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Antonio (Tony) Yanez Home Page

My Angelfire Geneology Page.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. This is my effort to locate my ancestors. Much of the information is gathered from rumors. Things that I heard as I was growing up from my parents and uncles and aunts. Unfortunately, these sources have died and I have very little information to fall back on. Hindsight is 20/20 and now that I am getting older I realize that these individuals were responsible for who I am and who my children will emmulate as they also grow older. I am the grandson of Antonio Yanez and Petra (Herrera) Yanez. My grandfather was born in 1864 and married my grandmother in 1891. Much of the information about them was gathered from and Frio County. They are buried at Longview cemetary with my uncle Simon, his wife and a daughter. There is also another uncle buried there, but I never got to meet him. I am the son of Ambrosio Yanez and Tomasa (Castano) Yanez. My father was born in 1899 in Devine, Texas. My mother was born in 1900 in Lytle, Texas. They married and lived most of their lives in San Antonio, Texas. They had many children and I am the sole male still alive from that union. Alfredo was the oldest he moved to Chicago, Illinois and lived there most of his life. Trinidad was second he stayed in San Antonio. He was exceptionally tall and was very proud of having served in World War II. Emillio also served in World War II as a tail gunner and once sent a post card home that read "Look out! Emillio is flying the airplane". Fredrico was a twenty (20) year old marine when he died suspiciously while under police custody. Alfredo died and was burried in Chicago. Trinidad, Emillio and Fredrico are burried at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetary in San Antonio. Amborse (junior) was two years older than I and was known as "Killer" by many of his friends. I don't know if it was because of his good looks or because he liked the music of Jerry Lee Lewis. He was the person with the million dollar personality. He died last year (2003) and was buried at San Fernando Cemetary in San Antonio. I had four sisters, two are still living today. Maria Aguirre, and Tomasa Rymers are their names. Eloisa Morales was the eldest (born 1924) daughter. She had a rock steady personality. She would stay the course come hell or high water. She died 17 June 2004 after 80 productive years. Elvira Chavarria was the most attactive of all the daughters, she was a little on the wild side and will be missed for many years. Please come back and visit again! I promise to keep adding more information as I find out more about my grandfather and gradmother and their parents.

My Favorite Web Sites

Yanez Antony (1970 - Present)
Navarro Angel (1758-1808)
Navarro Jose Angel (1784-1836)
Navarro Jose Antonio (1795-1871)
Navarro Jose Luciano (1800-1869)
Navarro Jose Eugenio (1803-1838)
Navarro Nepomuceno (1810-1877)
Navarro Jose Angel (1828-1876)
Angel Navarro letter to Houston
Navarro Antonio Victor (1886-1936)
HERRERA, SIMÓN DE (1754-1813)
HERRERA, JOHN J. (1910-1986)
Vicente Yanez (1460-1523)
Juana Navarro Alsbury
