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My Diet of Life


Okay, I know this is gonna sound stupid, but what's the purpose of life? Why are we here? To feel pain? Misery? Suffering? Or are we here because we're being punished? Or is this supposed to be rewarding?

Welcometo my life.

What do I feel? I feel pain. Loss. Even though I didn't know Brent all that well, I'll always remember him as the guy who used to show me his pictures of racing cars, hot red with flames...
But where is he now?? Where did that boy that could draw hundreds of cars with a passion? The boy with an appetite for life? Where did he go?
Okay, I know he's gone. But I was just thinking, WHERE is he? I mean, really? Did he go onto another life? Reincarnate? Did he go to heaven? Is he a baby right now, just being born?
I dunno. This is just sad.
I'll never forget the 2 days, Dec 4th and 5th, 2001.

Okay, finally, after... uhh... 4? years of not touching this webpage that I made, I'm back here again at square one... great... Well I decided to change this into my on-line journal thing so, enjoy :)