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Suicide Aftermath

Suicide survivors (family members & friends of someone who has committed suicide) go through a range of emotions - grief, denial, blame, anger, sadness, fear, & guilt, to name a few. Some survivors suffer from post-traumatic stress, and are at a higher risk of committing suicide themselves.

If someone you know has committed suicide, please do not hesitate to see a counselor or someone who can help you. Talk through your feelings, and know that there is no "wrong" way to feel after a friend dies.

Suicide Survivor's Bill of Rights
by JoAnn C. Mecca

~I have the right to be free of guilt.

~I have the right not to reel responsible for the suicide death.

~I have the right to express my feelings and emotions, even if they do not seem acceptable, as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others.

~I have the right to have my questions answered honestly by authorities and family members.

~I have the right not to be deceived because others feel they can spare me further grief.

~I have the right to maintain a sense of hopefulness.

~I have a right to peace and dignity.

~I have the right to positive feelings about the one I lost through suicide, regardless of the events prior to or at the time of the death.

~I have the right to retain my individuality and not be judged because of the suicide death.

~I have the right to seek counseling and a support group to enable me to honestly explore my feelings to further the acceptance process.

~I have the right to reach acceptance.

~I have the right to a new beginning.

~I have the right to be.