too thin, what then?
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State of Mind
You think sane is a working, happy normal life
A family, 2 kids, a dog, a grumpy mother-in-law griping to you about how much money you don't make
Don't forget cleaning out the garage, taking the commuter bus, putting up with the stack of bills and little league, PTA and Girl Scout Cookies
There's also brown-nosing, butt-kissing, and the all-popular apple-polishing for the boss, who, by the way, calls you Fred
(Who's Fred?)
Ah, and then comes retirement homes, forgotten visits, vacations you never took and memories that you don't have
But you and the guys call the new boy insane for taking an unpaid weekend off to go skydiving, just because it's a crazy thing to do
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September 11th, 2001
The air vibrates
The sky is aflame
People are running
Panic untamed
Rivers of tears
Floods of grief
Showers of pain
No sign of relief
So many people
So many hurt
Shouts and screams
Unintelligible words
But through the dark gloom
And above all the noise
Comes the sunlight of hope
In the form of a voice:
"My children I love thee
And I'm still in command
I know your are hurting
But just hold to My hand
And I shall guide thee
Through all the tough times
I did not forget thee
Thou art still Mine."
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These Are What Dreams Are Made From
A treasure box
An ogre king
A magic lamp
A diamond ring
A castle tall
A princess fair
A golden egg
A friendly bear
A forst black
A cave so dark
A grumpy troll
A singing lark
A cobbled road
A handsome knight
A cackling witvh
A frog in flight
An archway bridge
A bleeting goat
A shiny star
A little boat
A sunny day
A sparkling brook
A talking cat
An ancient book...
These are what dreams are made from
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Faded colors swirling together...
Like paints on an artist's pallett.
Darkness being chased by the lazy sun...
Like a black cat running from a tired old dog.
Wispy clouds drift through the golden sky...
Like sailboats on a calm lake.
Slowly, Nature awakes as the light strikes her surface...
Like a small child rising from bed.
Dawn has come...
Like the birth of a beautiful new baby.
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True Self
I stare into the looking glass
Searching for my face
Instead I see a black mist
The cloud shifts
Revealing a monster:
flaming eyes
flashing fangs
gruesome claws
They say a mirror reflects your soul...
I smash the glass and turn away.
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My Creation
I set up my iron pot,
Prepared to make a potion
I took down my colored bottles,
Each representing an emotion
A drop of Green for envy,
A dash of Black for hate
One spoonful of Purple,
Love between two mates
A drip of Red for anger,
Just a touch of saddened Blue
A little bit of sunshine Yellow
Happiness from dreams-come-true
Orange is determination,
White is for innocence
Brown is the void of helplessness,
You can't make any difference
I finished my concoction,
And then I said this spell
Hoping then against all hope,
That my creation would do well
"All my colors, all my feelings,
I have cast into my pot
All of these have raged inside me,
Not one have I forgot
This stew of my emotions,
From the strongest to the weak
I command you now to mix,
While these words I speak."
Then a cloud of mist arose,
And drifted through the air
And then when I could finally see,
At my creation I did stare
All those colors swirling 'round,
The Red, the Green, the Blue
My Emotion Potion now was clear,
What happened to my brew?
I scooped some up into my hand,
And carefully took some sips
Many thoughts raced through my mind,
Then a smile crossed my lips
This was it, it actually worked!
The smile spread across my face
I dated and labeled my creation-
"Beginning of Time: The Human Race"
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No wind
No breath.
No crickets
No frogs.
No laughing
No crying.
Peaceful Quiet.
No pains
No screams.
No people talking
No animals howling.
Absolute deafness.
All before us
Before life
Before... anything.
Peace. Quiet. No noise. Silence.
It was good.
Now is cheering
Now is noisy
Now is crying
Now is humming.
Now can be quiet.
Now is... also good.
Later will be loud
Later will be quiet.
Later will... probably be good.
Like before... Like now... Like forever.
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A slight smell of sulfur-
the lighting of a match
Takes only once spark to ignite the wick
The candke burns steadily, readily, anxiously;
the wax drips in teardrops-
shed for the burning soul
The flame dies slowly...
and with it my heart.
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Phantom Hearts
The gloomy mist surrounded the dead, hollow trees under the failing light of the half moon. She crunched frosted leaves underfoot as she crossed to the illuminated granite in the center of the clearing. The man she loved waited here for her every night, faithfully devoted to their clandestine desires. She pushed back the hood of her woolen cloak, smiling at his chisled facial features. She kissed his stern, unyielding lips, stroked his gray hair, and danced alone on the well-trampled dirt and lillies above his bed.
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My soul feels ancient,
Like I've lived an eternity upon this soil:
My eyes are tired,
They have seen too much
My tongue is worn out
I have spoken too many times of the past, the future
My hands are knarled,
Too much work has been cast upon them
My heart is weary,
It is time to pass this immortal curse on to another
And bury thses ancient feelings within.
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The Plea
I have climbed the mountain to solitude
-Scaled to the top of the Earth-
To be in peace and meditation, to pray
-To be heard-
But the silence, broken only by occasional thunder, is all I can hear
All that is there, all around me
I open my eyes, confused, knowing I am not alone
But wondering why I have not received an answer
I try again, more elegantly, fervantly
-More loudly-
But once more, the absence of noise broken only by the falling rain are all that greet me
I open my mouth, allow my petition to go up in
-Begging to be heard, for a reply-
I shout until my throat is raw, my voice hoarse,
And my skin sheds drops of blood...
But my agonizing echo is all that returns to me
I stagger to my feet, broken, weary and discouraged,
And the sky suddenly opens above me-
Allowing a small shaft of sunlight to break the clouds
-And lighten my path back to the low country
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Have you ever walked along a sandy beach before high tide? Did you notice the garbage scattered about the shoreline, forgotten by the day's visitors? Cigarette butts, pop tops, styrofoam cups and plasic wrap. It's not a pretty picture when trash mars this once-beautiful landscape of granite crystals. But when the sun goes down, the water's edge creeps higher and the ocean reclaims what it owns. Come morning, the light rises on a new scene; one of imaculate splendor. The beach is untouched by human feet and not a trace of mankind can be found. Just sand, water, and sea creature, waiting for the cycle to begin again.

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~Love is cuddling together on the couch on a rainy afternoon, sharing a blanket, watching some movies, and just passing the time together.
~Love is going for a moonlit drive and then pulling over when you see an empty parking lot so that you can get out and dance to the music playing on the radio.
~Love is making a dinner date of leftover pizza, because you know that any evening is special just so long as you are with each other.
~Love is walking down a sunny street, holding hands, and smiling at everyone, because that is how happy you feel on the inside and you simply have to let it out.
~Love is knowing that you have found someone, that someone, and you will never let go, and neither will they.

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I Dreamt
I dreamt of you again last night,
of your bright eyes and warm smile
You held me again last night,
in a loving embrace that will never end
You kissed me again last night,
and ignited that familiar fire
You danced with me again last night,
around and around in graceful circles
I dreamt of you again last night,
and my pillow was soaked with tears.

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Life is a script you don't get to rehearse
Just a whole bunch of costume changes and "stage rights" written by someone else
And you have to follow, or get fired
Sometimes, if you're lucky, the audience will understand and applaud your performance, even if you are as lost as they are
But sometimes, it's crickets
And one day, after the best show you ever put on,
The lights will go down,
The curtain will fall,
And the director will yell, "That's a wrap!"

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First Kiss
I've been waiting for this moment,
for your eyes to meet with mine
When I could see that you agreed
the time was finally right.
It seemed to take forever
for your lips to reach for mine
But the moment was just perfect;
the feeling was divine.
Racing heart and tingling toes,
My hand held fast in yours
I never want to pull away
From this kiss, this love, so pure.

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Remember Me

~Do you remember me?
I’m the girl in the second-hand jeans and faded t-shirt. The girl whose hair was never quite perfect, and who always had a blemish somewhere on my face. I’m the girl that you called gross.
~Do you remember me?
I’m the one who tried to skip my turn in gym class, who always felt too embarrassed to play anything. I’m the one who ran too slow and panted afterwards. I’m the one you hated to have on your team, the one you called Fatso.
~Do you remember me?
I’m the smart kid who sat in the front of the class and answered all the questions. I got the hundred-percents and was the teachers’ pet. I’m the kid you threw spit wads at and called a nerd.
~Do you remember me?
I’m the girl who tried to fit-in by going to the dances on Friday nights to show my school spirit. I’m the girl who had to leave the cafeteria when the love songs started to play because I had no one to dance with. I’m the girl who you all laughed at and called a loser.
~Do you remember me?
~Of course you do.
~But you don’t recognize me.
Because now, high school is over and life has begun. Gym class no longer determines social status, my clothes fit my personality, and my knowledge has taken me very, very far. And standing here today, in Love’s arms, the only thing that you can call me is happy.
~Now, remember me.

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Shades of Gray
Is there such a thing?
Emotions suffering.
The difference is in you.
Go make your dreams come true.
It’s how you see it in your mind.
The emptiness you find.
It’s really up to you.
Gray blocks your heart from view.

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Absolutely awesome
Mysterious and strange
Adamantly truthful
Zero-dollar price tag
Invincible, yet vulnerable
Newly found, but old as time
Giving of itself, not asking for much in return

Long-lasting when well-maintained
Overpowering all common sense
Vengeful if scorned
Everywhere we go, there it is

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I Do
As I stand here, looking into your eyes, I know that I will still be looking at them even when they are wrinkled and crinkled with age.
As I stand here, holding tightly to your hands, I know that I will still be holding on to them even when they are weathered and gnarled by work.
As I stand here, kissing your lips, I know that I will still be kissing them even they are hidden by snowy whiskers.
As I stand here, saying the words ‘I do’, I know that it means ‘I will’ get the chance to say ‘I have’ as we reflect together on our life.

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Growing Up
A little girl, trapped inside
Wearing a white dress and piggy tails
Crying, sobbing, wanting out
Back to where she used to be
To the place she knew, and loved,
To family, friends, good times
She's so sweet and innocent
She just wants the chance to live again
But instead, she's dying,
Trapped inside Me.

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I'm Afraid:
I'm afraid that you don't love me like you say you do
I'm afraid that you do the things you do only because you think you have to, not becuase you want to
I'm afraid that when you look at me, all you see is a girl, and not your girlfriend
I'm afraid that you let your friends influence you too much, tell you that you need to be 'da man'
I'm afraid that my decision will ruin us
I'm afraid that all my feelings will be destroyed
I'm afraid that everything I've worked for, all the dreams I built, were for nothing
I'm afraid that now, after all this time, you'll tell me you've made a mistake
I'm afraid.

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When the leaves of green turn to orange
And the skies stay blue less and less
When the sun shines bright but the air is colder
When you can see the white wisp of your breath

When dew turns to frost on your windshield
And the flowers close up their bloom
When the farmers gather their harvest
And the children go off to school

It is autumn.

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Here I sit, gazing up at the stars,
From a blanket on a house roof far below
Tiny little crystals, dancing through the night
I’m mesmerized by how they gleam and glow.
Like so many diamonds, caught in black velvet,
They sparkle and shine in bright splendor
I close my eyes and sigh in content,
Knowing the stars will burn on forever.

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Two worlds collide
When the sun is high
And a harsh wind still blows from the north.
One army recedes
And death turns to green
And the survivors, still bundled, go forth.

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When you are this close to me,
I get more than just a shaky hand-
My heart trembles as well.
When you look into my eyes,
I see more than just yours-
I stare into the kindness, goodness, and inner strength that makes you what you are.
And when we are alone, face-to-face,
Your kiss touches more than just my lips-
It reaches my very soul.
When our emotions intertwine,
It is more than just a like-
It’s a love far deeper than any romantic’s ocean and outlasts any poet’s time.
And when I awake from this dream, realizing that it wasn’t true, that you’re still there,
I’m still here,
It’s more than just hurt-
It’s brutalizing agony and torment.

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True Happiness
Have you ever lain on your back in the tall reedy grass of a rolling meadow? Smelled the wild flowers and the felt the tickling of a butterfly’s wings? Have you ever stared up into the perfect blue sky for so long that you thought you were falling into it? You had to reach out and grab a stalk of goldenrod just to make sure you were still firmly grounded… Have you ever stayed there all day long, until the fireflies competed with the beauty of the stars at dusk? Then I say, you have known true happiness.

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60 Years
Let people think I'm too young
Let people say that it won't last
I've waited my whole life for this
I won't let this moment pass.
Two decades and two years
Is long enough to be alone
I am done with my soul-searching
I am ready to move on.
It used to be "romantic"
When you fell for your first love
Now everybody questions it
Say we haven't seen enough.
But I'm older than you think
And I'm not one to be naive
I've looked around and taken notes:
This is what was meant for me.
I'm not going to back out
Nor will I change my mind
And come the 15th of September
He'll be in black and I in white.
I know he's not perfection
And the same is true for me
But together we are better
We are whole, we are complete.
So my lovesong may be flat to you
And my story may be dull
But it's my life, my dream, my love
And I intend to live it to the full.

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Anticipation of the Fall
Her teardrops fall to the rhythym of her fast-beating heart,
Unsure of the future
Frightened of the past.
Her hands shake as she fastens the barrett in her hair
And reapplies her mascara for the third time.
She eagerly waits to see his charming smile,
But shudders as she imagines it turning into a disappointed frown.
And that gentle light that beams from his eyes...
She can already see it fading, like cooling ashes.
His voice, so soft and sweet on the phone,
Will soon become harsh and relentless, like the others.
She's stood at this door a dozen times, excited for what was to come-
Only to have it slammed in her face, breaking the fragile remains of her heart.
Before this beautiful new journey has a chance to begin,
She sees it ending,
And gives up before it has a chance
To give up on Her.

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The following are pieces by friends of mine. They gave me permission to use them, and their names are included beside each one.

My Philosophy, Jeremy Reiter
If I ever had to choose between a lover and a friend, I would choose the lover over that friend as long as I had the friendship of the lover. That is all that I need! There will be many friends in one life time, but fewer true lovers.

Change, Jason Gilbert

Everything changes

That is the great force that drives life and the universe

All things change as time passes and when the spinning of time brings back the present of yesterday the world has yet moved on.

This is the great equalizer of all. Man, animal, and space all move endlessly through time never escaping the eternal dance that shall forever bring all things back to the beginning only to move past on to the future that is both tomorrow and yesterday while not quite being either.

It is through this understanding that one can begin to grasp the boundless wonders about us. For all things are trapped by time down to the atoms and quarks that form all while being nearly empty. Once the mind begins to dwell on this then you realize that the body is made of atoms that in turn are mostly empty space. All of life is changed and directed by the atomic strcuture and the atomic structure is made of space. It is in this space that time can be felt and watched as it passes.

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Well, that is my site and my work. Thank you for taking the time to get down to this message. I will periodically try to update this as my mind spits more ideas out at me, and if I happen to have the time.