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Hopefully i can have enough disk space for this... I'm sorry that they're kinda cruddy looking and not really laid out properly...
this is just to get them up :)


Karla and me on a coaster

Bev and Pat

Bev and me before going on Valhalla, the water ride

Molly and me

Pat and me racing ponies on the carosel (I won!)

...and Molly the wuss posing outside while we're getting soaked

...and Molly, Karla, and Katie still waiting

The boat to and from Ireland

Karla on the boat from Ireland

Molly, me, and katie on the Boat

Me, Katie, Molly, and Karla with a cow in Dublin

Me and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the wax museum in Dublin

...and Karla with the same

Guinness--Like the lady said, "Now there's one for your parents." Hahaha

I think it may be love

What would a visit to the Guinness brewery be without the free pint of Guinness at the top???

You thought we could resist???

...and Katie--just chillin'

We went to an Equine Therapy Centre where they swim horses in a pool.
We all got to do it! Here are some of the pics:

Me swimming Velvet

Velvet paddling away

Alright... that's it for now... hopefully some more will come later! (I love you, John!)