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Traditional Simplified Chinese Converter

Traditional Simplified Chinese Converter is a tool to convert Traditional Chinese to Simpified Chinese, and vice versa.

e.g. 1 
YCoding coder = new YCoding();
String tc = "\u78BC" ; 
Strint sc = coder.convertString( tc, coder.UNICODET, coder.UNICODES );
result: sc = "\u7801" 

e.g. 2 
YCoding coder = new YCoding();
String tc = "碼" ; \\ & # 3 0 9 0 8 ;
Strint sc = coder.convertStringW3C( tc, coder.UNICODET, coder.UNICODES );
result: sc = "码"  \\ & # 3 0 7 2 1 ;

For enquery, please mail to ycoding@hotmail.com