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Take a break from life - watch Sprites revel in their delights!

Nymph & Satyr  Satyr & Satyr  Nymph & Nymph  Satyr & Nymph 
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Sprites, the latest creation of the artist Robert Shekter, creator of the Shekter Troll Monkey/Troll Doll, now come to you in the form of figurines. Sprites originally were seen cavorting through the pages of the author Isabel Allende's "Aphrodite." Ms. Allende is author of "House of The Spirits" and "Eva Luna."

Catch a Sprite!

The Sprite series of collectible figurines currently features four sculptures making up the "Hilarity" series. Sculptures measures 6.5 inches high, 5 inches wide, 6 inches long

Sculptures available as:
Nymph riding Satyr Nymph riding Satyr (order code: N/S)
Satyr riding Satyr Satyr riding Satyr (order code: S/S)
Nymph riding Nymph Nymph riding Nymph (order code: N/N)
Satyr riding Nymph Satyr riding Nymph (order code: S/N)

Sprites, based on drawings by the artist Shekter, are created through the lost wax casting process. Shekter oversaw the process from designing of wax sculptures to creation of casting molds. The crushed marble casting process allows for exceptional details to be rendered on the final figurines, from beads in Nymphs hair to hoof on the feet of Satyrs.

Sculptures measures 6.5 inches high, 5 inches wide, 6 inches long.
Shipping weight: 1.5 pounds
Cost per figurine: $295.95
Shipping and handling: $15.00

The first Rustle of wind from nymphs and sprites dancing in the snow is a steamy hello from Olympus, Ho! Ho! Ho! Young satyrs come, old satyrs go, their phantom prints on the snow. Softly, softyly through the night joy and hilarity in flight. From the top of the world feeling no pain we descend from Olympus to greet you again!

Copyright © 2001 The Sprites