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caminando en la lluvia contigo.....
Friday, 7 January 2005
FiLl iT OuT
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: youre some kind of miracle-kelly clarkson
Topic: lalalal
1. Give me your number?

2. Let me kiss you?

3.Would you kiss me back?

4. Watch a movie with me..even a really sappy one?

5. Take me out to dinner?

6. Take me somewhere/anywhere?

7.Take a shower w/me?

8.Be my gf/bf?

9.Have a fling with me?

10.Listen to me if i called crying, even if you were out with all of your friends?

11.Buy me a drink if i didn't have money?

12. Take me home for the night?

13. Would you let me sleep in your bed?

14. Sing car kareoke with me?

15. Sit in the doctors office with me cuz i didnt wanna go alone?

16.Re-post this so i can fill it out?

17.Come pick me up at 3am cuz my car died?

18.Do you think im pretty, beautiful or hot?

19. Do you like my style?

20.Do you think im funny?

21.Do you care about me?

22. Would you cry if I died?

23.Would you stop me if i tried to commit suicide?

24.Would you dance with me?

25.Would you sing happy birthday to me?

26.Would you hold my hair back if i was throwing up at a party from intoxication?

27.Would you sing to me in public?
plz fill it out n post~ i wanna kno wut u think~!~!

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 10:29 PM EST
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Thursday, 6 January 2005
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: low- kelly clarkson
Topic: hehehe
so0o. had a pretty boring day. man, world history is such a drag. drives me insane. lol. my light on my fish tank isnt working, so its all dark!! >:O going to get them tonight though!!! wo0oho0o! its finally the right temperature, ad styaying there. lol. spa sydell saturday! yesss. lol. cant wait, i need it. had jazz band today, first one. lol, i need to learn some theory b4 i can lpay my part, its hard as shiz, cuz i dnt kno my blues scale, or like, my dorian or mixolydian. got guitar parts......dunno wut those mean. wut is a Dm7?? lol. daddy can show me tht tho. n i hav to pay this on vibes, so i ned to work on the 4 mallet thing. haha. crapola! well, i gotta finish hw n stuf.......lata!!!!!!
if hes not the one i sure wish he was!!!

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 6:40 PM EST
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Wednesday, 5 January 2005
bak to skool....bak to skool.....
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: i believe in a thing called love - the darkness
Topic: my day~
so i made a live journal today, but i cant formay it or ne thing.....this is way easier. lol. a lil less stuf available, but better. and i can make a website, which i am gonna learn how to do! lol. so0o, ill just use this, but the last entry where there is a < maybe its a > there was like, 2 more paragraphs tht i wrote, and i realli liked em. i was being insightful, and now i dont even know wut i wrote, cuz its gone!!! >:O o well. i wanna change the background n stuf on this page, but it slows my comp down, and my browser is slow, then it just stops, but w/e at least i can figure it out! hahaha! so0o0o. i guess thats it. gotta read the iron lance. diaz way better then polous!!!! wo0oho0o!!!!!!!!!! lol. later~

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 10:09 PM EST
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Friday, 31 December 2004
dont drink-its bad for u!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: john maier....i love his music
Topic: today
so0o happy new year. i could b lik everyone wlse n tell u my resolutuions......but y bother. aha. i dnt hav ne ne wayz. ne thing i wanna do i do it wen i can i sieze the moment not wait for some gay made up reason for ppl to get drunk n shoot off fireworks to make a change in my life. lol. <
*today i went to walmart with ali to pik up stuff for the ski trip. yay! funfunufun! then we went to mall. exchanged her shoes. they so pretty. then got me a bookbag. big fat n red. haha! then i came home. talked online. thought about vince n how much i love him. *wuts new* lol. oo!oo! they hae these little 12oz bottles of coke now! i got a case of them for the trip. they are so0o cute! lol. i like small things. wow, i am actually writing a bunch. lol. i havent talked a lot today, so ya. need to vent my thoughts. watched collateral with tom cruise n wuts his face. lol. denzel washington mayb. i dunno-w//e. good movie bad ending. jeez!!!! can no one write a good ending anymore?? does life always have to b a mystery?? i wopuld like to c one good movie. just one. a new release that doesnt have a droppff ending. darkness had it, this one had it. all scary movies resort to that now because they dont want a mass murder scene for the end. writers today are getting so unventive. haha. i dfont think thats a word, but it should b. maybe theres someone my age that will learn how to write well enough. onli person i have in mind is kristie. maybe eri, but her movies would b a little -off- i guess. maybe some hidden talent somewhere. i dont know. whatever. white noise better not b a dissappointment. i think i am already freaked out about that one. the ideas in it are scary. i hope i can go c tht with vince soon. coming out thi friday, spa sydell saturday. sundays suk for weekend maybe. i hope. id love to c him again. i just realized valentines day is right around the corner. :) yay! haha~man, i dont wanna mak yall read ne more. if u even read all of this~ haha! yea. bye!

*ski trip tomoro* WO0O0O0O0O0OHo0o0o0o0o0o

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 10:47 PM EST
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Thursday, 30 December 2004
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: "im a believer" -the monkeys *oldies rok*
Topic: eeeee
so0o. saw Darkness with Vince today AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it was so0o0o awesome!!!! haha.
-"the darkness eats my pencils!"
-"NO WAY! it eats mine too!!!!"
*so yea.....i got a big box of choclate too! haha! yay! hes soo0o0o0o sweet! i kno its love. gotta b. omg, its crazy. lol. we got stuk in rush hour traffic. he was supposed to b somewhere b4 6pm and we got to my house at likke 6:05. god im crazy about him.






<3in love<3

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 10:32 PM EST
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Wednesday, 29 December 2004
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: every love song ever made
man, me n dodo*kels* were talki bout hr n colton n me n vince. how do u kno when its meant to b.......cuz this is. y should i sleep when my reality is better then a dream? i trust, understand, and wish i could c him more. i cant wait for tomoro. i never want it to end.....

i am so lucky to have you

how did u find me?

"werent u the girl i met there?" - "werent u the guy that stole my heart"

LoVe LOVE love lOvE lovelovelovelovelove


Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 11:24 PM EST
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Tuesday, 28 December 2004
yay for fishy
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: nutin
Topic: my day~
so0o i got my fishy tank set up.....but its too cold!!! it has to b 75 degrees and it not even 64!! i need a heater~ lol. not much else to today. vince soon.....stuk in OH cuz of snow storm....UGH!!soon.....then ski trip!! yess!~~ cant wait to go....packin with ali the 31st n 1st. cant wait to goo0o0o0o! lol. we had voer 2,000 come to christmas eve services. wow! thats a lot of people! lol. i got a headache. im convinced that its these ponytails. i miust b pulling them too tight. lol. bumemr. haha!! drum lesson tomoro from 430-530 here at tha hizzy with guess tht all i gots to say~!~ pc out homz. hav a good new years~

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 7:52 PM EST
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Tuesday, 21 December 2004
my birthday!~!~
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: "happy birthday"
Topic: YAY~~~~~~
so yesterday was my bday!!! woohoo. lol. woke up, went uhm, wut i do? oh ya. went to tha mart downtown. that was loads of fun. huge place. 22 floors, 3 buildings. wow! so man stores. and the thing is, i get to buy stuff at the real price, stead of wut u pay in stores. onli special ppl can go there, n my mom went n she was like, can ashlee come too, so i went n it was great. lol. but no hoo. after that we came home, and went to longhorns for dinner. yummm, ribs. lol. then to go get nikki, then to the play at curh. watched csi miami. sleep. now i here. nikki not up yet. lol. shell get up round 1230. lol. ppl coming over at 6. bowling at jillians. pizza whereever we go. back here later tonight. yay! lol. i guess tht about it!~ later!~!~!

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 10:07 AM EST
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Thursday, 16 December 2004
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: dr phil tune....
Topic: my day~
so on math final.....78~ :'( xpected mucho better. oh well. language arts, i dunno, he hasnt posted, uhm, chem....i got a 93~~~ so i got a b in tha class!!!!! yay!!!!!!!! lol. history wasnt too bad, cp test lol. got a 91 for final grade in there~ uh,, xpect to do well tomoro, cuz it spanish and band. lol. easy. but....i think i got strep or like, tonsilitis...cuz my throat is swollen. and i cant swallow. i got to go shoppin with michael kels*dodo and abby with david saine for the thing we did at church. it was so cool. we went to MCHS to get a family or sumtin to sponser, and they were all gone, but like, 5 mins b4 we got there a family was the day b4 it was due, and the office was freakin out, then we came in. they were so happy. thing was, we were an hour later then pl;anned., so yah. good things happen....yay for christmas time. boo for strep. lol. vince gonna come c me sometme when he gets back. he said hed bring me soup, cuz i cant swallow. lol. hes so0o0o sweet! i couldnt ask for ne thing more. hes in furman, doesnt kno how much he got yet hto....i kno thats where hes going tho. it has to b. he doesnt deserve ne thing less. i guess ill go now, i should rest so i dont et knocked out tomoro tomoro n fail the easy ones. lol. gl to all on the rest of tha finals....:) merry christmas/haukah/kwanza!! yayfor my bday (MONDAY) :):):)

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 5:48 PM EST
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Tuesday, 14 December 2004
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: low-kelly clarkson
Topic: eeeee
so saturday i talked to vince. omg, its been a while! made me realize why i still wait to see him....talked to him today on tha phone for bout an hour. it was awesome!! he probly leaving saturday, so he cant come to tha wedding....but he still not sure. i can still hope, but i kno i will c him sometime over the break!! b4 i go skiing. he offered his snow board, but i dont think i could handle i so coted bout the wedding, my bday, christmas, ski trip, right now weddng and ski trip takin top priority....hehe. i could go get my dress today, prob do that tomoro need bobbypins n stuff too. ashleigh smith doing my hair for the wedding. yay! lol. wut else is there to say? finals....ewwwww! appt with counselor friday to get out of devil ladys class....ugh! finally! lol. hm, wut to bring with to finals, it just doesnt seem like it time if i get like, a 88 on my math final, i can get an a in tha class!! wo0oh0o~ lol. GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS!!!! :-D

Posted by amiga2/ashy0 at 5:59 PM EST
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