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(An Affiliate of Witt Publishing)

1. Email all of the following information:

a. Name of item you would like to list for sale,
b. A brief description of the item,
c. Condition of the item; i.e., "new," "like new," "used-very good," "used-good," "used-average," "acceptable," etc.),
d. Your asking price (please note this is NOT an auction site - list the total price you would like to receive for the item),
e. Estimated total weight of the item (so shipping cost can be estimated and assessed accurately),
f. Your name, email address, address, and phone number,
g. Attach to the email one picture in jpg or gif format that clearly shows the item you wish to sell.

2. Witt Publishing will respond via email as to whether your item is appropriate for listing in Dymensionz.

3. If approved for inclusion, Witt Publishing will program the information and photo of your item into the Dymensionz web site.

4. Should you desire to change your listing details at any time, email indicating what changes need to be made. Witt Publishing will make the appropriate changes to your listing.

5. Witt Publishing will serve as an intermediary regarding buyer's questions regarding an item prior to a sale. Witt Publishing will email buyer's inquiries to seller. Seller will email their response to Witt Publishing. Witt Publishing will forward seller's response(s) to buyer.

6. Items are listed indefinitely in Dymensionz for free; however, should you sell your item elsewhere or should it no longer be available for any reason, please contact Witt Publishing immediately so that your item can be removed from the Dymensionz site.

7. When your item sells, Witt Publishing will PayPal to you payment for your item along with shipping charges collected (shipping collected is based on your estimated weight of the item), less the 10% sales commission retained by Witt Publishing. Witt Publishing will email you buyer's shipping information. It is then your responsibility to ship the item to the buyer promptly.

8. Should any disputes arrive in regards to the item (i.e., buyer expressing dissatisfaction regarding the quality of the item), then the seller's contact information will be disclosed to the buyer. It is expected that disputes will then be settled directly between buyer and seller. Witt Publishing does not come into direct contact with items sellers list in the Dimensions site; thus, Witt Publishing is not in a position to verify any seller's claims in regards to items listed. However, it is EXPECTED for sellers to be honest in their descriptions of their items for sale and to ship items to buyers promptly. Should any seller intentionally attempt to use this site to defraud buyers, such seller's contact information will be reported to authorities who govern fraudulent activity on the internet.

9. Witt Publishing reserves the right to govern what items are included in the Dymensionz web site and to remove any listing at any time. Witt Publishing also reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time without prior notice to sellers.

10. All sellers listing items in this site agree to all the terms above and agree to indemnify Witt Publishing from any and all legal pursuits.

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