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The life of baddhabbitt
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Endings and Beginnings!
Mood:  down
Now Playing: A real tiny violin comparative to the world!
Topic: Blogging decisions
I have decided to move over to my own live space and to MySpace for the blogging that in the past was in Pat’s live space.  I can’t remember her passwords like I used to and sometimes I feel like writing something down for your prayers, considerations, or just nonsense.
Pat was home for about a week.  She was doing well, the doctor’s told her if she would continue drinking at the least two liters of liquids (Gatorade, Ensure, tea. water, coffee and even her beloved Diet Dr Peppers) along with her medications; this included 3 injections of a med that slowed her output from her stomach, giving it time to pull nutrients that her body needed to stay the dehydration that she battled with.  The dehydration usually brought on kidney failure or blood infections.
When the pharmacy gave me her meds for home they only had three vials of that particular medicine, promising that they would have they supplier send more overnight. Those three vials only lasted 5 days and no more of it came in for four days.  By then Pat was unable to sign her name, the president was Osama Bin Laden and all her answers to me were either a yeah or ok.  She did not eat anything the day before I took her to the Montgomery VA ER(not Birmingham this time).  The night before I did not sleep and about 3:oo am I found two bags of sodium chloride from one of her earlier stays at home.  I dripped the first bag within 45 minutes and the second I dripped according to earlier directions, 3-4 hrs.  They seemed to help her strength only, not her mind.
She has been there since Sunday evening about 3 pm and today is Thursday the 25 of Feb.  Right now they are trying to stabilize her and get her strong enough to be move to a nursing home there in Montgomery.  Yesterday when I talked to her nurse and was told there was really no change.  She just stares at the ceiling or where ever her eyes interest her, all her answers are “yeah & OK” no matter what the question is.
I wonder if the reason God doesn’t just take her home is because of my selfishness in wanting my wife.  Sorry, tears, gotta stop.

Posted by amiga2/baddhabbitt at 12:01 AM CST
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Saturday, 2 February 2008
From the Headlines of the Onion News
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: When His Anus Didn't Leak

CARSON CITY, NV—Looking out his window as the cars zoom by and a jet plane rumbles overhead, 87-year-old Hank Fletcher sees a world far different from the one in which he grew up. In his day, the retired factory worker says, life was simpler. The streets were quieter, people were more polite, neighbors all knew one another, and his anus did not emit oily discharges of liquid stool.

To read the whole article go to the ONION

Posted by amiga2/baddhabbitt at 4:32 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 2 February 2008 4:33 PM CST
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